
11 68 Face Book Friends…

11 68 Face Book Friends…

My first coffee at the Arab Bodega was 79…

Sacred Portal Blue Print of Existence…

My Coffee at Starbucks is 68…

Billy Hung has left the play as is should be…

18 Year old Henri is here H E..NRI.. He flashed me a great smile and then went and sat with George…

H B… He is wearing the same color orange which I am wearing around my wrist..

1169… Nnamdi.. Emeka…

11 68… Cecilia Onuabuchi… David (Emeka).. Robert Richard Randall…

C O D E…O I…

C O…D R…E A D..

There were three men… Mexican Immigrant workers it seemed or simply Atzec… Mayans… Little People…

Size only matters by that which is in it…

They were the three who sat at Taylor Avenue.. one was lying down.

I turned my face away – after making a grimace of disgust at the one sleeping there in a drunken stupor.

The other two saw my gesture…

I had made that clear since they began taking over the park, if you are migrant workers, and you are in this country especially now, walking around in packs drunk in the summer is not the best way to go about…

But some of them were quiet clean respectful and conscious of the fact they were invading a space which regulars came, and I knew that it was only a matter of time when one of the gangs who do something about it…

No the cops…

Today they were less crowded around…

3 .. two got up and stood, infront of the railing after I sat on my tree stump which was the only thing left in the shade and it had been three days where I had sat under the blazing sun or stood because these young pack had taken up all the shade.

I sat and then as if by a signal they rose and I saw what they wearing…

I closed my eyes wearily.. then opened them..

One was wearing Dark Blue T shirt with the word Little e on the back in Dark Green.

He was wearing a Burgundy Baseball Cap…

– The Little e.. was represented as a portal by Lil E..

Eric Lile Brown… Eric David Samuel Brown… E D S B…

E D S… David Supreme Being… David Roman Nicolas.. 1968…

He is the one whose body is ageless and whose body transformed through a slight action on his part to literally his arms shoulders and solar plexus Rib Cage into Wings… The Frame of Wings… A Bird…

I knew his body represented the Physical Evolution of the Human Body Form…

Today is 6-19-2018…

F E D S B…. FED.. S B…

Recall that he was the only allowed into the Holy of Holies…

He came to stay, and I had met him through Ravs friend Will Hunnitpercent Real who greeted us with a gift of Liquid Extasy…

L E… E.L…

The other was wearing a Pale yellow T shirt with the letter A.. Which turned out to be I A… then on the chest C A L I F O R N I A… He was wearing a grey undershirt and grey cap…

Which linked to a man who was sleeping near where I sat…

I had observed the play of a man coming to them, he was young, and about their height, he gave them each a dollar- which Ifound abit absurd because the two sitting espeially did not look like they needed the dollar this young man was so generously doling out…

And their faces showed it, but they took the dollar and made some comment…

That is when they stood and went the railing.. I noted thier adult bodies seemed to have been made for Adolscence and you, and was fixedin that state, and having outgrown that age, theur bodies has deformed into the shapes almost mishappan of what Icould see was a former beauty in youthfulness of form…

C A.. LI…F O…. R N… I ..A…


I am the true little e.. called Tall E.. Slim E as identified through Kyle Murphy… It Kills

The only Hue-Man in my family of E…

Only I had a body.. so I was little… but my expression brought them into existence…

As Micheal Belle had unknowingly channeled streamed…

calling me Adam Blue Print… and then confirming that which I had stated I was have been sustaining- the Evolution Awakening of a scale which Humans had long given up on every considering such possible…

I had even stopped Michael Belle to adomonish him to listen tothe Intel he delivers…

He broke into a smile… yes…

The message is not just for me, it is for you to? I smiled midly exasperated.

That is the problem with Bliss…

Kyle Murphy does that too.. he goes into Bliss…

Embrace your Inner Shark was on the T-Shirt of a little boy..

8:42 p.m… Harmony 8..Room 42.. B D..

It showed a picture of Jaws… The Movie I took my first date on in grade 2… Catherine Mcormack… C M.. 3 13… Tel 13 47 313 6778..

And the movie my sister used as a reference and argument as to why we did not move to Nigeria by Ship.

There is another little boy with Superman on it…

There was a police car outside- and three policemen

The police car had the number 180 on it…

License plate H V J 8884…

The mother of the boy with the Jaws T-Shirt smiled at me and wished me and the man who sits to my extreme left, who reminds me of Little e , Keith Grant… Represented by Dette Grant D G.. 4 7… 11 28… 39.. C I…. L…Limitlessess…

I knew the message was for me.

A little girl- with her parents- very much as the one who called out the warning Mocking Birds M B yesterday broke off from the group of Muslim attired women to look at me .. with a look.

I call them the A-Lien Council, the children still linked by the true Matrix Umbilical chord to the Source of Full Circle…

A Man wearing red and the number 5 walked pass with his Woman…

Micheal Belle reminded me that the sun is really red.


R O Y-G, G B… I V….

Kirtan Locket was wearing the T-Shirt with the number IV in roman numerals on a blue T-Shirt yesterday…

Completion of the Rainbow Spectrum…

R O G G B…. I V…

V I B G G O R…R O Y=G, G B … I V…

V I- I V… 6 4…

Completed with Micheal Belle and his release…

e A… e I.A…. e California…. The Golden State.. the 31st…

131… Goktu Dragon Ball Z…. D B Z… Episode 131…

‘Preserving the Land of the Giants 8:59 p.m.

That is on the cover of todays New York Times…

Emmanual OG..

and Micheal Belle are the only two people who gave me a gift of appreciation before they left…

E.M…/ M E..

That is my Nature… I truly say Thank You… I truly acknowledge and appreciate people who helped me, or gave me a gift or went out of their way to do something for me…

When I reached Age 33 and then 43, I knew for sure that I was moving Everything and Everyone and so I knew that in truth all the blessing came through me, but I did not move those who were not in that natural inclination, for that was the gift of their free will and choice to negate and deny.

Those who gave, with such true spirit… Axel Love did, Marina Burini did, and others in moments of pure true clarity, I still thanked, as I thanked Micheal because he and his E-Spirit or the wave, were in perfect harmony…

And so I still give acknowledgment to the individuals will in accordance with the Will of the Wave,

Micheal spoke about how this play belongs to Father…

I did not argue that fact, I know that this is not my way, not my play…

I do not believe in WAR… I instead prefer Anniliation…

I do not believe in Suffering… and that is what war brings…

Suffering Misery…

eI do not believe in Suffering… and that is what war brings…Twith a Clarity so bright that Those going out of Existence bear The Blue Flame of that rage with a greater dignity in almost gratitude of such a force sending them out of Existence, which in its process explains why…

Which is they transform at the last possible moment back into that original light…

And are recycled… But not this time.

Emeka.. or E.R I C.. N NAMDI… D A VI..D…

E N D… Spell the End…

I have already done the D N E… Dne… Dna code…

Love Links L L…

Jack.. J.A.. C.K… E.NDS The B EAN.. B E AM B E E N… S TALK…

No more talking….

No this is not my way, because Suffering will come…

..But I am in agreement because those ruled by the Animal Vibration of Fear need Fear..

While those of the Monstrous mentality .. well they are the examples which warn the Human Animal perception…

While those of the Monstrous mentality ..ll they are the examples which warn the Human Animal perception…

New York Times Intel… ( Link New York and the Duke of Y.O R K..)

Old Terror Turns to Dogs…

Efforts to eradicate the Guinea Worm, a Human Parasite nearly succeeded…

A Collision Over Asteroids…

see Nathan P Myhrvold… ( N P M)

Since 2011 a NASA has NEOWISE has catalogoed 158,000 asteroids..

N P M… who has a Doctorate from Princeton in Physics states that the data from NASA is flawed.

* I have been seeing the code JASA.. since yesterday…

Christo’s 7,506 Barrel Pyramid…

The London Mastaba is 66 ft tall and bobs along the Serpentine a lake in London’s Hyde Park…

My Publishers recommended the Agency I was sent to by Robert -Laurent Lafont was called Serpentines…

It is a code of the River being the Serpent….and the Roads…

England Victory of Tunisia… E T..

The image shows two players in white numbers 19 and 12…

19th and 12th step …At the Court Yard in the Shelter…

Nothing can prevent the E landing now…

Arts Section…

Museums Curators Collect History in Real Time…

a woman holds a sign 6 months is Horrific..N.O..

January to June the last 6 Months added to the play was the entrance from Nightmare to Horror..

Page 4…Stories Behind the Scenes…

Page 5.. A Tale of Raging Jealousy, Agreeably Told..

The Spirit of Jealousy which took over this worlds inhabitants.. except the Naturals..

A Drift in a city where Bang Bang! Is a Greeting

My Welcome from the first day in New York..

My Book 5 .. it starts with Sacred portal 120…

120 in my suitcase…

40 in my wallet…

160 Total…

16 is the number on my Coffee…

P… P A Y… N E… For the PAIN Given ….


9:44 P.M..

Q tips the balance 44 to Expression…

9:45 p.m.

ID.. E..

Expressions brings Clarity… E C.. Harmony.. 8..

Speak Up…

to Hypocrisy Deception..

Be of the Beautifully True..

9:46 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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