
11/6/2018 3:00 – Facebook Post

Imagine Dragons was on Jimmy Kimmel.

Remember then and the play with Big Rotund Carlton?

Thunder, “Thunder and Lightening”

T L.. 20 12…

He was wearing a T-Shirt with 3 King Cobra’s on it,


Z E R O… H ( Z- 26.. 8 H)
H E R O…

From Zero to Hero…


Z 26… Me at 268 East 4th Street,
Arrived there 8-26-2006…. 8 26-26….
Leave that dimension 10-12 years later ( still at 4th street, Delta Manor)
8 8 8… at 24…
And 6 8…

* A strange thing happened on my Samsung Galaxy Phone earlier.
I was filling out, a Samsung App linked to a prize- a Gift of 1000 Walmart Card.
I never bother which such thing, except when I am bored an never finish them..
But for some reason this one which was so, so long, I persisted to the end..
I stated to fill out my address but stopped when I saw the name ‘Santana” – there are many Santana’s so I continued and then stopped again, and saw that it contained all his information but my date of Birth.
Why would a brand new phone and a Samsung app have his name and my date of Birth Code…?

12:58 p.m.

No, I am aware that I was still there in that play of 26 East 4th street and of someone trying to take my I.D of the Evolution Awakening…
That how I met him, a Fury rose in me, a force literally a Gorllia.
A Racist spell of King Kong… 1933 Movie.. 33
The “Bathing Ape” T.. B.A.

The Rockefeller is seated besides me who is ashamed of his black Heritage.
Behind me is Igbo Anthony and a stench suddenly rose up..
Rockefeller links to Rockefeller University . And the Doctor who died at age 97 who molested over 1000 boys..
Yes I was mad to experience it, not raped in this world.( they tried but I fought when they tried)
but in the Spirit realm.. done so brutally that they Bleed…
I bleed.

Stephen Filgueira you asked how I could be in Fight Cub in the Spirit realm and it manifested into this world….?

I have said hardly anything about what I have really had to experience,
made to feel everything, Everything which was done to The Sum Total of Humanities Children, Youth, Naturals

1:08 p.m,
108 usd…
But Fritz Venneiq highest self line Father Natures knows I felt everything and that is was done so visciously to me that it manifested onto my body…

108 Flower of Life.

No, I know what I really endured and so does this man
who lives at 268 East 4th street.
So does my mother and uncle, who revealed it to me by both of them having the same dream, vision of what I was going through.
They live in different cities and called each other only to find the had similar dream.
My Uncle could not express what he saw he was to overwhelmed.

1:13 a.m

That was Mother Day M.D…2016, I was on my way to Erik Ebrghts home after spending 9 months July 19th to April 19th-
Lord Byrons Birthday..
Yes, Link Joseph Byron.
J B 007 my locker when I came back from Miami Erik’s home in
Little Haiti.. You can o back and read.

Actually there were quiet a few who knew…

1;16 a.m

No one cared, but my Uncle. My mother said nothing, she looked away perhaps too much pain… too much…

New York Times.. ‘A Mothers Fury in the Center of a Storm”
Mother of Dragons…

Gorilla’s in the mist.
Dragons Breath.. D B…. Mist all day today and tonight in New York.
Ring of Mist which Fritz, and I experienced in quiet amazement descend from the shy and settle on a small knoll just outside of Pelham Park.

a lot of people knew I suppose, no one really cared…
I understood that…
I hid my bleeding heart and put my best foot forwards..

I came back tonight and saw Theo and Alexis..
I had opened up my computer earlier and found an image with a man with the name ‘Theo” written on it..

He spoke to me about his 18 your old niece and of Family he had to put their place because he was a Bridge child, he was the youngest of his uncles and aunts but the eldest of the grandchildren…
Just like me..
He spoke in codes… he loves Dragons and Dragon Ball Z,
He is tall handsome in a unkempt sort of way and speaks often in stilted English like a Butler.. who can kick butt..
He spoke only one cool uncle in Connecticut ..
Bam El Lobo Vega..
Chris Franco
Stephen Filgueria…

Oh I already know…

1:28 p.m.

So yes.. I knew this song was addressed to me..
I who had to incarnate and be treated as a Zero ..
Literally, the lowliest nothing which any one could insult.
Even encouraged to…
I felt and saw and experienced every … abuse and I could not hide in this reality because it manifested in a spite of saying “I want to make sure that you know, that it is real and true what we have done to you, to your youth..” It is the kind of hatred which astonishes as well as shocks.
Incredulity, that nothing could have this much hate..
It is impossible..
But it made me aware of that it was real – I would see what I could feel hear know as I slept, or walked.. then manifest in my body face…People used to comment about especially when I lived at 268…
People would see the my face when I woke and be startled, commenting that I looked as though I was boxed all nigh.
Other times they would see me in a chair and my head violently being as if punched slapped.
Albert saw… even my deaths, ripped to pieces. betrayals , binds of chain castrated, third eye bleeding. hanged…

Oh I am strong I assure you…
I fought back…
I said I would not weep, I knew that is what it wanted ..
Me to weep and beg…
I did not until.. I just could not take how far it could go, the things it could think of, to intelligence, the deviousness.. how could it know..
And so one day I begged, and I wept…

You have no idea… no fuckin idea what cruelty and evil is… planted in your body like a move but made real…
a Demon King Existential … A Monster in the Heart of the Milky Way..
I is better not to have existed.. the knowledge that such things .. such a thing is possible even if you KNOW it is a Nghtmare which somehow gathered enough power to do … my colon.. my solar plexus… my groin..



I know what it truly feels like to be treated as a Zero..
Ground you to Zero, in front of the eyes of the whole world. family, class mates, all who knew me and perfect strangers..
6 Years 10 month o Facebook..
See what I went through before… each day as I cleaned up the mess of Ages.. The Shit and Excrement transformed into Disease…

Kyle Murphy was given a gift by his cousin after he took Zora the run black cat to Harlem where he had found her a home with his cousin..Zora ( Zoroaster) .

His Kindel has 6 books.. the first he has read is called “Infested”

Humanity had become infested with their on Filthy, after eons of not cleaning their cause and effects.
Their thought expressions, actions gestures..

The Smell here.. coming from ..
Is it Igbo Anthony or is it Rockefeller… sins..
Roberto Munoz came and replaced Igbo Anthony Ottah..
A O…
the smells almost left entirely but still lingers….

No I know what Zero feels like.. true Zero and the will it took and focus and Self Discipline of not dwelling on what was being done to you and your body and being every day as you solved riddles of existence for humans who were made part of the play…

“Let me tell you what it’s like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it’s like to never feel, feel
Like I’m good enough for anything that’s real, real
I’m looking for a way out’

Transform it into the full Circle.. then a “Hole in the Wall”
A Channel..
A Light in the darkness…
An all Seeing Eye…
Two eyes to see…
And the Coco Channel…
Large Intestine
Long Island City has been chosen as the site for
Amazon New Offices…
Amazon RIVER…
B O A…
Coffee at Starbucks tonight
B O A.. Constrictor..
Sun AH.
Prostrate Gland…
Bow with pleasure..
Terrible Pain…


20 16..

Patrick Okolo is a Colon Specialist Doctor at John Hopkins
J.H.. University



2:00 p.m.

you made me say to much E NNA!

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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