
11/6/2018 15:18 – Facebook Post

12:33 p.m.



We are at the tipping point of completion of 33.
Total Solar Eclipse, 2017 which began in Oregon and ended in South Carolina.
33rd State where it began in the U.S.A, like some great Sun Dial, or Mothership’s beam tracing a pathway, a line to the 8th State.
And in it meaning and a message.

In retrospect, it is not difficult realize it’s meaning and summary, but even with foresight of reading ones expression and existence from deep within.

My sacred portal were drawn from deep within and took me years to figure out what I had really drawn and how to use them as tools.
My codes.
My ability cultivated in how to Read patterns.

12:42 p.m.
12:43 p.m.

.. like that.

Patterns and Perfect Timing .
Convergence of meaning.

“If it walks like a Cock, crows like a Cock, fights like a Cock, looks like a Cock..
Chances are it is more than likelk, that it’s a Cock.
And so when it Crows deep in the Night to herald it crows, ” Cock A Do Le Do.o.o!” –
And that a very different kind of Dawn is approaching, the literal light of the First Dawn of Creation Existence Itself in Its awesome mind boggling entirety…

I would pay attention.

33 is C.C. .. it moves numerically to 3 3 3 ..3 3.
3 trinity, 6 six sense, 9 the nine plan-E.T’s 12 months in a year, a cycle completes.
And like the end of school in the Class Room, the doors swing open and “All things bright and beautiful.. play time..
Exploration of your world.

13 Astrological Sign aligned with the numerical sequence of Universal Natures Template and one of the First linking and connecting the dots to form a picture which had meaning right to forming a template, or archetype of the Human Race’s basic nature through a Blue Print.

Sagittarius would be the last before moving to normally Capricorn Pan Land Goat,
* Goat O.. the beginning but of the Cycle once again.. a Man with the Body of a Horse shooting arrows strikes me as the 12th grade in evolution of the years cycle, and as the heavens dictate, there must be Order, Logos, Harmony Music… to its FLOW.
And Reason.

This Sagittarius to Ophiuchus Aclepius Man as the Healer
Excellent Healer would be the Point and portal where the Door out of the Cycle of Capricorn to Sagittarius opens and instead of going back to Cee.Capricorn the Devil, tarot XV.
You would instead the Beautiful Devil is the Excellent Healer.
And that is the 12 cycles, disciples, months, merging back into Their original self in one.
But now they each have their I.D’s and sense of self distinct and apart but can only become Beautiful Harmonious Beings by returning to their Original stare as the 13 who is really the 1 who is 3.. meaning he is 3 and 1..
4.. and his expression when completed is of the 3 and they as 1.
44 8.

Capricorn to Sagittarius
C S.
S.C in inverse if one is looking from outside how does sight work in eyes and in cameras? MW69..
Merge 6+9=15..
Align it to the A.Z conquers language
Latin based English.
Letter O.
Symbol portal circle Opening.
1:15 p.m.
Aclepius Ophiuchus.
A to O ?
No O to A..
O to A Manifestation

O to 1.Mann Manifested


One MANN emerging from the Hole.
As well as the Whole, and from him, because of him, a whole new race of beings rise who are as him, Individually Unique Whole Beautiful Sao.
19 is S
10 is Jay not Ja.. Jahy-Sin. He is the one Balance who did the one action which can not be repeated.
The One J.B.
To Become all must pass his portal
Sagittarius Ophiuchus S O … Lucifer
S O.L.
Sol! The 5th Note.
The Note and Frequency Awareness expression moving through you of the Eternal realm of the E.
Which was planted as a seed of awareness all were encouraged to feed by the awareness within, while refining it by using and crude reality to polish it off of.

S C ..
South Carolina 8th State.
O 8.
O is 15 Awareness Expresses ..Explained.
6 through 6th sense with is the expression which come from “Out of the Blue”
Until C.C becomes 6 number to letter Sound has Meaning… Fact.
Facts are Solid..Truth.
Materialized Nothingness ..
– Meaning.

So with just my codes I can read this.

David Dawn bed 4-017 in 2017 during the Eclipse.

1:38 p.m.
13 8 M.H.

Francis Frick, 2018.
Both placed parallel to my bed as 4-016 And 4-018/19 like an Equal Sign .
And my first bed assigned in the Shelter 5-019
(EOS.. Eos..eo means ‘Dawn”) room 5B is no longer in B, it is now in Room 5C.
KyleMurphy’s Room.
He is bed 5-026….
50 +26 =76
76 is sacred portal Dawn Awakening.

Link Stephen Filgueira. 33 state in 2017.
17 = Q. Quintessential Quintero Quantum
Freddy Mercury F.M. Queen.
Male Band.

1:50 -51 p.m. right now.
O 1
Ophiuchus Ah! Cles PI U.S.
Cles “Keys”
Key to Rise and Shine
( Sunshine State..27 State
Impeccable Politeness
I P ..9-16-2016 Arrived at Delta Manor.
I Patrician Noble.
As are all the E.

I saw 6 likes and the moment I agreed to start posting it moved to 8.

Room 5 C.

Stephen in Oregon 33 to Kyle at 8.
See sacred portal 33.C.C..33 Christ Consciousness.. Rape of little boys, girls hypocrisy greed,

A Terrible Dream

2:01 p.m.

To 8..
Comming out of a Black Hole.
“Love Links Desire.”
D.L ..Lelisa..
Marathon Winner
“I wanted to be a Champion”

Stephen in 50 State.
And 26 Z State the Best State
With ones Best Friend Harmony.
2:06 p.m now..
Ah now, 2:07 p.m


Saw Robert Roberto Munoz first person I saw today on my way out age code 62.
Bought a coffee at the Arab Bodega.
Number on it 62.
came back, he was the first I saw inside..
He is wearing a T-shirt with the number
A B.. E

Agent 47-74.

2:12 -13 p.m
Mr Manhattan
Our version of the blue man…men.
2:14 p.m.




2:15 p.m

2:16 p.m
Beautiful Pride
The bed I now lay on.

2:17 p.m
Being Quantum
Applications from it.

2:18 p.m.

Ralph Breaks The Internet

1 O is

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