
11/6/2014 22:39 – Facebook Post

Game Of Thrones…G.O.T

Truth Of God…T.O.G..

God O Truth.

Now, it all begining to.make sense..

I was asking my inner Harmony (I.H..9.8)

What the Devil is going on, while I watched an Episode of Supernatural the other day, the immediate response was Game of Thrones…

I have been passing through all these human portals who each contain a consciousness which was competing for the Throne of God…
Aligning perfectly with the “Ego” consciousness of the vessel it was in, making them one..
Though not complete…

All vying for a the throne.of God…?

A title which.does not even exists in the realm of the E family those truly complete.

But this was not.case of.the dimension 1-4 called potential of the Black Cat…B.C…
2 3…23 W….Ba at…

Meaning the source as the double W came undercover as Ultimate Death and was the Darkness…The Blackness which was the threat if Unuversal Death…
Not Universal Suffering U.S…which.was the ignorant and the Evil.

And through.this Blindness and blackness of Universal ignorance the potential.called Animal Humans rose.

And had to pass through the seven stages of man and the seven.stages of Evil…
To create light.
They created Gods and the idea of God which was inspired first from survival and thus an appeal to Nature…
But gradually became clearer through self reflection within…

Thus, God was the twin as Maurice meaning the blackness…an illusion….
Which moved, evolved.

Damn… Evolution of God…
Through all the Ideas of God Good and Evil.
Through an exploration and dance btw thier environment and thier constant dance btw life and death…

This is Prehistoric Man…

And when they dance btw the two began to stablize…
They were able to now begin the dance btw Good and Evil in themselves.
That eventual balance of Good and Evil
7-7 finally balanced out at O…

A balance was sustained where two portals in one opened up…
First Contact…
With ultimate Good…Light…
This of course was the Potential for ultimate good in them that some had reached for and sustained.
And it was IS…not Good but Incredibly Beautiful..
The Beautiful Ones.

Yet at the same time, another aspect arose which was the Ultimate Mal…
Beyond even.Evil…
Also the sum total.of them…the tester.

And thus was born God and Satan..
Two illusions of Self created from the balance of the sustaining the hieght of the Human Animal Nature as Good and Evil.

They were both illusions (Angels and Demons) because they were both.reflections of themselves in illusion if what was behind the Light and what was behind the Darkness…
In the Realm of Cecilia…The Blind who had the gift of Sixth.sense…
Meaning that they could hear and sense in the Darkness of Night and in the Light of day, with one eyes-two eyes that which was Good and rhat which is evil.
And they learnt and saw that what came as Good could bring Evil and that which seemed evil could bring good…like the posionous plants and animals.

And so civilization began with.First Contact made with.being of Light and beings of the ultimate night…

Both.bringing with.them Beauty and Mal which me is the only word which goes beyond Evil…
For Evil is that which.lived in this world in.peoples hearts and became the ancient Evil which was still left in this world when everyone began pretend to.be “Good” people.

No, Mal is something not human, not of.this world…
It is of a Universal Evil which had to.be proven.could not exist.
Evil can desyroy a planet…perhaps even a universe…
But Mal…this is something which brings Existential Death (E.D) of All Existence in all Universes bringing All.back to.the Nothingness…

Which of course, I have proven never Existed.
For in the Nothingness was always the Sumethingness called E.

And so, as the world made first Contact with what.they called the Gods, the also.made Contsct with the Evil Gods both self created my man…
But of a Nature beyond mans conception…
Or so they thought.

And the Beautiful Ones activated the Truth of the Good as being Envious Jealous as well as desirous of this knowledge of the Gods…
And the Ancient Evil began to.grow and the Mal was activated in mind body and.soul, Cosmos Universe and Existence…

*Okay a pause… This is a story that I remember but not this version of it…
I can connect the dots but this is Nnamdi Maurice Ojugo Cecilia Story…It is before Mba Afor Ocha…and Odin…
It is Prehistoric or what happened in the Egg when I first.rose and recounted on F.B how I.went to view creation.
But I also stated that a part of me remained behind…
My Espirit to view Creation which became the complettion of Consciousness…and then Devotion with my first encounter with.the man child…and the creation of the water fire Earth Air..
But I also stated I left my body behind which was.at Rest…and a curve which began to acquire musculature…
I am remembering through my body as Death at rest…
That is the view I have never revealed..
There are somethings….


(On F.B…?.this goes too far…).

Okay, so I remrmber the dreaming now through.my.body while my Espirit made solid.the Vision I already knew was real.

But meanwhile another story was forming in the egg…pg E..
The Egg E…

This is Nnamdi Nneka version of the play I did first…
And I saw it all.from that place on.the egg… Not.within,…see sacred portal.2.

Reflected by David Philipe Gil posts I shared…there was a Boy.inside inside with an Indian Headress acted out right her on 4th street 4yrs ago when I found an American Indian full head dress when my.host created.an Arretyto for a young Peter who had been.assisinated.

Then there is me as the winged being…
Then me as a woman Eyes wide open which I testified on F.B when it happened recently…
This was me as the Spy…the Infinity seeing Thus other play of the rise of Mal.and Beauty..M.B…

So…as you can see… Especially the newest.members.of this play, the more I solve riddles, and get.it.correct…the.more the portals yield thier truths.
It has been this way for the last 9-1O years, but then I did not.have to.do it.in.full view in front of the world…
And explain, and be distracted by ppl unaware of just what is really.going.on.

So that Expalins the.excruciating pain now occuring in my.body.
I.have.not gone.out for.my daily “walk” to view.the p.c since I saw Chris Franco and Lady Raz Berry…

Alright, I get it…
The Great Evil and the Mal..
Dominique El Mallah…not her or any.persin but thier names and beings are indicators of the Great Evil was in Egypt and and the great Mal was aligned to that force which could destory…Everything.

Which.means since I am in the simulation.at.4th street, represebting the.pyramids the Great mal would be myself and my.siblings…and bio father Maurice…The Moor
But with me being.the four in.one and thusbthe Great Evil Mal…E.M
And at the same time the Grear Beauty Beautiful from Beyond..
And the dreaming I saw though.nothing to do with.me…grew to.infect the world by no.one taking responsibility for the Evil they created since the begining and the Mal.which rose and.grew….

And yet, it was there in the Awareness of the collective subconscious the “Subcommittee” and channeled through.movies as Green Lantern” and especially comic books and through other.mediums.

The Great Mal was not my problem, it was Nnamdi.and Nnekas…
The play of Apollo.David, Afro dite Dianah…
It was there’s to solve.

The Gods had to be eradicated all those Energies of early.elemental.and ethereal cosmos…
They had to be aligned back.into one…and into the one true father and mother of them all then into the F.M frequency and language of this reality while battling the rage of thier illusions or ghosts out of Existence.
Each occupying a human and all challenging me for what they thought was the throne of God, rhe Mouth.or Say of God, the Power Control…
But instead I was set up by the twins in one by revealing the play.to.me…
Knowing I.could not.help.be true to.my.nature and take responsibility…

And thus, be forcrd to fight Mal.and Evil in me which did not even.exist, was not real while others fought me thinking I was about to declare myself a God…

And thus, I was used by.the One True God unknowifngly as an.example.and why they incarnate in me. As other consciousness of beyond incarnate in.the hueman bodies who proved worthy…

I do not wish to hear this anymore.


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