
11: 55 a.m

11: 55 a.m


And this honors Shanon

Rob Barr’s friend who came with him to the met.

But who is the line of the 7 Sisters

To the Seven Brothers

77 14 50

77 49..13-Nnamdi Rob

A Spy

Undercover from the line of the 7th Note and Rainbow Spectrum.

(R.S…. Yes).

Line of my sister aunts

Matta Hari

The Teachers under the Umbrella Tree of Life.


7..x 4.

7 O 4

Line of Noni Promise

My sister aunt

7-28… 64-65

Original Angel.

Delta Manor

Black Knit Hat

Code marked

115 O A

For the last 15 years, no one has been able to correctly figure out what was, is going on with my Body.

The very thing in the last 10-12 years which by Its Cause and Effect, led me so out of the way off my comfort Zone, and onto the path of No Mans Land

What the Devil is going on with my body?

How was it, is it even possible that a persons Chi could take over Its Host so physically, that It is able to take over both body and being.

It was the one thing which not only set me down this path of figuring out we are at Evolution Awakening.

Everything was waking up, Literally,

Including both Being and Body

Naturalness and Nothingness

Everything had awakened

Except Humanity.

All things are Conscious.

And my own battle to confront that which was taking place within me but seemed impossible to accept…

And my battle to take back control

A Battle which finally forced me to listen, watch and observe what It they the Twins were saying.

Through my writing my speech and physical body movements and sound.

A Battle which brought me to


Where I watched the literal untangling

And unravelling of my Dna

Which is made up of sound

Is a tape recording

And a video projection of the true evolution story of both Body and Being.

Which most of my older face book friends observed me traveling back in time through stream of Consciousness,

Automatic Writing-

Time Travelling on Face Book and in Physical time while walking the City of New York, encountering on the Streets on Homes and on Face Book.

Representatives of every culture…in every part of the Planet.

Through the expression of Dna!

I knew what was happening to me,

I hinted about it, then called it out, shouted it out… And finally explained it.

The Result,

I am in a Mental Health Housing Shelter…

Sent here by mistake- then told to


So it no easy feat what Rob’s friend

Shanon did, when She was able to correctly Identify what was happening to me in only a few hours…

That I had travelled so far back in Time and Space, that I had gone past the Archived Museum A.M

Of Creation and into the 4th Dimension

Inter Stella

Stella Antley

Stella Offorka

Zoro Aster..

To the Five Original Motions

And Expressions

But they are not as Shanons body recognized, like the Movements in the series- rough raw primal

They are graceful, eloquent, fluid and complete…

And the movements started with the fingers and Toes.

Which is why Rob had only one photo of me, of my finger..

And now, recently, one of my hand on a bar with my ringed thumb.

Finger and Thumb.. The Two

And hand.. The Five.

I remember and live those movements everyday

The First Being was,

Is the Eternal Dancer

Which is the name of my

Ist and 3rd

1 3


Journal. Talking to the Silence.

I wrote Rob a text latter telling him that Shannon and the Line she represents as The Teachers Lecturer’s

(She Lectures College Students)

Were safe from Death Disease and Destruction, but they had not passed the test of E

My test to pass through my portal

Which Rob had sailed through..

Empathy Respect…

1:00 pm

Recall the code of 7 being an illusion

Because it is an expansion reflection lesson story of 5.. And 6 6th Sense to Fact?

And Robs link to 7 through his Father

Passed when he was 7

Rob had to rise to 8

Light Clarity E


5 8

By himself only with his mother

Line of the Teachers

704.. 74

1:04 pm


James Dean- Rob.


Died 23-24…

Same Line.

Which he did.

Metropolitan Wood

Woodsman Metropolitan Muse Music

See sacred portal

7… Its is Her Line.



1:08 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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