
11 53… Bed 53… Keith Grant ..

11 53… Bed 53… Keith Grant ..

K G…G K..

11 7/ 7 11..

Bed 49 + 4… 53… / 35…


K E.C… H U E K W U E M E K A.H.

C E K… Creator E.R I C I..D..I..E.. K.OOL.

Sigh this Script… Smh…

8:35 p.m.

Emani… Imani is the name of a woman subway worker sitting to my right said….

MTA.. I saw that I had 125 Facebook friends on my page after trying to get my phone internet to come on. I checked my server only to find that I had, I been tuned to MTA..

My first first thought was the 125 Subway station where I had to post from… The Underground, the Subconscious, the Tunnel of Love…

The Woman called Hopi.. the only person name I got is speaking about Energy Balance and the natural tipping scale of Harmony…

I saw Raheem earlier… the Raheem P of the S S…

Who was here….

And I just ran into Raheem D’Silva… He brought me a book- or magazine… Quick Take Q T… 17 20… Yes the code of the 17th 20;00 Usd Bill. Y…

* Billy Hung.. 500.00 USD… Universal Supreme Devotion..

It is the January Edition Issue 8… Bloom Berg.. ( Berg means Mountain.. Link Ursh Berg..U.B… I knew a Berg in Paris France, lived with him in Place de Voges.. He was German from a very wealthy family…)

The magazine has underneath its main Title.. in red and white..

Hard-To-Explain topics, explained simply..

He had a Kooky smile as he gave it to me…

You recall him, and the Coffee insults… and all the Work.

And how every book he gave me was a reflection of the Story I was in.. Like Harold The American Indian at BRC.. bed 008..

Yes linked to the Burgundy American Spirits I was constantly buying.. Now they are in Torquouse… Again the American Indian jewelry.. To me it is Torquise of the Aegean Sea, the Blue Marina..

Marina Burini

Micheal Belle…

And it states The Future of Work..

He now has a Job, 4 weeks working … in New Jersey…

NJ… He was wearing a Blazer as I am, with a T-Shirt, as I am.

But mine is white with black letters…

And his in red…

His has a rocket in red… mine letters …

Its nit Rocket Science..figuring out the Riddles of Existence, but it does require Love and Devotion..

I did not really smile… He got what he wanted… And I knew that it would come…

Shubhi Gautama pressed Like on post about Gratitude…

Siddartha Buddha Gautama… I said she was of that family line linked to me…

S G.. 19 7…

C.S…Kirtan 3-019…

Code G.S..C S… G C S S../ S S .. C G..S S…

The lady dressed in her work cloths as a MTA Worker is much more and has connected with the Hopi named Lady..

Asked me about Raheem and when I told her what he does.. she said she need to meet him..

I shrugged and went outside saw the a car waiting outside with the license plate 494 LYM…/MY L..IGHT… 494.. I D I..Full Circle..

She is wearing S.L.G….on her white helmet with the American Flag on the back..

She told me her name is APRIL… And showed me her computer is also H P… Make called E N V Y…

Sigh… Spies…

494 L Y M…

Manifest Y.. Male Chromosome.. Kirtan Locket…:Green -Light…

Geoff Lacour…

Belle Vue… Beautifully Seen…

Hmm You are still playing games with me..?

S G L… Stevan Geoff Lacour… S,G L…

Meaning when he met me at Cielo at the Door and I let him in, then met with him at 57 Street.. He already knew my I.D

Golden BABA: G B.. 7 2…And that he represented the Crown..

I was crowned the moment we linked…at 57th Street..E G..

Then when I went to stay with him at Sarah Lawrence .. Lawrence.. Stephan Lawrence…And now the G… Grace…GODE..

Manifest the Song.. Kirtan… Looks like Geoff..

E N V Y… Emeka Nnamdi Victor Yves-Yonathan..

E N V Y Y … E N 50.. 5O… E O… E N E O…

She just told me her name is April…

B 47 G H R…. Joe..Lola… saw him two more times in a row

44 was my Coffee…At the Arab Bodega..

600 Here at Star Bucks…

Hopi… is the was the woman in front of me with her baby..whom April was speaking to…( she just turned to me and said that she does not know why she felt the desire to call me Jean Claude.. Van Damme

Oh and she is not an MTA worker, she is a construction worker…

Hopi Cleansing Journey…

And a handsome elegant medical doctor… crippled.. bent..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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