
11/5/2018 2:40 – Facebook Post

11/5/2018 2:40 – Facebook Post

From Dana Hawkins D H


I am at the computer which David Rockefeller was using,
I, the one the play used in this “Power Play” of the Spirit realm/Mind Games.

There was a jet on the screen saver.
Some one has been changing the screen savers each week to reveal each car with a code aligned to my post.

That is nothing…
It has been like this for me, for the last 18 years.
26 since I realized that my solitude I so sought to escape, designated intentionally so I might stay as an observer outside of life.

(Oh Yes, I thought it impossible too)

The rest of the world is just catching up.
This is not my being condescending,
it was a role I was given to play, and what my True Nature attuned to.
Focuses on
Truth Beauty that which is real.

And I could read.

The codes
I created to decipher, undertand eventually decipher the riddles of Death.

I have been seeing Pattens all my life and then then the Visions, Memories and literally seeing a whole othee reality when I close my eyes lids. ( literally but not all the time)
The simple codes I created as Expressions Play which I interfaced with Natures Phtlysical Blue Print, helped to anchor what I was experiencing was real.
By a Consistent response echoes back to me, outside of Me as fact.

And then my codes enabled me to read and link and understand what I was reading, and what role I was playing even what it wished me to do.
-Play this character whose role was to play the reminder and publicly prove Evolution…

12:16 p.m.

This character was by no stretch the Truth of me.

The screen saver.
This time, it is not a sports car, on the screens, it is a jet plane, a private jet: with the code
N G B O K G…

N G B O. K.G. N G B O.K G

N G is 14 7.. B O… is 20 as 2 O… K G is code Keith Grant bed 53.

147 is sacred Portal Emmy…A B

20 is Sacred portal Lady ECHO… Isabelle Ilic has been incarnating that.

11 7.. Wieght.. Sacred Portal 11 and 7…

*Recall my Weight 206.5 pounds?
That is 14.75 in Stones.
And 93.666824… K.G.


Natures Codes
Terrible Deaths Codes. S.P. 104.
I had to solve.

20 65… T.. F..E… B O.F E
(Being Of E)
14.75… N G… E
93. 66 68 24… I C… Victor David Eon Three ppl here rep this.

V.D.E. Victorious Dawn E.

12:24 p.m right now…

24 people’ Stephen Filgueira said he tagged about my page…

24 is X…

24 B D.. Being Doing… Birth Day

Stephens Birth Day 8-16-1984

Mine 11-28-84 on Facebook.

6… F… Fritz Venneiq linked to Stephen Filgueira. .. F V S F….
F S. V F… FF .S.V…

I saw this post and was simply about to ignore it,
but then I saw the codes of likes and shares.
That is Stephens B D 8-16 backwards.

I am at Delta..
D 8 16
And I was standing besides the person called D who has been wearing a cap with the words “Green Empire” on a Blue Cap-

D-8-16… 24. 6. F. Fritz Francis Filgueira. 666

I know exactly what it means
14 75
14 N. Nature.
G.E. 7 5
G .E.O. G.R .A. P.H. Y. E.
He and I had almost warred ( My Look and Style and Height) until he realized I literally live in from a different dimension
( he sees the magic few others do not see
( my body makes people, uncomfortable but not fearful, startled more like it)

8-16 comments and likes.

I knew it linked to my recent conversation with Stephen Filgueira.
I had just spoken to Stephen Filgueira and text,
I also spoke to his friend Cypres Ducharme
C D,
by his suggestion, which was correct and in Perfect Harmony.
H P 8 16.

H.P Computer

I spoke to her, and could not even converse because of the exhaustion and how I begin to stream, reading subtle energy shifts responding to unasked yet very present questions.
Such exhaustion.. I did what I could and she listened until the phone cut off when I recived a text from Stpehen.
I saw her tel no read the code and knew that I was meant to speak and connect with her.. even for just a moment, this is a higher play


The conversation lasted 11 mins and 33 sec.
She called me at 11:04 p.m.

11 33….
11 Links Kyle Murphy and 33 linked Stephen Filgueira and Fritz Venneiq both linked to code 33 Usd Oregon…33 degree mason 33 christ.. my arrival in New York age 33. 34…
11 04… K O D… Knock Out Delta the 4.

“Forgive then, even when they are not sorry
Let them be right if that is what they need…?

I understand the true meaning behind this,
but this is not a code which can be applied in this reality…

12:43 p.m.
12:44 p.m.

First to forgive them, even when they are not sorry, means that they learn only to take advantage of you again and again.

This works for Naturals but how many Naturals are there left in the world?
A.I has is what Humans have become.
Unamnatural T.V. Programs.
Hitler Jewish Programs
Walking P T.S.D’s

“Let them be right,,?.?”
Ah then they will come back and punish you for even daring to question your right to air your opinion.

No. I will never forgive them,

Nor will I let them ruin forever my Ecstatic Bliss.

See the exhaustion and see the truth of what Hell is.
Being demanded to alert people, who chose no to rise and fight for their Natral Truth.
Sure, there are those who deserved to be helped, to be given a helping hand, but these people recognize the increcible value of that expression the momne is uttered, expressed.
And there is a wonder and a joy and an extraordunary expresion of apprciation and respect for the knowledge but also the messenger..
They do not kill him, her, they do not drown them, stab them in the back over an over again, They do not drink their blood or torment and torture them to explain ove over and over and over and over…
Poison Twist Main Pervert Corrupt their Sources Expression.

The Naturals?
They hear it just once , and they recognize it instantly
Natural Truth.

12:41 a.m.

There is no work.. no convincing ..
all is a pleasure …
That is how my converation, music.. Expression

With Stephen Filgueira it went like though intense.. And apart from some sped bumps at first…
The same with Isabelle Ilic and all the Naturals I met along the way.
But the Delusional? illusionists, by will and choice.
The ones who did not pay attention in the classroom? Did not do their home work.
the ones you must work to convince to, see, hear listen be open..
Who are not interested really except in that the attentions they receive flatter and feed thier Ego, distorted by the view they have constructed of themselves.
For themselves?

These are the beings who tried to drain my essence intentionally…
uncaring, indifferent.
The don”t wish to see the persons in front of them, that person could die bleed out in front of them and though they make the right sounds- (politically correct), they are really saying ‘damn can we not bring them back to life and use them feed on again?”


There is no more work.
This script was transformed into something evil beyond belief..

You have not see witnessed or experienced what I have seen in the Dark Web of the human mind as a Time Machine.


‘”Forgive them for they know not what they do’ of yes they do, they just use your perception of that truth which once was in them as a mask to make you a slave…
You have no idea of how cruel, truly cruel humanity has become..

No, each chose what to focus on.
What was important, Harmony finds everyone, so does the Eternal Truth.
Some listened and with appreciation gratitude for they recall how alone it was, and the search for clean knowledge water…
While other are the awareness of non existence, ones who have no respect for the Earth or E ART H Harmony.

Yes No Yes No…


No more.. playing the roles of Disciples or Christ as perverted into roles of self sacrifice and teachg the damned, those with no desire to heal.

While the true will come to you…
Not the lie of what was done to me, I did not go to people, I was placed in a position where I was manipulated cornered by a power of the material and spirit realms, all illusions up to know good
There is no demarcation of realms
all is Enegy and all is Expression and Expression recognizes the Truth and True the moment that person carrying that vibe walks in.

The greatest curse and lie of the Evolution?
That we had to explain.
No we converse.. exchange… intel…

but explain.. connect, correct, demomstrate, teach.. preach… fight, be at the beck and call after you did all the work to stay clean…and they chose not to…

No.. I will never forgive this play, this script, this evil which says always forgive when your very scriptures state that the one unforgivable sin is the sin against the Holy Espirit..
That 7th Sense which alh have, which is the ability to even unconsciously, instinctively, intuitively recognize truth.
Just as children recognize Beauty… Symetry.. it comes naturally and that is why I refused this journey and then knew something was wring when I lost the use of my co-ordination and body, and even expression – meddled with, bound, like a mummy, body like rigor mortis…
They used these stories, lies peoples beliefs to make me explain over and over again what everyone knows and which some with Free Will and Choice chose to do..

But I know that my Best Friend Harmony is Everywhere.
Its everywhere in every moment.

1:16 p.m

A P.. The Awareness of Perfection.
A P.

Some chose to see that and follow that trail others chose, despite Harmony sending messenges, signs, everything even me, to remind them how read and cee…
But they chose not to…

You reap what you sew… Sow.

Natural Law.

Cause Effect… Harmony’s Law.

Remember Remember the 5th of November…

V for Vengeance is mine said the Lord.

*”Deuteronomy 32:35,Romans 12:17-19 NKJV – Vengeance is Mine …

Vengeance is Mine, and recompense; Their foot shall slip in due time; For the … place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.

*God’s Wrath: “Vengeance Is Mine, I Will Repay,” Says the Lord …

Feb 27, 2005 – Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

Deuteronomy 32:35.. Yes 2012. 32. Bed 3-002.. 3-20-2001… 35 C E

32 5… 35.. 8… 5 8… Roger Attaway Roger That… YY Abel De Yeshua Yeshua

Romans 12:17-19… L Q S…. Completion Quantum line of Stephen Filgueira…

D R… 32 35… 5 8… 12 3… 17 8… 10.. 3 8 1O… C H A.O…S? HA!
C H A O.. Consciousness Harmomy Awareness full Circle Eternity…

David Roman Nicholas … me.. E…


*Several passages in the Bible are frequently interpreted as referring to the unforgivable sin: … Mark 3:28-30: “Truly I tell you, all sins and blasphemes will be forgiven for the sons of men. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but is guilty of an eternal sin.”

Mark 3:28-30….

“No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known” (John 1:18).

John 1:18 ….

Mark John… 3 28… 30… C.. H B.. K… ( N P= CO 30) rep in the play Emeka Kolo portal Kyle Murphy

1 18… A R… The One on bed 18.


1;39 a.m.


A C I..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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