
11/5/2018 21:01 – Facebook Post

11/5/2018 21:01 – Facebook Post

Please see the Alignment and the evidence of E Harmony and you being moved and in a Matrix…

Today is 11-5- 2018…

11 5..
K .E…

11-5 in Europe..

E K..

Two Awakenings… One Jay Joy: Transcendent Extase Bliss Orgasm…
The other Wrath Vengeance V For Vendetta…
“Remember Remember the 5th of November…”

Yesterday was 4-11.. D.K…
That formed last night at Delta Manor.. D.K. E K D..
With D and Kyle Murphy and myself.

D K.. 4 11- 15…Letter O full circle…
11 11 11 11 44… D D David Dawn. Bed 4-017..

1 5= 6
44= 8…


O D…

Todays Date 11 5… 16… P
11 11 11 11 11 55 E E…

7:48 p.m. right now..

Ethiopia Kenya

Mary Keitany M.K.. Kyle Murphy K M 11 13… 24… X
Age code 36… Fritz Venneiq code 360.
2, 22, 48… B..V..D.H… Being Victorious 2 2+2= 4.. 2 4… 48..
See Dana Hawkins Post and my response
2nd Woman to win 4 times… 2 4 / 4 2
3rd Person 3 4…

Keitany, 36, became the second woman to win the marathon four times. She ran the race in 2 hours, 22 minutes, 48 seconds, the second fastest time for the course in history. Margaret Okayo of Kenya set the record of 2:22:31 in 2003.

“I can say the course record was not in my mind,” Keitany said. “For me, winning was the most important.”

Desisa, 28, held off countryman Shura Kitata by 1.99 seconds for his first win in New York, joining victories at the Boston Marathon in 2013 and 2015. He finished second in New York in 2014 and third in 2015 and 2017.

“This is my dream,” Desisa said. “To be a champion.”

Desisa finished in 2 hours, 5 minutes, 59 seconds, the second fastest time for the course. ”

Lelisa Desisa .. L D…. Life Death… L=12 D=4.. 16… P.
Age code 28.

Time 2; 50.59… 2 5 59… 25… B .E O.. E I… Y E. O..I..

M K..
L D…

L M K D….. 12 13… 25 Y… 11 4.. 15.. O..
Male Chromosome.

What is the riddle.. 26.2 Mile Marathon up First Avenue…

She wanted to Win… 4 times Only to Women and 3 people had ever won 4 times.

He wanted to be a Champion…

Neil means Champion…

Yes Neil Furby 1 28 2015 .. Last of three to remain.
N F.. F N..
Father Nature.. Truth… 20 2O.. T B O…

8;00 p.m

Man came First…
First Time…

8:01 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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