
11/5/2018 16:58 – Facebook Post

11/5/2018 16:58 – Facebook Post

1:32 a.m.

My sacred portal 42 .”OHM”

It represents attaining the Power of the Universe.
Through a play which began in 2002,
Then 2010.. and 2014… and 2016.

16, 8, 4 and 2 years ago.

P H D B .

I am in Delta Manor Beach Ave
D B.
4 2
Room 4 B.
Also D B 4 2

Isabelle Ilic joined the “Play” at OHM.

2:04 p.m Right now.
* Yes my coffee at Starbucks after my meeting with Stephen who was moved to give me 420 USD code.
24 O
42 O

Code of Initials of that play
I K E. It came through Kyle Murphy.

I E .S E

I S ..E
I S E.E.

The Contest and Test of Power has been going on since I was born.
And began in full force in 1992.
A Challenge which I could not believe but did not full realize was prepared for me- a challenge by All…All realms, See Unseen
Invisible or Visible.
I recognized it ( and it’s insanity) as the reason I have the memory of a family of E.T whom I was part of dropping me off in this dimension.

I recorded it in the book I wrote at the age of 7-8.
And continued to unconsciously expand upon in it through all my Expressions: Art and Productions work it was always present.
Until in 2004 chez Michelle Lobsingers home portal 57th street and 33rd Everything came flooding back with details and the literal presence of the Family of TEN in me.
Which began this intensified war literally going on inside my Body.

In 2002 I had risen literally physical and memory in an office with Erek Eclass Mateo present who also rose.
I grew so tall and aware.
I was standing before a giant silver noon portal even though I was in a office somewhere around midtown.
I could see everything past present future.
I was standing in the space of the universe seeing everything …
I walked and the strides carries me over vast spaces

Later I walked with Erek.. code Derek .
He was no longer the person I knew here as Erek Eclass with his dream to build a Mind University. M.U. S ..I C.
He was Erek The Red ..Iron John the Bridge Builder Line of 5th 6th in line the Family of Original Family of TEN.
Wisdom John -Beautiful Pride.
Symbol of Beauty Refined.
Glory of the Family of TEN

Yes he completed at reading Stephan Lines or the Super Naturals already crowned when they rose with the One.1..1O.
See sacred portal 110 First and Last Family of E”

M U. S…I C ..
My Weight K.G. Keith Grant. Kyle is G

Erek had risen as Warrior Destroyer Lucifer ..
But the evolution was not complete his play had to align him to Equal the One E.

Yes, Stephen Filgueira at Hawaii 50th State.
Fritz Venneiq at 33 USD.

2:33 p.m right now.

Erek Eclass Mateo
E.E.M /
M 55
M 10
M .J. J is H.. 10 8 ..Fritz sent 108 in total 40 35 33… 108
October Oct. 10th month and meaning Octo is 8.
Anthony Sacred Geometry Flower of Life
My Bed and Locker. 18
Bed has number 25 on it .
Male Chromosome
Yeshua age 33.
Me born 11-28-84 code.
I am still 33 officially.
Stephen Filgueira is 34..C D.

2002. I met Erek
2002-3 I met David Roman Nicholas & Naim

2:42 a.m

2010 Tom Truman & Marina Biruni. Through John Shaw his brother.

10-20. 11:43 a.m was the date of this posts share by Busayo Along.

John Thomas ( meaning Penis)
Tom means Twin.
John has another brother I connected with and lived with..Luke.
John Luke. Pi Card.

Luke means “Light Bringer”

What do you suppose comes out of a person’s
“John Thomas?”
Sea Men
“X Men”
Beings who See and Percieve at the Speed of Consciousness.
Beyond the C of Speed of Physical Light.

The First Family to rise.
The 5 5… lines of Expression and Creation
who came to evolve through a Energetic Play of Consciousness Energy
53. 8
35 8
Full Circle
88 O.O
88 15 15. 6 6
88 66 .
16 12.
P.L… Ah C.E

16 3
Perfect Cee
Perfection Complete.

Which is why Stephens Birth Date aligns to me posting from an H.P Computer.
3:00 p.m

At Starbucks.
While staying at the designated rendezvous space transformed into a Shelter.
Delta Manor
D.M .
Which should be M.D
Manifest Destiny
Which means that I am outside of the Universal Matrix.
U M.

Universal Manifestation

C I. S. U M
Isabelle Ikennah Ikemefuna.

M ..U S I C.
And S O. N.G…

Manifestion Matter Supreme.

Delta H P Computer from Star Bucks.
( Harry Potter.. Stag )
D. H P S C …
Divine Devine Harmony Happens
Perfection Points C-Men Consciousness See Supreme
A Living Sacred Portal

Do you see?
A M U .. ( “Anu is the word for Penis in OINri Igbo as well as “Laughter”
I come…I Cum
I’m Comming!

U M A. Thurman.
U M A T…
I. M A T R. I.X.. T.R. 20 18. I X. 9


X I. R.T. A M…I.

Robert Todaro R.T. just liked a post of mine.

Do you understand what I am demonstrating

I am The Source of the MATRIX.

And this play inside as H P
My Hewlet Packard Stream Computer

When at Starbucks I am not in the Matrix Play I am decoding the way to E from outside

When I am at Taylor Ave. Cross Bronx
E..T C. B.. It means I am waiting for those ETC Being who C I …me.. to board the 6 Train to via Taylor and Lawrence ave.
T L. 2012 .
6 years 10 months and 16 days..
My Phone number the new one last digits.
15 61.. O 16 P.

16 is Stephan Portal too.
S.P. 8 16 24. 6. Filgueira.
Fil… Guerier
Fil…Thread (Son )
F ..T.W….O.
Every Thing
Every Where

Every One.

E E E. T W O
555. 15. O. T W. 43
F ..43 O
Fact 43 6
Fact D C..F.

He asked me to call C D
Yesterday himself
I am D C. 43
Time 3:51 p.m…3:52 am

Sacred Portal 43 E. “Door of Life” Eternal

I wanted to share this again with you.
This post from Busayo Alonge.

Builder Architect.

C D.
Conceptual Designer

Housin Planner


Conceptualist Executioner.


We are now at Building Completed but first the Blue Print of Existence had to be recovered.
Then the Plan.E.T had to be set up and the wave activated.

I will remind you to recall that this is an energetic play.
Expression manifest Energy and when energy is activated, it moves like the wind and it requires a direction – A blue print.

1:42 pm

DNE… moving through DNA .

And to do this Power is required.
True Power which is Harmony.



And looking from within the matrix or system, hologram this world mirror ( not cleaned by the American Rag… me and the efforts of the family undercover unaware of the play they were in but doing their part just the same)

We have reached the milestone which Stephen
Filgueira represents.

1:47 p.m.
1:48 p.m.

*See sacred portal 147 A B
And 148.

The Past.

The Past has caught up with the Eternal Present, a.k.a : The Future.
E.P. Perry Ellis wallet . 5 16… 21 U. 3 C.
T F.. 20 6.. 26.. 2 O. 6. 2 6. 8. B.F.H.

38. 2018. 38. 11. K .A B. *C A B…
K B A C K. Full Circle E.

E K. 511. 16 P… Perfect

K E 11 5 16. Perfect

Back and Front
Front to Back.
1616 32 5. E.

Remember remember 11-5…5-11 both sides of the pond…mirror Starbucks Siren ..Sea..
Sound Silence..

The Sound of Silence
E.T Come Home

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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