
11/5/2016 20:15 – Facebook Post

Analisa Mcleod… A.M.

Analisa means “Graced with God’s Bounty…
Mcleod means “The Black King of men and the Northern Isles”
N.I..Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka Play..
Mcloud- the Movie “The Immortals”- which Charity Kanu (C.K) saw as the Play we were in, as well as my the Rape of my Truth and I.D right to my physical Body but in the Spirit Realm.
Which was True.. See sacred portal 94… And 82 and recall I created these images infront of Marina Burini and then Tom Truman and Luke and John in 2010-11 at Bedford Williamsburg Manhattan.
Just before moving to Green Point Lisa Levine LL 24..X 6..F and Akil Davis (Apollo) and Evan ALexander Judson.
But the code which I played out in this Physical Material (P.M) Realm is Sacred Portal 28… Victor Victorious…
See the Play at 18 Mountain View, and that portal embodied and played out before the Entire world and documented by me on Face Book July 19th 2015-April 19th, 2016…( 7-4, 19 19, 8-9)

Meaning of A.M…E.K… E.T.. (Kolo Thaddesus )

“Grace with Gods Bounty is the Black King of Men and the E.N.I..
The almost lost way of Graciousness, that special quality of the Beautiful Manner of the Ancestors from the 4 and 5th Dimension..
Emeka’s Father..”

Who is not Chief Daniel N Umeano, but his own Self, his E-Spirit alive as “Will Desire” which has literal overthrown his Being and Body in this world..
But not his Identity for in that they are one..
And the Man Emeka Kolo is the Source of the E-Spirit…
Its Source and First Father and Guide..
Self Mastery…

A.M .
6:22 a.m.. F.V…Fact 5th Dimension.. F.E.. Fact Emeka Kolo.

Alingment Emeka to Dan Brown, to Mitchell to Paul Frankin (Free Man) to Analisa…
Linked to “Remember Remember the 5th of November…”
V For Victory.. But now Double V.. Vendebta-Ah”
Today is the Fifth of Novmember.
The First Time not posting from Al Santana’s House…
I am at Delta Manor…
Today is Thaddeus Birth Day…
He a drink as a gift.. Tropical Fantasy…
See The Metropolitan Oval…Parchester Garden “Fantasia”
8:00 p.m.

M.O…P.G..F…Fact E.K…

Meaning of the name Thaddeus…..

“Courageous Heart” C.H… 83
*Heart of God” .. H..O.G
“It is possibly derived from a word meaning “heart”, but it may in fact be an Aramaic form of a Greek name such as ???????? (see THEODORE). In the Gospel of Matthew, Thaddaeus is listed as one of the twelve apostles, though elsewhere in the New Testament his name is omitted and Jude’s appears instead.”

Jude Rogers.. J.R…108…
Sacred Number 108..
Lotus Santana.

.Jude Means “Praise”
Emeka means Praise…

5-11-2016…36..C.F… 9..I
E.K. T.P..C..F.I…
Yesterday Elsie Kirby arrived as my 7 88 Face Book Friend.. moving is to the Past.. “Mba Afor Ocha.. Sound of the Truth First Light O..not Big Bang…
But we are in the Present…
7:37 p.m.

K.E..P.T… (Kept his Promise to God-Harmony G.H/H.G..78/87..)

*Back at 787 Face Book Friends… M.W87…M.W787…

K.E.C.F.. See play with Chris Franco and evidence I share in the Present with Elizabeth Clarizio below…

K.E.I… K.E is Todays Date written in American Style…
Emeka Links with Thaddeus… He Gave me a Gift- ( not Dewight Smith)… The which I asked of Dewight, was offered by Thaddeus whose name represents the 12 Disciple… 3 12…C.L…

Which in this play represents A,M… The Switch 69..MW… from P.M..
To A.M…Which Heralds Dawn…H.D..

(Haun Delguidce H.D..84… See the Date of Birth listed on Face Book.

Representing 108..18 Mountain View, Jonn Blackwell “Haun Delguidce” and Donna O’Sullivan whose portals I am obviously, still passing through, as if the “Observation Judgment concluded by that play of passing through their portal from July 19, 2015 to April 19th had been contested…

Code July 19, 2015 is
7-19-35… G.S.C.E… *7-10-8…G.J.H…7-1O-8…71 8…
3170/O713 is the Code of Marina Burini G.4 Silver Mac representing the exact date in 2014 that I announced that I had solved and given evidence of this Entire Existence being a Programmed Matrix (P.M.)

4-19-2016…4-19-36…D.S.C.F… @ Donna O’Sullivan Dewight Smith Circle Filled…)

Thus, it would appear that I was forced to prove my Truth once more of Donna “Lady” in the Masculine form of Dewight…Meaning Dionisio and Divine..
Which you will recall are also the names of Donna O’Sullivan Dionsio femine and Diana.. Divine..
See Denise who works here.

“The name Analisa is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Analisa is: Graced with God’s bounty.”

“The name Mcleod is derived from the from the ancient families of the Dalraidan clans of Scotland. It is from the personal name “Leod”
The Gaelic form of the name is “Mac- leoid” ( MAC Le O-I,D) which means “Son of Leoid” Son of Olaf, the Black King of Men from the Northern Isles. Olaf was from a Dynasty of Norse Kings, who for centuries held the Isles. They in turn descended from the King “Halfdan” ( Half Dan..other side is Brown.. Dan and Paul) called Stingy, reputed to be the be descended from the God “Frey”
(Frey-Freya..Sabrina Frey).Leod held the Island of Lewis, and the mainland Glenelgand part of Skye, in 1195 (K.I.E). It was his “Two” Sons who founded the two great branches of the Siol Tormod and the Siol Torquil”

Frey and Freya meaning “Lord” and “Lady”
Father Mother F.M…
Fey Mirach
Masculine Feminine…MF…13+6=19…Letter S… FM/MF..1919 38..C,H…
Linked to Elsie Kirby E.K…
Which is Todays Date and Elsie Kirby is no longer my Face Book friend it would Appear…


7:11 p.m

Anamla Qayin Coded and message relayed to me… “D.M..I.C..K./T.P..A.G.E…/ E.G.A. P.T/K. I.C.M.D”
“Delta Manor I..C.K…T..PAGE…
E G.A..(LA XY) the Point I.C…Manifest Destiny ( Mitchell Dan Bed 3012..312…C.L…C.A.B/B.A.C…K…The Past line of the Odd which instead of ending at 313..Ends at 312.. Dan links to Brown Paul Gerald..Paul Gborie)

“Freyr or Frey[1] is one of the most important gods of Norse religion. The name is conjectured to derive from the Proto-Norse *frawjaz, “lord.”[2] Freyr was associated with sacral kingship, virility and prosperity, with sunshine and fair weather, and was pictured as a phallic fertility god; Freyr is said to “bestow peace and pleasure on mortals.” Freyr, sometimes referred to as Yngvi-Freyr, was especially associated with Sweden and seen as an ancestor of the Swedish royal house.

In the Icelandic books the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda, Freyr is presented as one of the Vanir, the son of the sea god Njörðr, as well as the twin brother of the goddess Freyja. The gods gave him Álfheimr, the realm of the Elves, as a teething present. He rides the shining dwarf-made boar Gullinbursti and possesses the ship Skíðblaðnir which always has a favorable breeze and can be folded together and carried in a pouch when it is not being used”

Freya.. Frigg.. the F Line…
Guardian of the Golden Apples of Immortality…

In Norse mythology, Freyja (/?fre??/; Old Norse for “(the) Lady”) is a goddess associated with love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, seiðr, war, and death. Freyja is the owner of the necklace Brísingamen, rides a chariot pulled by two cats, keeps the boar Hildisvíni by her side, possesses a cloak of falcon feathers, and, by her husband Óðr, is the mother of two daughters, Hnoss and Gersemi. Along with her brother Freyr (Old Norse the “Lord”)

The “Golden Apple..” G.A…E.G.A../ A.G.E…. E. G.A (71) LA (6) XY..

The golden apple is an element that appears in various national and ethnic folk legends or fairy tales. Recurring themes depict a hero (for example Hercules or F?t-Frumos) retrieving the golden apples hidden or stolen by a monstrous antagonist. Alternatively, they are depicted as divine food and the source of immortality in Norse mythology, and as part of the mysterious apple branch of Otherworld in Irish mythology.

In Norse mythology, Iðunn is a goddess associated with apples and youth.”

66 Is I. F.I… 69.. /96…. Nnamdi John Jay.. 96% Dark Mater D.M..A
Alberto… “Noble Bright Intelligent.. Santana..Meaning in Sanskrit,
“Constant Awareness Streaming.. Eternal Law”

66 is 69 and 96…And 99 “Sacred Portal Victor”

Extract from the Text Conversation with permission from Elizabeth Clarizio

“Well Then Love

Lets Do this!
Were Here For A reason
So im goIng all the way:


“27 -28Years and 15.7 in New York.. 4.7 on Face Book.. it is done”.


“Awwwwww yes For you
I still have a bit to do
Grateful for your Existence
Thank you for Holing the torch

Im willing to remove that weight from you.”


“And Who are you?”

“I AM”

“Me too.. may the best Man person win..”

“Ohhh nooo

Im not here to compete with anyone
And To be real honest with you

After i said that
I saw
That could be self-righteous of me.”

*6:08 p.m.. 68.. 2 68.. 68/86… Note I was sent back from 788 Face Book Friends as E.K…back to 7 86 Face Book friends…
See the S.P 86..”Victor” Went back there three Times.
See play of Patrick Okolo M.D Began Sept 1st.. 9-1..I.A…
Ended Sept 14th… 9-14..(I.N) and then completed with E.I.N..
Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka.)

E.K… Aligned to the Date and Emeka Thaddeus Chukwuemeka Thaddeus.. E.T… C.T… E.C.T… Chris Franco-Raz Berry..

“Well Done.. you saw the reflection you unintentionally projected outward… Now you understand my work of being a mirror,- A Talking Explaining Magic Mirror has been a journey of Hell.. Of A.M…Not I am because that is already obvious.. I exist, you exist.. But the Awakening is about merging with what each person projects… Some people will wake up as demons, and say what the Devil….? I wish to share this conversation with the public because it is a perfect Exemplification of a play which took place right here in the Caged Terrace in the Shelter..”


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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