
11/4/2018 19:54 – Facebook Post

11/4/2018 19:54 – Facebook Post

6:37 p.m.

From Maryanne Savino.

That number code is SHE sacred portal 37.

I am at 6:38..39 p.m. right now
My coffee from the Arab Bodega.

88… 64.

It is as if the quiet fury of Being set up once again in a potential violent and always insulting play set up undercover, even now at the evidence of evolution of consciousness is present.

6:42 p.m.

64 was my bio sisters code- her vessel used to ride the tide of Time.

The script of the pettiness and malice of this power code, this crazy non stop play in which I go down into the lower vibrations to retrieve the evidence of what I already know.
Why people crave power and how as well as who will they use it against and what for heard my thoughts, dark and furious of Being sent back down.. every day to rise each day from hell heard me.

13 19
Oh I know who it is..Supremes?
See sacred portal 18 Honey Bee..
Sun Flower.
Line of Stephen Filgueira
Which is Sensational Feelings
19 6..25
Stamped on my bed 18.
As well as Sun Flower 65 ..the terrible whole really expects me to believe that this was not at the same time maliciously intended to test me, my power and strength even in this meant to be exhausted and weakened state.

No, it is a Sadistic Machoistic exteeme pleasure in inflicting the most precisely effective slights to set off a series of chain reactions leading you me away from the point.

Nature is not my Friend .
It challenged the E.

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