
11: 38 p.m

11: 38 p.m

Yes, I know this is a Script of something which played put before in the beginning of time repeated full circle.

But through time and space grew to something monstrously worse.

But the number of number of people who did not take this seriously.


This work

The Proofs and Facts..

The amount of disrespect to the I ntel, and the non stop seeking to lay blame at my feet.

And denial of responsibility l.

The way people act pretend Decieve Manipulate took me, and takes me by surprise.

This extraordinary comciet, that I am in this circumstances is my own fault and responsibility for choosing to tell.you the truth.

What if you are all wrong, in this assumptions of you being superior to me, better than me and able to judge me and act as if you can ignore me when I call these things out.

I.am incredulous and have been for the last 6 years l..

How can you be so sure I am nothing and my words and posts means nothing except what you can put to use.

How can you be so insanely prejudiced and gullible and delusional that a being such as I am wrong and ensured all this because I believe I am right…

While you judge and decide that I am not and can not be what I am

Who I am

What I have done.

It never stops to fascinate and a Maze me, how you see me as such a romantic fool.

Sure it’s a Script and this was about making rise the Truth of the E.


But with all the evidence and facts even to this moment, you mostly all stand firm in your perception of that you are the one who determine what truth is and how it should appear and manifest.

Insane… truly insane, this world mentality has become illogical to the point of..

Madness Insanity.


And what happens when you find out the Manifest Truth

What do you think happens then..

Forgiveness ?

After all this, to my face?

With intention as I observed your true express in on the Sub Atomic and Sub Conscious

S S. A C..

Alternating Currrent.

What do you truly think will.happen when my Expression Truth Manifests…?

Do you have any idea what is in Store.

I did not expect to.have to go through the play of Judgment Day of a Line once more, receiving insults because of my.narurally not able to stop myself from Protecting otjers and their Beautiful Truth.

But I am fully aware how nearly all humans betray their Beautiful Truth…

Choosing instead to lie.

See how much I am writing today because despite already knowing this outcome and recognizing all of you,

I know you still believe you have the right to decide who I am even after presenting my credentials and C.V…Supreme.

12:00 p.m

It really never occurred to you that I am. We are who We are despite your point of view.

That it has no bearing on the Truth.

That you sit in judgment deciding who is true and false by your own subjective delusions and desires which is all in the end really has nothing to do with the common good

People play their idea of God, cutting me, decoding if I make me rights known especially in.this condition that they can cut me punish me deny me basic things – it never occurs to you that all the blessings you have come from M.E..

And all that is negative in your life you created

No, I am aware of how your Ego protections of self will never accept that as True unless everything given to you mostly to celebrate our meeting in this realm was hoarded by most of you Greed Need..

Misery Expression of True Human Hate.

12:06 p.m

12.06 U.S.D

Jesus I.am so so tired of having to continually deal with the Ugliest Side of you which is an illusion which has no power.

But it’s is True, it was another. A betrayal not meant to be possible, in a Story created by Evil of what happens in an Altered Universe whete Every thing that was True and Truth turns against you.

And a Script….to bring forth the Beautiful.Truth from the Gutter Sewage if your lies.

I suppose it was my being placed in such a Script and Circumstances which gave so many people the balls to forget who they are talking to.

A Man who responds.. with Consequence

The Evil who berated me, in this fictional script and story

God and Mother Supreme as the Unseen and the Lie of Mother Earth.

I never required your belief, or acknowledgment or confirmation that was your conciet ..

This was all for your benefit and all I requires was your attention.

After that you each made your choice..

And even then there was grave if even you failed the Examination of Truth

If you showed Love, C.. there was at least still hope for you.

Truth J.S M.

Love E M F


Still amazed

How can you be so sure so confident that I am not correct and that I will not do all I have programmed to bring Exrinction to you who can never transform


12:16 a.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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