
11/30/2020 19:05 – Facebook Post

1:50 a.m.


At 1515 Facebook Friends.


Yes, I am quietly surprised that I am here. I was aware that my Birthday was a play 8pm 28th to 8pm the 29th
linking myself and Kasian Thompson and Bomb B A weed code B A sleek black oily car of Miguel Figueroa.
Bomb BA.

Boom! Boom! A Bomb.
I had an intense night mastering the Bomb BA which I took and observed what happened to Kim last night and then observed after I took the Bomb BAH a similar experience which took place with me.
A heaviness- I had just completed the codes of Gravity and how each planet has its own gravity and how these are represented as steps and thus, for a body to elevate rise literally is not confined from the Earths garvitational pull which roots and grounds the physical body to this reality – but that its was just steps which combine with all 9 planets gavitational pulls.
All to merge or return to that gravity represented by space as 0 Gravity.
And since there is no such thing as Zero Gravity, just as there is no such thing as Ground Zero- or even being “Lost in Space” ( LIS CO MB) and that the Human Body can float in Space as O Gravity or having attained the Full Circle of Perfect Symmtery- Matter as Flesh as really representing Nothingness Somethingness- then Mass and Gravitational Pull- is an illusion and thus space is simply a an illusion as fear- and really the meaning of Bliss.
Nothingness in the Somethingness – and that Nothingness as Space being Bliss and the somethingness being Expression as Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme…
W A V E S P … The Elegnat Nomads- you in a Comma, moving through Space.

Moon Earth Sun and Unifying Space as the trinity in 1.
A Y… 1 / 3.
J A Y.. see meaning of the name Jay “Rejoice and Joy”
what we find in Space which links and connects us here in this world- what is it filled with?
Right now most people see it as filled with Covid 19 diesease yet in this apartment is a Trinity who Jae Sherman made a comment yesterday, how she the energy in the apartment is even better and lighter than before.
And how she loves hearing the sound of Kim, ( Chiefy Tree) and i laughing- Love, Light Lightness and laughter.. and a healthy does of mischief. M IS Chief.
LL L L… 48 and M.

Yesterday I stopped coding at 2010 Facebook Friend code T J.
at the arrival of Victor Manu.

2:09 pm.

Jae Sherman asked me if i wished to give her cats ( who have been becoming more alert and Norman listening to my voice and the voices- Pearl now constantly scratching at the door.
Jae, usually a dog person “Bella and Tanner” B T
But now she has three cats.
I fed them the treats, Alaska making it clear that she will not eat from my hand, that the ritual was to place them on the ground.

I knew Jae’s harmony, and the play of Baast ( The Egyptian Godees Bast and it was Kassien Thompkins birthday yesterday T K O..E)

code of the Black Panther and Jaguar Nana.
Code 6th sense

Cars at 900 South Road
Red truck C 158 56 1
Chevrolet A T.. 3 16 33.

C A T.

Play of three cats at Liberty Arden Jeron Lang portal

Angel Flora and Thoth whom I met last.

A F T… AT F…

sacred portal 22 … Ass hole Realease of the toxic shit- Voodoo in which at Hells Kitchen 2005 objects covered with Oil and shit from peoples defecation.

Yes, I understood the Spirits realms raping me, and the differentiation between the two blackness as Oil Sleek the E, and that which is Bland, Toxic and how it is cleansed by the oil and semen.

2:20 pm

That was the play of the Bomb Bah yesterday in which I noted how what I saw Kim experience Gas and release and heaviness then lightness when speaking wit me and Jae was present.

I knew that the three cats of Jae were fully aware F A.
Pearl who reminds me of Flora, was named the lastl in the play.

It was Alaska who Jay has had since 2010 was the first to arrive and instructed me how to give him his her treats.
After intreacting with all three of them, at the end each took a position on Jae’s bed
Alaska first Norman last and Pearl in the middle.
yes the Middle way.
A P N was the form the cats formed.
Attained Perfection Naturally

A P N… Arden Posidon Neptune.

1 16 14… * Yes we both chose the same sacred portal 116 and 117.
14 is Norman Bates… Baits… N= 14.
14th state Arden and Morgan.
1066 Norman Conquest.

*Norman Bates is a fictional character created by American author Robert Bloch as the main antagonist in his 1959 thriller novel Psycho. He was portrayed by Anthony Perkins in the 1960 version of Psycho directed by Alfred Hitchcock and the Psycho franchise.”

Alfred Hitch Cock… A H A H C
K AH.. Kim and Jae. Arthur Lynne.
Hinds Sher-Man.

Manion Adcock
Manifest Queen
another thing which played out yesterday linked to Delores L.
Kims Mother who was proven to be the line of the truth African Queens.
Line of Q Quantum and Jaymes Bond O O 7.. 8..9.
M. IQ and Embodiment of the beautiful pride, the true Mata Hari who go down deepest undercover like Cats- to retrieve the truth of what is wrong with the people.

See Sacred portal 9
“We Choose our King Gods
K G..G K.
Miguel Figueroa O G.Kush.
Jae Sherman sister K.Green. K G.

O K G/ G K..O.

There is only one OK.. OKAY. which I acknowledge- not from writings on the Wall, or the Pavement but embodied by people I met,
A F K G = 25 /52…Y-E B./ B E Y E
E A F K G-H = 38
E A F K G -I O… 39 C I O

In-person… even if the message is correct and the intel is true.

Delouis Larkins
Recall Johnny Larkin who was living at Recon studios 33rd Street where Tree stopped at Penn Sation.
Pennsylavania is whre Jae sat an took that picture with Baphomet symbols ( same as the ring given to me by Jae) was by a cemmetry and S.he was wearing a black baseball cap letter Y.
Yale Locks.

Yes me in Blue baseball jeans cap 3301.

I had two small lighters, I offered Jae one the other day for her incense – Oily black- I was fully aware as to why.

Angel Flora Thoth.
Alaska Pearl Norman Bat-es p.

A A F P N T…

Alaska 49th State.
Pearl “Mother of pearl” Aphrodite” Aurelia…
Pearl Harbor.
* On December 7, 1941, Japan staged a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, decimating the US Pacific Fleet. When Germany and Italy declared war on the United States days later, America found itself in a global war.

Norman Conquest
“Edward died in January 1066 and was succeeded by his brother-in-law Harold Godwinson. The Norwegian king Harald Hardrada invaded northern England …”

“D Day ( DD)
The Normandy landings were the landing operations and associated airborne operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. Codenamed Operation Neptune and often referred to as D-Day, it was the largest seaborne invasion in history. The operation began the liberation of German-occupied France (and later western Europe) and laid the foundations of the Allied victory on the Western Front.

Planning for the operation began in 1943. ”

Operation Neptune.
Posideon Neptune.

*** “Allied code names for the beaches along the 50- mile stretch of Normandy coast targeted for landing were Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword. Utah Beach. Utah was the most western. Omaha Beach. Omaha was between. Gold Beach. Juno Beach. Sword Beach. D-Day by the Numbers. (included in figures above): 23,400. American:”

Juno- Jupitor in Roman 5th Planet
I am Saggitarius
Jae os Saggittarius Rising.

*Neptune orbits our Sun, a star, and is the eighth planet from the Sun at a distance of about 2.8 billion miles (4.5 billion kilometers).”

Nnamdi 4 5 69.
Jae age code 45

Jupiter ( Juno in Roman) is the 5th
Neptune is the 8th.

58 E H.

I was at Delta Manor Mental Health shelter playing Doctor Emeka MD and professor Love – it is located on Beach Street.
Worked from 1385 Starbucks on the corner of Metro-politain / Woods. M W.
27 months
Landing at Beach street from Green Point assessment shelter where I spent 2 then 2 more months last beds at AS 007 OO& and at D M 4-019.18 D S .. D R.

31 in Total.
See sacred portal 31.
Alaska Pearl Norman.
A P N = 31.
and E me as I.

A PEN = 36 360
A PIN… I 39 C I… 11 28=39 C I.

Angel Flora Thoth.

A F T =27. add A C… Arden Cecil Caecilia
A F A C T… 31.

Big Cats
Cool Cats.

So perhaps you see why I knew that I had to write this code.

Kim and I were just talking … his back has been hurting -Spinal column 33 Vertebra- Sacred Portal 33- it forced him to lay down, he watched some films including is Dark Materials- all the intel was there.
I already knew from last nights play, that it was about the effects of gravity and weight and this long prolonged wait.
* Jae Sherman is giving me a contribution of 20 usd which I asked for knowing in Hindsight that 35 from Kim and 20 for Him is 55 usd and sacred portal 55 E E Emeka Esteban= E E 55 = 1 10 25 Y- 11 + 25= 36
Esteban Miguel Figueroa is 36 36O
Chris Filgueira C F 3 6.

And then a play of a riddle we had to solve of Sousa his Kims former room mate who I had met with Esteban at Kims Art Exhibition, the same day as I had met his Mother.

De Louis.
Roi Louis “The Sun King” T S K… Total Solar Eclipse Kim.
T S E K.
Royal Reign
That Kims body is the same body as mine and that was by body used as the blue print my body is of my age code 33.
It was is and amazing body – it movements, functionality, what my body ..and now the body of the Beautiful Truth.

That was the play –

Sousa had taken kims Space heater- which we had to solve and connect was linked to ancient Susa Babylon and that it allowed Kim to inherited the Wooden heater from Yo Yo ( ma) and its code of the past and present 86.

4:33 pm

Then Esteban had taken the bar to do pull ups- connecting the kichen to the sitting room, I had been present when Esteban took it and expresly asked if it was his.. he had said yes.
Kim seeking to stretch his backm suddenly noticed that it was gone.
Arden used to play with Jeron on the same bar he had in his home as well as Aurelia.

I was at first incredulous, “he had lied?” because it was Chiefys’ who noted that John Mack had the same one.
John Stephen
John Esteban.

I couldn”t believe it- we were literaly set up to prove their actions impeccable..?

… smh, we did.

Both our Hulu accounts had stopped last night- leaving us only NET FLIX. F L Ferrill Leander IX = 9.
XI = 11.

9 11 was what I woke up to on my messgers account.
including a message from Esteban in which he clarified that which I already knew but had to get the facts.

E K Hulu as H gone at the same time.
only Netflix left
X I L F… London Fog.. Jae Sherman Jen.. Mists of Avalon

Uther Pendragon is the father of King Arthur.

U P.

*The name Uther means Mythological Name and is of Welsh origin. … The old Welsh word Uthr originally meant “admirable, marvellous” but took on a pejorative meaning of “cruel, terrible.”

Susa… Babylon.
King Darius and King Alexander the Great.

the past- Ancient to Middle Ages.

A F T… 27
A P N.. 31.

3 3 in 1.

= 1 58 Red Truck.

Two Usd in my wallet then.

2 usd in my wallet now…

3 usd and now 2 usd
Sacred portal 3-2.

And then the feces shit and urine, versus the Oil, Semen, Urine Pee voodoo.
*Urine is a disinfectant.
Oil is a Lubricant and binding agent.

Cats are very clean.
Filth is what the Yoruba Ibo play is was all about.
Nri Yoruba… Only Kim went to New York from that tour.
one cleanses the land Nze Nri priest.
the other cuts of the filth.
see sacred portal 59.

That is why I was aware, and in harmony when I paused and did not start connecting Ankwai Oyosoho A O…
Alpha Omega 1-6
Beginning and End A F

And today the arrival of
Agyiri Joseph A J.
Okunowo Afolashade O A
Fataw Sonboya F S
Curasse Yanick Felisberto C Y F

A F.

AO, A J, O A, FS, C Y F.

I could not find most of the meanings of these mainly Yoruba and Ghanaian names

ANK W AI … O. O Y O.., Soho- ( yes Green Street Soho where I was led to in Jan 2006, when I went to the British embassy to try and leave the country and was told that I had to stay in the states…smh.

25 Green Street where I was led by Johnny le Valley where I encountered Jerry and the owner who had inherited a 5 story building from her family, on 25 Green Street Soho.
Jerry -Sue.
J S.

A J Joseph we know means “Add Increase” A I.

Okunowo Afolashade
OKU…Now O! Oku means Heat!
Bomba Clack!
Jah Rasta Far I… Sensumila Igbo Mari-Juana Weed.

Barbara Brimage Weeden.
* Barbara means stranger Foriegner BR Image… Weed- E.N,
Afo-La-Shade… AFO Lash Ade ( Truth lash of the Crowned King)
Truth gives shade to those who are about to see the Bomb
Azrael Arch Angel of Death and d
Destruction D A D.

5:22 pm

O “The meaning of the name “Folashade” is: “Honored with a crown”. Categories: African Names, Nigerian Names, Yoruba Names.”
*The African meaning of the name Folasade is Honor confers a crown (Yoruba) People with the name ”

“Honor is what confers the Crown.’

“The name Folasade is of African origin and means “Crowned with wealth”.”

“A fatw? is a nonbinding legal opinion on a point of Islamic law (sharia) given by a qualified … Fatwas have played an important role throughout Islamic history, taking on new forms in the modern era. … The word fatwa comes from the Arabic root f-t-y, whose meanings include ‘youth, newness, clarification, explanation’.

I kept my word- even though I said No in 2013 to Catherine Achulonu’s request to explain the E consciousness again to this world.

A Muslim legal expert who is empowered to give rulings on religious matters.

‘The Muslim community is governed by the Supreme Muslim Council under the Chief Mufti (religious judge), with a hierarchy of regional muftis, imams, and religious teachers.’
More example sentences
Late 16th century from Arabic muft?, active participle of ‘aft? ‘decide a point of law’.”

Mufti Mut Hi Reed. Mut I Bella Donna and Jays dog Bella- Loyalty.

Son Boy A.
Kim just gave me the low down on the film he just watched which was all of this code

As well as “His Dark Materials” H D M.. 84 13… Harmony Destruction Manifest) latest episodes.

Curasse Yanick Felisberto

C U R Ass E.
I went through that play yesterday.
Cure in Ass E…K.
I have no desire to explain this code in detail.

sacred portal 22.

Cuirasse… Curious.

“medieval body armor that covers the chest and back
Type of:
body armor, body armour, cataphract, coat of mail, suit of armor, suit of armour
armor that protects the wearer’s whole body”

Knights in Shinning Armour Amor, not A Body Cast- Plaster of Paris.
But a mold to make a copy of a most beautiful body which inspires Beautiful Pride and Expression of Love and Desire.
De Lois Larkin L-ARK IN..E G
D L.

Curasse Yanick Felisberto

“Yannick is a first name that originated in Brittany, France, where the combination of its two Breton language parts, Yann and Ick, results in the meaning of Little John or Petit Jean in French.”

Meaning: Little Yann
Related names: Yanic, Yann, Yannik, Jean, An…
Region of origin: Brittany
Pronunciation: ja?nik”

John Jea-N of Arc

Grace Favors G F (76) 13 M D.

Felis means
Felis is used as a girl’s name is of Latin origin meaning “lucky”.

*”A genus of mostly small cats, including the domestic cat, margay, puma, and ocelot, sharing with certain cats of related genera an inability to roar due to ossification of the hyoid bone in the larynx.”

Felix is a male given name that stems from Latin (f?lix, felicis) and means “happy” or “lucky”.

Its female form is Felicity (English)—late 14c., “happiness; that which is a source of happiness”, from Old French felicite “happiness” (14c.), from Latin felicitatem (nominative felicitas) “happiness, fertility”, from felix (genitive felicis) “happy, fortunate, fruitful, fertile”.[1]

* Origin and Meaning. 1) Short form of Felisa. 2) Latin felis = ‘cat’. Related Names. Felis, ?. Frequency of occurrence as a female name”

Berto… Berto Name Meaning. Italian: from the personal name Berto, a short form of any of various Germanic names formed with bert (from berht ‘bright …”

*In Spanish Baby Names the meaning of the name Berto is: Intelligent
Umberto Ecco

U E…
Meaning: Bright Warrior. The name Umberto means Bright Warrior and is of Italian origin.’

Ecco means ” The name’s meaning is of the environment.”

*”Known For. The Name of the Rose Writer. (1986) The Name of the Rose Writer. (2019) A grande richiesta Writer. (1981) Non chiederci la parola Writer. (2008)
Other Works: Novel: “Numero zero”, Bompiani, …”

“Born: January 5, 1932, Alessandria, Italy
Died: February 19, 2016, Milan, Italy
Movies: The Name of the Rose, Behind the Doors of Umberto Eco…

Alberto I met at nearly the same time as I met David Roman Nicholas who went by the name US,
I met him on 14th street Union Square at Teachers and Writers. His family were Jevoha witnesses.
He saw Father, as the Great Computer in te Sky – recall our play shoe size 13 mine 12?
I later met another Alberto same line who i wroteabout in The Elehant Nomad as the most honest and most true compassionate man in New York
And then I was led to Albert Sanatana … Edwin Albert Santana.
Black Rage Orange baby man,

6:03 pm
father of Royal and Reign.

6:04 pm

went back down I see for the 1 linked to 4

A D… D A Arden Aurelia E E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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