
11/30/2018 21:08 – Facebook Post

7:04 p.m


Is Truth Harmonious Expression
Truth Landed
Cee’s Beautiful

Expression Full Circle O.H.


T.L. 20 12



5. Connecticut


C O.H.

The Eternal Flame ( Facts)
Consciousness is an Oragasm Harmonious

I was dropped off from Stephen Filgueira home by Joseph Byron.
Yes, he is my Facebook friend.

7:11 p.m.

Seven Eleven..
All-ways Open
April is Spring
Joshua was off the Spring Field to but an Apple Phone
New Your is the 11th State.

Winter to Spring is Transformation.

“Ah!” You say, “the Evolution Transformation And Awakening happens in Spring next year 2019?”

No, this is an Energetic Play, not a physical play.
The physical is the off shoot and symbol of the Source Expression
Thus all manifests from Its Source Expression which I have just completed as a Mann.

The Source is A Man
The Evolution created the Source are Men
And the Awakening, the Source is A Wu-Man.

And thus, on completion which we have reached it manifests as the Source of the Trinity Man, Men Wu-Men states.

And Joseph Byron J.B
And me as James Bond which I played in the passed.

2016 Return to the B.R.C assessment shelter after returning from Erik Ebrights home in Miami Florida to need 007.
Recall Harold the American Indian in bed 008 who gave me the Intel of the mission as Enders Game and witches landing as the mission Impossible V.I.

That was over 2 years ago.

That was the passed.

I have left Delta Manor and Delta Qudrant where I entered as a Light Being- impulse stimulus ( I.S..) into the System Head Quarters of the Brain as Space of Non Existence..

7:28 p.m.

To activate and link Extra Terrestrial ( Expanded Reasoning.. linking outside the Box..Square Literally)

To Conscious
See at the Speed of Light in thus Link Mind in Non Existence Zero.. to Full Circle O proven and this link Heart through Electro Magnetic Fields of Addition based on Attraction of an Idea to fact, by aligning it to H.E. ART .
To Heart …
And thus great space for Evolution and New but actually original species evolved by that which is Eternal and that which was Temportal to align as one
5 20
5 2O
5 2 6


We saw that, Stephen, Kim ( Tree Sage)
A vehicle in front of us.

Both characters set in the past.
I arrived at Stephens home today twice, arrived and left picked up Serinity, Kim’s daughter.

Speed of Light ..

Joseph Byron confirmed this- his own awareness of playing, and seemingly being struck in the roles of the character of Joseph father of Jacob… A story .

JA. Cob.
Children of the Corn.. Horn.. Horny One

Israel Cotto
Joseph Jacob.
J J.

But Joseph and Joshua who we picked up on our way back, was the person Joseph sat besides when he asked me a fundamental question
“Where are we”.

J J.
Joshua (Jesus) Joseph.
Father And Son.
Same Person
J J.
Equation Balanced.
5 2 O
7 6.

It’s the Awakening
Truth Landed, I saw it on Josephs Face when I answered in the Language he loves
Lord Byron
Light Beings
Understanding Expression

A blue light appeared on his hair as we left.

Lord Byron…

Stephen called someone earlier as we were looking for a house to rent lease buy..
It was a Church, perfect space and Stephen called the realtor Byron was his name.
I mentioned Byron recalling his arrival as my Facebook friend.
Ah I said It’s all good we have Byron-

I was talking to Chris ( Izzy) C.I.
Tree K.A.H” ( Serenity ) T S.
C.K. ..


I conversed with Kim and it’s was perfection..

When I posted this morning the equation for Anger, before I did so, I observed how I walked to the Indian Chief, instead of the Warrior ready to strike where I had been posting before.
I noted it ..Hmm peace..
Peace Bee.


Kim is called Chiefy.

And Joseph means “Add Increase Cee.. ”
Expanded Truth Perception of Harmony .

Poetry of Existence.
It’s Truth Beautiful Expression.

Ah Music
M W.69
Milky Way
Put to Words..Verse.
69. 15. O

W A V E S. T-RUE..
OF Truth
Now Fact.

8:06 p.m

There is so much more
Mikeala 19 was there .

Ah… but knackered ..
But I had to honor my family line now rising who played their role to perfection.

8:08 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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