
11/30/2017 1:21 – Facebook Post


Mischeif & Mayhem contd….


The room around me has erupted in passionate conversation’…

I started it….

Allen Murray, Anthony Awka( Igbo version) and CarltonBussey, all sitting in that alignment, and Myself…


Code of first letters… A.A C E… M.A A K E…
I have moved… Mario gave space.. in perfect timing for me to take his place at the computer..
I am sitting beside Darion, who I did not know was the person who had replaced Wiliam…in bed 4-003.

I am grinning from ear to ear…
I know why…

Anthony had interrupted the riddle I had ben solving forcing he had stated with such sadness this muscled Big Man sitting on the left of Round Cartlon..
He said to me Ëmeka do you remember the song American Wonder…?” He then sang it.
I remembered I told him…
Then with such a sadness, he said that that is how America ws before Wonder filling.. but now he said, it is filed with horror terrorism greed..”I thought he might weep…
“There is no more American Wonder.. that is why I voted for Donald Trump”he said..
He had now got everyone’s attention inspite of himself….

“Because he said he would make America Great again…

Allen Murray erupted in disbelief, Carton starred a bit bugged eyed…
I was not so surprised by such child like innocence naiviete..illiteracy…Nicholas and a more than a few men here were like that.. Child Like.. not mentally ill… MI MI MI..
(3rd Note… A B C…)
The Room Erupted…

Carlton sat and Tyrone who was standing in front of him as well as Raheem, before they just left..

E.C.T…. R… Is the equation which formed..

A.A C E… M.A A K E… A A T C E…

..about the Old man.. whom he confirmed my anaylsis of right to the possibility of his fixation on men and men..action.
And Jealousy.. Why would an Old Man be Jealous…
What is one Jealous of… Youth…
What is Youth…? Lightness Naturalness ( Niki Lisa Natalie Johnson) which is Confindence….

Y.C… Yeshua Christ… Legend died age 33…
Alexander The Great.. Alexander Macedonia….
A.M. Age 32…
Just turned 33.. 5O.. E.O.. 51.. E A… 52.. E.B…E Bright…

Confidence… That is what Old Age is Jealous of and this is the source of the Evil in the World…

And where does Confidence come from…?

The sense of being Loved….

I then turned to Carlton afte the noise had died down and I had already begun this post…
What is the difference between you naivte and putting your head in the sand and that of Anthony’s.

I wanted to say.. See your own Superiority… Jealousy.. Greed.. which you could not see in yourself, thinking your self better than the Simple folk because you have a degree…

Let’s Shoot the Breeze…

An expression “Shoot the Breeze..conversation filling space of Nothing with Nothing…”…
Impossible.. As I have proven, in Nothingness Naturalness there is Something… E… Expression Energy

Son of the Wind… Breeze means Ease..Who came First..
Wind Blows… Effort..
Breeze.. It a Breeze.. Carress of the Wind… Ease.. E.A.S.E.
/E. S A E… E -S A M E… Twins.. Tom… Tomee…
Matt Lauer… M.L..
M=1000 In Roman Numerals… L is 50…
1050… M.L… Ten Fifty… 1500… 15.. O… 6…F FACT.
M=13, L= 12.. 25… Y… 25 Years ago.. 1992.. Paris-Linked and aligned to the past now present same event in New York.. N.P…
Peter Nyarkô..
992 Facebook Friends…

Meaning “The Gift…
and Lauer..

“It is thought that the name “Lauer” evolved from the Mediaeval word “lure” meaning a clever or sly person. “Der Bauer ist ein Lauer” is an old expression meaning “farmers are sly.” … There is a river named Lauer in Franconia; the literal meaning of “lure” is “clouded waters”.

Rebecca also means Älluring Captivating…”
Ï will bind you se says and hand the noose to Hang yourself..”I said.

Michelle Lisa Natalie Johnson…in the feminine form..

Y is the Male Chromoomes….

Nearly 32,000 calls to remove snakes from houses this year from Bankgok Thailand.. ( B.T…Beautiful Truth.. linked on the script on my page to the meaning of the names and embodiments of Tom Benzian ( Truth of the Universe) Tom Bocek ( Tom B.O..C..E.K.)
Tom means Twins…
* I did not give Wallee the 11 USD For obvious reasons but also because at 111 usd.. I had no desire to go back into the past as 11… 11 1…
And to confirm this when I returned, I went to get some takeaway and Taylor formerl of bed 5-009, then room 4 C ( Foresee) – Me at Taylor Ave my chill place…
and New York, a brash but hilarious dude were standing outside the Arab place I buy my coffee from despit it having not been popular with the men at the shelter before..
( Arabic- Galatic W..)

31, 801 calls to be precise, there is alao a photo of 3 policemen capturing a python and a car with the liscence plate 51 – 2311 on page 10.. ten.

31 S.P 31… 8O1… H.O.A… H.A!.. AH. A.O.H…13… M.

51.. Area 51…( EA)… 23 11… W K…./ K.W…
Kew Garden Holy of Holy Stargate.. Gate Way..
Arabic Galatic W…
M… Mhmd Mhmd Tharowt..

Snakes are the Western Symbol of Medicene, and the article makes clear that Man had invaded a space traditionally a Paradise for Serpents…
Ascelpius .. Ochiuphus… Astrology The Serpent bearer symbol of the Healer…

Mario was sitting besides Darion.. ( A Persian Name…Darius…The Great… Persia .. Fred Delshad F.D…Alexander The Great.. A.T…G..)

Mario Darion.. M.D… Medical Doctor… E.D…
Emeka David.. not Edwin Dominic…
E D .. 5 4… 9.. I…

Keith Grant gave me the M.D Hand Sanitizer Called MD.
MD Muktur Hossen… M.D..M.H..
Mhmd Mhmd Tharowt…He is a master of Taekwando at age 23..
He will go back to get his Phd in Health Studies…

Matt Lauer a Snake…Craft Cunning Sly…
Humanity has insulted the Animal Reptile and All Natural Words..

Taylor New York… T N… True Nature… 20 14…
I was sent, led out from my apt in Kew Gardens and back to Pelham Bay Park…Bronx where I had experienced my dance with Nature which began at 268 East 4th Street, and completed when my fomer host recieved with my help, 20, 000 usd for some one using his I.D. Credit…
We had painted the entire building in a color I chose with him called Natures Symphony.
Fritz Venneiq saw a Vision which I created, so when he saw it that is how I knew that it was true..
That was 2010.. My former host had promptly kicked me out…

11; 28 pm.

As I made my way earlier to Starbucks, lighter in Spirit having decided yesterday that I would rather face deportation that stay here any longer, It served no purpose, and I would rather be jailed with my people more attuned to me, political refugees who sought asylum in the United States and who where no being kicked out.
True, it was not exactly the same thing, and though Kesley the assitant director here had listed me as Political Asylum…
I had never any intention to stay here, in fact I have been trying for 12 years to leave but could not get my passport.

I would at least be people more attuned to the World, who had Honor and greater interest than self entitlement and using others to get what they wanted…
Ostriches hiding their heads in the sand.

And who wants to stay here…?
North Korea despite the balze attitude of Americans.. is very real.
And the End of Times… is real…
I know the Awakening is meant to take place in America, but that is not my Script…
My script is that the World Awakens.. And I saw and even helped Will that Part of the Americias sink into the sea and then rises again.

Yes, I am aware of what could happen, and I am aware of what will really happen, that Victory has been assured, that Humanity and not I, were imprisoned as slaves in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Me I was and am in Arabia… Persia… Alexander The Great…

I had made my decison despite the Script..

Anything is better than this present company.. Mentality…
And there is no reason to be here.. waiting..

I went through a play with a server called MIMI.. Whom I had to put in her place…
And went to chill in my Alcove..on the street…
I was laughing to myself… Oh this is a cruel play… there is no words to describe the truth of what I really lived of this experience… There is a cruelty that is beyond.. but which is not beyond Human Comprehension.. it is the sum total of Human Expression of Evil Cruelty and allowed to grow from people not going back to clean up thier expression. Not taking responsibility…
Kolo Journals.. The Sword of Truth.

I laughed aloud because, I felt light, I have endured and it is enough, despite my solving the riddle earlier on of the 29 Years and the 28 years…
Which one is the Victorious Truth..?

I suddenly turned in my Alcove or Sarcophagus
sarcophagus: a stone coffin; broadly : coffin”
And I saw a piece of paper wedged in the concerte wall..

New York State Loterry… 1$

The Win…. the number on it… “28”
The number behind it.. 1298..
L I.H…
Lisa Natalie Johnson
Lisa Levine
Lisa Tylor… Taylor…
A B I.H…. H.I.. B.A.. HI Being Alpha…

12:15 P.M..

L.O… L…O…E.

Laugh Outloud Loud..

Shaking My Head…

12:16 pm.

LP.. album…

28 Wins… The History.. of the past. 47… 11…
4×7… multiply.. moves us to the illusion.. the past.
11 10…/ 10 11…
111 O/ O 111

3 3..

E…Yes HUES AH.. OF Christ.. WA V E S…

12:18 P.M.


You are now in the Log as Lore…

Emeka Kolo.. by Chukwuemeka Kolo… Author of the Beautiful Past an I emeka who played the scribe and actor. S.A.. ASSA! To the Sum Total of my Past.. Passed.

12:20 am


L.O.V E…


12 2O…
L.B. O.E… Pounds… Weight.. P.W.
W P Q B…

12:21 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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