
11/3/2019 15:17 – Facebook Post

12:18 p.m

Liberty C Liscomb
Ria Casey Bell Humphrey

Yes, They Liked a certain Facebook Memory.

K.C T S..

12:53 p.m


So I have a new Facebook Friend
Tom Cat.


Twin Cats.

Angel and Flora were sparring again,
A F/ F A.
Libertys two cats.

Pippa woke me up,

The Love birds were up in their room, oblivious to evertything…
And when I finally got up, I roared at Arden,
” What is wrong with you?”

“Pussy Whipped!” I hollered.

He admitted his cupability, honorably but defended his ladies honor.

He informed me that I had hurt his feelings.
And that he would talk to me later…?!?

I did not know whether to burst out laughing or buckle under the wieght of this play.
He spoke as if he were My Father.

Funny thing is I was not at all angry, nor was he.

But it seemed, I had to act my part,
” And its not Small I am blaming or holding responsible its you!”

I had cleaned dog poo, yesterday twice and another turd I found today.
I wasn’t mad.

And yes, I understand “Puppy Love”
And his expression ” She helps me..”
“Oh Boy..
I understood alright, I hear them conversing and often in front of me or to my hearing.
I do understand.. too well.
That is the problem.

1:10 a.m. 1:11a.m.

I am not going to betray his confidences or what I understand by him and his illusion of Transformation these past days.
Somethings are private nor will I share my true understanding ( even if it something of a play to help family undercover as Teens, all over the World.
I draw the Line)

The sun is shinning and the owner of the dog
born 1-15 and its 1:15 p.m right, just got back,
she barely acknowledged me.
Hmm perhaps she read my posts?
( Smile )
She never asked me, to look out for her dog.
She had been pleasant the day before, when she arrived to find me playing with Pippa who had by now been almost thoroughly ignored by ” Young Puppy Love” I hope you can see the allusion and play, which I have no desire to explain.
* Ardens friend Yossif meaning “To Enlargen to Expand” left two days ago.

I have nothing to Add.

1:21 p.m

She had asked where Arden was, he was upstairs in his room, but refused to open the door to her insistent banging.
Her father had told me yesterday that he was going to take Pippa.
And suddenly, there is Pippa and she telling me if she I could tell Arden that Pippas is upstairs in her room..
A Message to me..?

And that is when in perfect timing, I found Pippas dog turd.
( for some odd reason this little dog enjoys pooping in the house..
But yes, there is a pattern)

And so, I took care of it, just as I had taken care of the Poop in the Toilet when the lights went off.
Yes, it did occur to me, that question as to why I was taking care constantly of others peoples literal Shit.
But I supressed the urge to answer, I know the answer and what is the point of taking that road trip?

Its is such a beautiful warm day…

All attempts to spoil it, and my mood from the moment I wake up each day..
I get it.
No point of spoiling my mood
I took care of Pippa, I protected Ardens Truth.
I protected Libertys Pride.
I had a shorg convetsation with her ex husband Chris and he conveyed in a brief expressions and then enacted his point of view which up yo that point, I had not heard directly from him.

And that same day, Thomas her ex boyfriend came to get Nakho the dog, he was cheery, and commented on how a 50 foot tree had falled on Chris and Libertys property, creating a mess.

While Chris commented how he.had spoken to Ever Source his electric company just before and who had informed him that the Black Out was thought to last two days, which spurred him to ask if there was electrucity in the house now.
Which I confirmed.

I had wondered why he had not known all this time, after all I was here with Arden
I had also wondered why Tom had not wondered or asked if the kids were okay.
He had lived with them for 4 years.

Arden had also noted the day the power went off that there were men working on the Electricity up the road where LIberty had her Green House and Dacha..

Tom and Chris

Chris and Tom.
C A T.
Twin Cats..
T C…

Add Emeka

1:43 p.m.

C.T. Connecticut E. 5th State.

E T.C. Etcetera..

Arden has gone out with his girlfriend without telling me, I had to run and grab them to renind them to walk Pipa whom I had brought with me outside on the terrace to write.
They came back just as Aureila arrived, and left without a word.
Thereby nulifying our agreement of Communication.

I did care any longer, their Mother returns today.
I am not their Mother,
Thier Creator?
Thier Source..?

This was all set up for me to witness and see another point of view, perhaps that of Two Men perhaps in One in Arden who is pissed off because I said something which his Mom had also noted.
Perhaps for different reason but the intent and the Cee is the same.

And so here, I.am at 14 75 Facebook Friends
After days held up at 1474.. 16 ..
Arden it would appear represented l.
16.is P
Poise I.D. O.N. E.
Before I was at Jesse Macias and met with his then 16 year old son Zion who then turned 17
Perfume linked to MAN .at 17
16 17 .P.Q
If you mind your Ps and Q’s
Sacred Portal 47
Ms Hell Fire Ms Manners.

1:57 p.m.
A E.G.

Did I pass the Test of the 16 year old..?
The 13-14 year old
Or The Test of Patience in this Enders Game?

That is what I truly find odd, and often shaking my head caught between mirth, wonder and stupegication at the extent of Insanity and Delusion ( I.A.D. / D A I. One Day Has Come.
Sacred Portal 53 E C ..
1,000,000 Black Out East Coast.
1 to the power of 6.

Because the Ones Test, which counts is not yours, Its Mine.

2:04 p.m
And from where I am sitting, standing
Every One I have been sent to by this Wave had failed.

Nuclear Family a Ticking Time Bomb.

New Clear Family
New World Family represented..
No where to.be seen.
Family is Love.
Family Love?

The Eternal Sunshine State.
Linked by Love Supreme to all.
The Truth is not what one persons states.
But rather the Victorious people set up a play so I.can see the Truth for myself and not through one persons point of View

As I told young Arden today,
My Truth does not Lie because all I say and conclude Manifests.

This is the difference between the Truth and and a Lie
Only.cowards.manipulate others, lie..
When even here we observe how the Truth manifests.
That is Proof.

Nor do Its Source have to be present to demonstrate the proof of those.who lied.

14 75 Facebook Friends. 147 5.
NG E.. 17. Q

Nature G E.O. GR A.P. H. Y E.
Nature 5 and 7
Nature The World..


2:17 p.m
Being Quantum

Sigh .. All a Tes

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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