
11/3/2015 19:42 – Facebook Post

11/3/2015 19:42 – Facebook Post

5:14 PM





K.C H…
K.C and Harmony ..The Sunshine Band…

Sun Flowers…

Back to 42O

And I can tell you why…
and that no Negation of Taking away “Un Friending” has any power in this play or in Life or in your Existence…

See the code play of Jonn and Donna today…

28=1..16..+x 76…13 42…13O=4 M.DO…42O..
Equation of Existence HHG TT Galaxy..

42O Face Book Friends…D.B…B.D….

Death BE (25-52..Paul Steinhardt P.S)

Beautiful Devil..X….Expansion Multiply…x is 24…

66.. Six sense Six Energy point Indigo I.V-ie…

66 is O..1…12..3..36…9…

The Nine and the…

Nines…Infinity Consciousness


Human Being who can comfortably House and Understand the Expression Articulation of Infinity..

Indigo Children..

I.C.. Who just read reality differently than you do…

(64 has appeared on my page as likes 64 is Jonn and Donna)

The Read it Beautiful Evolving quietly to Crystallization of Universe from Indigo to Lavender Oh Violet E..Expression.. Ultra Violet

I..L.O.V.E…U.Victor Victoria V-I.E…


Wish to be very brief If I can…stop my stream of consciousness.

There is no doubt about the fact that I find this play very tedious of constantly posting, weaving while explaining play which will only be validated it would appear only in the near future..

But I find myself cornered..

Because I have discovered through my empirical experience that the only way I have been able to move forward to my home is by this play of constant expression mainly in the void..
Meaning silent response..
Challenge Negation Denial…Subversive Expression..

Which I have constantly demonstrate that it has no effect on the Truth.

Of course, the response is getting better..

But I am forced to constantly galvanize myself to express because I an not yet in my home or own space..

A grown man being a constant guest and Tested” to see if I am for real and for True..
And when many realize they even begin to challenge that too..

“Why you?”

Looking for ways to trip you up and think up excuses as to why it can not be you..
When it has nothing to do with me but the Awakening of the Truth..

last night as I lay awake my body convulsing… Non stop, I reflected upon my what i was moved to post last night about the codes to home…

It has been a long time..
I Have experienced at last compassion form someone else who sees the truth of my condition as being the Elephant in the Room…

And I am grateful to Donna O’Sullivan for this…

But is not everything simply a play..

and since it is a play is any of it really true..
After all everything is set up..

But what is True is the experience each of us comes away with of being undercover and truly being able to see, what most can not see and the response to the efforts of that which is motivating is to help others see. by creating such a play..

I have had responses which should plunge One in Despair, and responses which make one understand why people who were once so Light turn to Hatred and desire revenge..

I do believe that if these people are not in my Physical and “Surreal” Position do not have to endure the insult which people inflict upon each other…
You can ( and should be able to walk away or have the respite of some space…
I believe that my lack of Space, or walking across the Void of the Milk way while passing through Human Portals and their House addresses was reflected not my own Truth but the Truth of the people of this world..

They wish for more Space, air to breath to be allowed to breath, this expression is culminates with that expression aligned with Jonn Blackwell and Myself…
That desire to be unencumbered by the Work, be it in the Energy Real of E or the World where Jonn resides and sees..

I have really understood what this play has revealed to me about the True of Human Nature and what happens when you take away that essential Freedom and space to BE..

As the Kikuyu in Kenya who when imprisoned by the Colonialist for not paying their “Taxes” in a BOX- A Cell and how the concept was so foreign shocking and cruel to them that they began to die..
They just willed them selves to Leave..

This always seemed logical to me, but I am not a suicidal person and the great Will I always knew I possessed even to will myself to leave and depart from this play, only took me into a coma, a pause, a comma, where I saw the Light and then was brought back…
Not knowing that I had picked up a Hitch Hiker, Death..
Dark Matter who I have lived with for 22-23 years…

That is a life time…

and 14.7 years with my body literally in this life and death struggle..
Then realizing that because all the years represented in this ‘Mission”Undercover align perfectly to this play..
147.. see the sacred Portal..

It was very, and still is very hard for me to accept that every thing I had to personally go through was to reach face book for this play…
That it was set up, that It was intended…
That I who felt that I had manifested the quantifiable Truth of my Existence have been conned by being set up by something not of my own creation..
Death as the END wished to come home..
And the only way was to Transform the Character He She was given to play which was light at first, but Death and Decay became transformed into something else called Old Age..
Was to transform HE and SHE back to their True Light, True Nature thier True Beauty and finally their True Form and life…


Now isn’t that strange that it forms and equation which we can read…

2O12 (True Life)

2O14 (True Nature)

Tom Benzian 2O-2…22 BB V..

T.F.L…2O-6..26…8…Zeina Hanna…2O+6+12…38….C.H…E
38=11…11 5…K.E-SHE….16-7 Grace…

3×8=24…X…One Day…6-8
Sixth Sense (of the World now restored to Harmony All to see..)

T- FL…Truth Forte Lauderdale…Florida address 511…E.K..

2O12 I went there leaving 7-5-2O12…75-57…Donna O’Sullivan
went there 3 years ago in July..
(came to 18 Mountain View July 19th..2O15)
3 =C
which is on the Glass Door leading to the De-C.K…

I went there with two people one initials B.H.. 28.-82 ( Emeka Fritz Venneiq)
The Other R.S.. S.R..Stone Ridge…
Meet Michelle,Will Hunnitpercent Real Eric Lile Brown in Savannah Georgia.. M.W.E…Milky Way E… Ecstasy
… even a the pill was of it was given to me as I gift that first day..

What else did I work on in Forte Lauderdale which this equation T-F.L creates…38.. C.h.e.i…
The Nuclear Power station and Military Station
The Major stationed in NOME Alaska…the 49 the State.. those who Claim to be the IS.. The One and All Knowing..even just in their private life or thoughts…

And of course the play of Six sense of being aware that I was being moved and made to read to prove my supremacy of Sixth sense..
And what I read was the assignment was Mission Impossible 5…V.E.I

Awaken the CHE and C.HI of the the W.E..
Children of the Milky Way..
Consciousness of Christ..
Knowing Crystallized…
K.C and the Sunshine Band
Sun Shine Ray E

Sunshine Rae…


That is how I know no one has power to negate this play..
and that we are meant to be at 42O..

Art and Life do not play off each other they mirror each other perfectly..
reflect perfectly Word and Earth.. W.E..
Which came first..
H-art Harmony
Name of God.
I Heard… I.H EARD…I HE..A R.D…Home…

6:4O PM


Love Cee Beauty Expression!

Not Frodo…

From DO…

F rod O and understanding the Rod of the Source..

I Whip…E…



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