
11/3/2014 21:08 – Facebook Post



21.O Complete… 3+6= 9…

9 Months in the Womb…

Birth of 9=I.

I met up with Chris Franco and Raz Berry…at 😯 Balthazar…
Then completed the activation codes at Star Bucks Spring street.

On the way there I heard a voice behind me, I turned to observe that it was Giancarlo Thiago… ” meaning “God is Gracious…and Jacob- “supplanter” and Saint James brother of John… also meaning God is Gracious”….

If you recall, it was Giancarlo whose Espirit had guided me from The bean 3rd and 2nd, where he had worked and then to 9th Street where the “Play had continued… And then he had moved to Star Bucks at Church and Murray…
C.M…. which are the initials of my Bio Parents.. Cecilia and Maurice.
One meaning Blind and the other meaning Moor…

He was also the witness appearing out the blue when my Galaxy phone had been stolen and my play in space ended.

And here he was now, seeming like a Saint of Grace twice over as John and James as I was about to meet up with Chris and Raz… Hopefully, ending my stay in this awful Bible story interpretation and Matrix of Creation which became the Womb of universe…
The Umbiblical chord which was strangling humanity in the Womb.

Left him with a great smile in my being, and proceeded to my rendevouz, amazed that I was still in this play after 39 yrs and 13yrs and 8-9 months in New York City…

I heard some one say as if to me Universal Music… U.M.. Biblical Chord..U. B.C.. Universal Being Conscious… Good I thought.

I arrived at 5.OO, I had to call to order Chris, because I knew that he was being distracted…

I waited at 😯 Balthazar instead of what I had suggested yesterday The Bean 3rd and 2nd… i knew that play was over but i was more concerned with convince…

I am sick of this play of reading codes… while others lived a life.. somewhat.

But his Harmony asked if we could meet at in SoHo… SO 8O…
I responded with 😯 Spring street..
SO the fifth Note and 8o…. I see now… We were both in Harmony but I also demand impeccability.. i am tired of waiting on others and having the codes placed in others…

So I waited but I suddenly had to use the bathroom…
I was irritated. I knew that it was a set up..
I could miss them and I had no WIFI or phone…

I waited and eventually went to the bathroom and came back to see a homeless man O had noticed had taken my place..
I knew that it was a view of me…

Irritated I saw the code of Albert written on the vest of a guy who stood right in front of me so I could not miss it…

I went to the apple store to see if they were alright or if this play was just pissing me off again…
It was pissing me off…

I got the the Apple Store and saw the image of Marina Burini.. M.B.. I knew what it meant… We were leaving the Matrix the Womb as a web of lies…

Of course, I instantly saw a message from Raz that they had had caught the C train and were waiting for me in front of the benches of Balthazar…

i raced back and I began the work… I spoke mainly to R a-z who I recognized her energy instantly… This is the line of my Family as the Cee..
I had met Yonathan Yohannes as the Line of E as the Individual but it had taken me a full Cycle of a year, repeating the exact same process of Pelham B Park and coming down in October last years 2O 13… T.M… And now here I was doing all over again with in 2o 14…T.N…

I kept on seeing the number 33 over and over again… And I thought of Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna who is 33…

I did the work with the C and F…
It was easy…
Chris Bought me a Coffee…C
And the Homeless man who had taken my seat had followed us to Star Bucks and sat right infront of us….
And asked to use Chris Phone.. he was wearing a cross…
I knew it was a Play… Chris means ” Bearer of the Burden of Christ” was it this Homeless man or was it me., who did not represent that Story…
I represented the crossing of one perception of consciousness to another which is the work I as doing with the two…

Chris did not acknowledge the guy at first but only did so when I pointed out the play.. He took the let the guy use his phone asking him to state the number aloud which allowed me to verify the code… it was correct… 58 was the code of Spirited Away… S.A… By the wrong Creation Story..

I am 85… H.E… Chris was in perfection of Harmony but I was simply there to remind him which I he acknowledged though somewhat sensitive to my earlier expression of tardiness which he had apologized, stating that he knew i was pissed off, not with him but with this play…
Do you blame me…39 yrs retaining this vibration and being an observer of this reality, not able to participate and 13.8 years of living in others homes and being treated like a Homeless Jesus Christ….

Raz had the compassion reflected in her eyes and the sheer horror of my journey and she understood it perfectly…

In the end my Coffee spilled… Chris was so like my mother energy…

then the part I dreaded, came out I had to ask them for some cash which represented the code….
But was set up so that I would have to ask… as I had done with nearly all except for Marina Biruni, Billy Hung and Nikoma Rios…

They did understood completely Chris, looked at the Homeless man… this is not you… he said as he gave me three dollars… C…

Yes, but an Energy in you made me do this journey for the world to prove that which you already know C- Onu… he hardly had to listen to what I was saying he already knew…

Raz gave me 2O…

My Coffe had split when i had to ask and my body was just going up and down

“releasing energy” he commented… “So many ppl of my friends read your posts and want to meet you”..

Yes, I noted. i have value so why am I treated like that homeless Bum who stank unwashed when even with only my one change of clothing- (my things are at pelham B park and with david and this play has not allowed me the time to go and get my things- after all i am visiting my former host A.S on a daily basis)..

I knew what the code meant of money… even the serial numbers..

3 is C.. Cecelia my mother who heard but sometimes acted blind to the hurt of what i had been through… it was also Consciousness… He had also placed 16 cents on the counter. i asked him how much was there he told me I smiled…

2o from Raz was Thersea my mothers Sister, the one who had paid attention to the book I had written about the awakening when I was 8 years old, and had sought to publish it. And had reminded me about it all my life always paying attention…

They both did my Mother and my aunt but my aunt would acknowledge..
It was the same play…

Like the Biblical Mary and Martha… My Mother was Martha the Mother of John.. me the Gracious one who let his twin play his role of Jesus Christ in the last story…

THE Code of money I checked the three dollars was marked with 6 6 and 12..
2 6 and 12… My Birth year code 1966 in the past story ( I am now 1984-5)

1 Dollar Bill with 12 has the serial code; L- 7 66 12 76 4..A

LA! sixth Note… G 66…l Awakening 4th street at Als.

LA! 76 61 27 64

76 IS sacred portal the Awakening.. FA B.G…F.D

T is Truth
And the 20 is serial code A.I…41 35 18 28


“Father Chukwuemeka Emeke, C.E…AH!!!! The Being of Harmony…the A
The 1 A.




this is how to read…Harmony codes…

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