
11/29/2020 20:34 – Facebook Post

2:28 pm
B B H.
V H 22 8.. See Sacred Portal 58 (228 is also written on the base of the portal)

Its Kasien Thompson Birthday today.
11-29-63 ( F C 6 3)

He and I connected from Delta Manor to Gemino Liberty portal 900 South Road.

And with Kasien Hudson who was in th same room as I just before I left the Delta Manor Shelter bed 4-015 formerly 16 when i had it
I had been a year before in 2016-17. David Dawn on bed 4-017 had been my neighbor and Tre meaning Trinity on bed 4-019.

E K.

Recall his very real experience at his own funeral and the the Egyptian E T Animal headed Gods?

A-A Doppelgangers of 29 Lincoln 92/29
Emeka Stevan
Esteban Stephan at 29 Lincoln Street.
E Family Electro-Magnetic Field.

E Manifest Facts.
E Miguel Figueroa.

In 1992 Paris, I went into a coma, and traveled in a blink of an eye, to the portal I recognized as home to feeling Sensational.
I traveled through what is described in this reality as the Tunnel of Love.
Tunnel of Dark Matter.

There were three then two people witnessed and who I had informed of my decision to go home.
Erica- Ekayani.
And my two flatmates, Stephan and Manu.
Manu was staying with us, he came from Marseilles.
It was he who pleaded with me, “Don’t leave us” he had wept, “Nous, J’ai Besoin de toi”

Key Stone La Parole
I was never on parole – as a prisoner of Dark Matter- rather Parloe means One’s Word in French and after experiencing full memory of the Eternal Light of Feelings Sensational, and the evidence which I had asked for that when if I came back, as it had asked of me, I had reluctantly agreed once I saw that it kept its promise and gave me the evidence I could not deny, that it had not been a dream or a hallucination but a fact.
I had kept my promise.
I was 24 and just turned 25.
Age Code of 1967.

Bed marked 25 in the shelter bed 4-019/18.
A F K G= 25 letter Y.
( F S- S F= 25 25… 50 1 51 E A)

That was 27.11 years ago… I kept my word… reluctantly.
it was not my free will, but I saw I had no choice.
I came back on the eve of the New year, taken from that portal in by a couple called Fred and Catherine ( F C), and moved in with them and Catherine’s young sons Clement and Valentine.
C V.
A few weeks later my journey began and my Journals Talking To The Silence” ( TT TS Tree Sage Total Solar Eclipse.. TTTS=79 Jae Sherman code of 10.79 USD- Nyquil
Sacred portal 79… Jesse Maccias Orejuela born 9-22-79.
John Mack born in 1997.
79 -97 16 16…33. 79= 63- 63 63 Full Circle F C
First Contact F C
1 126 L F ( Jae Sherman intel via Jen yesterday “London Fog”
Leander Ferrill… meaning Man Victorious Valiant Man”
11 26.
A-A 11-26- 2020 Thanksgiving Day.
13 6 M F
Miguel Figueroa
27 A-A.
11 26= 37 / 73.
Kim Jae.
11 10/ 10 11.

See Sacred Portal 28.
Victor Victoria Victorious Victory.

My reluctance was my knowing that they did not need me, which made me suspicious of the dark matter I had passed through, it as if it did not exist.

I have stated here on this page for years, that it was because I knew that they did not need me.
The message the DM gave me was that I should demonstrate how I as a Human had made it home or to the very threshold of my Origins in perfect timing linked to the illusion as darkness as Time.
I was 24 when I felt my body drained and recognized it as a summons from Death my beloved- who was not the Darkness but rather those Feelings Sensational which had risen in me when I had first come in contact with the Beautiful truth as me, not my reflection but the Doppelganger Beautiful full Circle of my First Creation as expression rose as Bella! And our coming together all which I have explained to near exhaustion since 2010 when I announced the manuscript had been written in 2010 “The True conversation between Energy E and AH-Tom”
And the story of which for the last 28 years, .. 29 years, 30 years as time, I have been battling through.

It was not the Dark Matter who did this Nightmare Journey to me- it just wished me to show and demonstrate how I did it.
I was happy about it but it was not the dark matter who made this journey a living hell, rather it was the stubbornness of the alien council of children in their play of evolving from light to solid matter- Manifest Facts Solid.
Add Humanities clinging to their bad ideas, twisted original truths, fairy tales and stories which they had transformed into Night Terrors.
Fear- not recollecting that they were on a spaceship in a comma, a pause of 9 Plants moving through the great illusion of time.

Time Code right now.

4:55 pm.

5.03 pm.


5:10 p.m.

* This was a pause…
A play took place again, a Real Play for the movie directors of the E family who will transform this true story and true experience whim they as the few who are witness, can use these notations as “Key Words”
La! Pa-Role … me.. us being undercover, and for them at the literal brink of the Awakening.

At 15 11 Facebook Friends.
O K.
A E A-A… Yes it links to Arden Esteban Alexander Aurelia.

The sign O K- O in Blue spray paint and K in phosphorus green is sprayed on the pavement entrance of 219 South Whitney
Kim – to Kolo is recognized as the completion of the full circle in the America- Africa- Europe- A.M. E.R ..I C A ( Alexander -Arden-Aurelia) &
America- Japan- A.M Eric A-H-A.I
A-P Manuscript.

Basically two manuscripts aligned to 1.One ONE and A.
One based on Time, the other Moment ( outside of Time and inside of Time) aligned in perfection at one.

The actualy expression and exchange which took plave in the kitchen first with Myself and Jae. ( Cream and Creamer for Coffee and Cafe)
( Blue E J Brandy… Brandy StanfordB S) and then before that Kim and I, T Taylor- Tennet and then all three of us togther- really two of them causually like the speed of light- came streaming from them Long version Kim, summary Jae Sherman and an prompt from Jae which reminder me i wished to get some air.
I can not write it all down here
G A Kim.. A G from Jae. ”

I went out I had 3 dollars, and a 50 usd bill.
Again Deep Aquamarine Blue American spirits were chosen for me, but I was also given a choice Light Blue but he decided on the darker deeper blue which I too had looked at.
I bought some raw papers … Tax was 1:11 change, total 18.6. ( R F.. A H.F)

1.98 usd He-i-n-eke-n
13.98 usd @ C V S Maui Creme 9.99 and Creame Half and Half.. each bought for practical purpose but with Foresight Hindsight full circle F H- H F in the back of my mind ( I am really on Here Present In the Aware Monent of Here and Now. H A N..
Han? Sigh ( Ancient China rose in me when I got back.. Chi Nna Bill Hung… Emperor and me as the Golden Child in the Forbidden City.)

6:03 p.m right now.
6:04 pm. 64.

* Yuin Chen was my the one who took over David Dawns position But it was Francis F who had taken over the number 4-017 as the bed David Dawn had once occupied when I was on bed 4-016, later moving to Room 5A a 15 man room on the 5th Floor bed 5-006 ( 4016 56.. I met Arden when he was 15 and I was 51 and 35 …. and 32… 1967. 1984, 19 87,
Benjamin C K has his birthday on 11-3…what year.. I will get back to you on that Chris Filgueira Kim Hinds.
C K F H…

6:12 pm
I am obviously pointing something out again… ( I have already hinted at who Benjamin C K is…
Chukwuemka Kolo.
Being of C K.

Luke in the Bible story was the Tax Collector. T C.
AT X ( 24 TEN)
Luke Simon.

I came back and noticed it was a bit easier to walk on the pavement today, than on this tiled floor kichen.. covering a wooden floor.
O K….
15 11=
26 Past Passed. K O
O K … E K E N -S-Stephen.

Before I went out I asked Kim if I could try his Bud.
Boom B-AH! Its called.
Boom! Boom!

13th Portal Astrological Sign Ophichius Asclepius
represented by A Man.
Excellent Healer.

“The caduceus is the traditional symbol of Hermes and features two snakes winding around an often winged staff. It is often used as a symbol of medicine instead of the Rod of Asclepius, especially in the United States. The two-snake caduceus design has ancient and consistent associations with trade, liars, thieves, eloquence, negotiation, alchemy, and wisdom.”

See Sacred portal 28.

* In Greek mythology, the Rod of Asclepius (Greek: ?????? ??? ?????????, Rábdos tou Asklipioú, sometimes also spelled Asklepios or Asclepius), also known as the Staff of Aesculapius and as the asklepian,[1] is a serpent-entwined rod wielded by the Greek god Asclepius, a deity associated with healing and medicine.

The serpent and the staff appear to have been separate symbols that were combined at some point in the development of the Asclepian cult.[5] The significance of the serpent has been interpreted in many ways; sometimes the shedding of skin and renewal is emphasized as symbolizing rejuvenation,[6] while other assessments center on the serpent as a symbol that unites and expresses the dual nature of the work of the Apothecary Physician, who deals with life and death, sickness and health.[7] The ambiguity of the serpent as a symbol, and the contradictions it is thought to represent, reflect the ambiguity of the use of drugs,[8] which can help or harm, as reflected in the meaning of the term pharmakon, which meant “drug”, “medicine”, and “poison” in ancient Greek.[9] However, the word may become less ambiguous when “medicine” is understood as something that heals the one taking it because it poisons that which afflicts it, meaning the medicine is designed to kill or drive away something and any healing happens as a result of that thing being gone, not as a direct effect of “medicine”.

Asclepius derived his name from healing soothingly and from deferring the withering that comes with death. For this reason, therefore, they give him a serpent as an attribute, indicating that those who avail themselves of medical science undergo a process similar to the serpent in that they, as it were, grow young again after illnesses and slough off old age; also because the serpent is a sign of attention, much of which is required in medical treatments.”

Kim intel
“Doctor Emeka”
M D.
Medical Doctor
Dark Matter
Delta Manor
Delta Manners

6:16 p.m
D M 4 13= 17
M D 4 13 = 17 1 34.
35 I ended up giving Kim 15 usd as change, taking 35 usd rather than 30
adding my 3 it became 38.
C H.. I N N A.


I have two new facebook Friends

Victor Manu

Ankwai Oyosoho.

Victor is yes by Name given to me by my Nanny.

6:19 pm
F A I.
Ferrill Arden I.

Manu Manu- Script … M S
Manu Stephan ..
13 19= 32.
Yes Kim.
But I met then both C K when they were both 31 in 2018.
31 31 1 62- A F B
“A” Favour Felico David.

Supreme Love- 31
Sacred Portal 31
1 31 31 = 63 F C.
19 19 – 1 38.. A CH.. 39 C I.
87 87 = 1 174.. A AGD.
75. G E. “7th and 5th Chakra”
Jae Sherman was born in 1975
Kim and I have 75 mutual facebook friends.

75 / 57 .. MW
A Voice speaking the world into Exstence which then in Hindsight created the manudcript of true DNA.. David Nnamdi Alexander/Arden
Devotion Natural Awareness
Attention ( Serpent) Focus.
D S.
Dharma Santana
DA V ID E,.. Supreme.

Who is as Lord God Almight.
Amazing Grace,

Eternal Nature Defined Supreme.
D I V A.D.
Brian Dempsey.


Manu meaning.

Etymology. Borrowed from Sanskrit ??? (mánu, “man, mankind”). Doublet of man.

“Hindi Baby Names Meaning: In Hindi Baby Names the meaning of the name Manu is: A ruler of the earth”

Manu means “God is with us” (from Hebrew “im/???” = with + “el/???” = God) and “human” (from Sanskrit “???”). Besides, Manu means “bird” in M?ori

Means “thinking, wise” in Sanskrit. In Hindu belief this is a title of Svayambhuva, the progenitor of the human race, as well as several of his descendants.”

*from New York, U.S. says the name Manu means “Emperor of human beings” and is of Indian (Sanskrit) origin”

*What does the name Manu mean? · African meaning: Second born · Sanskrit meaning: Thinking; wise.”

Victor Manuel Sanchez
Steven Chris Robert Ignatio Peter ( I also met Peter with Jerome – Tuan Jay… and again )

Victor Manu became my 2010 Facebook Friend.
Taun Jay.
On my Birth Day- 2010 and then truly began in the 29th, the next day drawing my sacred portals
in Marina Biruni’s Apart Loft led there via John Shaw ( J S)
Rachel Gemma Louise Shaw R G L S R=18 Response G L S – Supreme Lord G-ode”
remember Go means 5 in Japanese. J A Pan-ESE full circle Pan O-RA-MA…. full circle
P A N O R O-

7:11 pm.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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