
11/29/2016 22:31 – Facebook Post

7:21 p.m…

G.B.A…. G.U.

29-11-9… A-C.K.I… (A-Z+ 3).. Room 3A



Code aligns to my Face Book Friend Kathleen Beard’s name meaning….


*From the Greek name ?????????? (Aikaterine). The etymology is debated: it could derive from the earlier Greek name ‘????????? (Hekaterine), which came from ‘???????? (hekateros) “each of the two”; it could derive from the name of the goddess HECATE; it could be related to Greek ????? (aikia) “torture”; or it could be from a Coptic name meaning “my consecration of your name”. In the early Christian era it became associated with Greek ??????? (katharos) “pure”,
From the Greek ‘????? (Hekate), possibly derived from ‘???? (hekas) meaning “far off”. In Greek mythology Hecate was a goddess associated with witchcraft, crossroads, tombs, demons and the underworld.

The name could also be locational from Beard in Derbyshire, which means “(on) the bank or brim”

Infinity = Individuality….

And since this code of initials K.B keeps coming up, I would like to express it once more in summary based on what the translation and anchors of this Equation Play has revealed…

Each of the Two (Sky Fall D.C and J.B..), who came from Far off, who were tortured, were consecrated to the Divine purpose of your Name’s purity on the bank and to the Brim of Existence”
The two would be Emeka Nnamdi, Present and Past..
E+N=S-AO…. Supreme Alpha Omega…
Consecrated by the Expression of Santana Dharma, the Dewight Light of the Black Smith…
Dewight Smith… Code D.S.. 4-19
Which is linked to Robert O Sullivan… “Famous Bright Shinning Of (DE 45..April 5th 1969… Nnamdi Robert I…NRI) The Hawk Eye…

*The Hawk Eye… T.H.E is Horus…

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power and good health. The eye is personified in the goddess Wadjet (also written as Wedjat,[1][2][3] or Udjat”,[4] Uadjet, Wedjoyet, Edjo or Uto[5]). The Eye of Horus is similar to the Eye of Ra, which belongs to a different god, Ra, but represents many of the same concepts.

The name Wadjet is derived from “wadj” meaning “green”, hence “the green one”, and was known to the Greeks and Romans as “uraeus” from the Egyptian “iaret” meaning “risen one” from the image of a cobra rising up in protection.[6] Wadjet was one of the earliest of Egyptian deities who later became associated with other goddesses such as Bast, Sekhmet, Mut, and Hathor. She was the tutelary deity of Lower Egypt and the major Delta shrine the “per-nu” was under her protection.[6] Hathor is also depicted with this eye.[7]

Funerary amulets were often made in the shape of the Eye of Horus. The Wadjet or Eye of Horus is “the central element” of seven “gold, faience, carnelian and lapis lazuli” bracelets found on the mummy of Shoshenq II.[3] The Wedjat “was intended to protect the pharaoh [here] in the afterlife”[3] and to ward off evil. Ancient Egyptian and Middle-Eastern sailors would frequently paint the symbol on the bow of their vessel to ensure safe sea travel.[8]”

The Eye of Ra or Eye of Re is a being in ancient Egyptian mythology that functions as a feminine counterpart to the sun god Ra and a violent force that subdues his enemies. The Eye is an extension of Ra’s power, equated with the disk of the sun, but it also behaves as an independent entity, which can be personified by a wide variety of Egyptian goddesses, including Hathor, Sekhmet, Bastet, Wadjet, and Mut. The Eye goddess acts as mother, sibling, consort, and daughter of the sun god. She is his partner in the creative cycle in which he begets the renewed form of himself that is born at dawn.”

Dawn Piercy.. “Thunder Reign…”

Now that is the code completion of the Past linked to Nnamdi which of course represents Father Lord O..Robert….
F.L..O.R…. Forte Lauderdale O Ravindra Singh who took me there to apartment 511..E.K…In 2012…
When this play was meant to end…But which extended a further 4 years of realigning the past to Delta Manor…
Which became associated with these Four Goddess Deities ( As the 4 O.INri Market Days.. M.D/D.M…Which is what the World has become, a World Market…Market World.. M.W 87..M.W 78…
M.I.L.K.Y…W.A.Y… 78 Card in the Tarot originally an Egyptian Divination tool…
8:07 p.m.

*Note the time codes represents True Fact by the very nature of the meaning of Synchroncity and Symmetrical Perfection which reveals meaning which flows through the Eternal Law of Eternal Order…
E.L..E.O… E.E.L.O….E.E..O.L… Orien Laplante.
And can not be done with intention- meaning it links naturally when you own Harmony makes you look up and see the time..
The only work you have to do is link is to note it…
Because that is the Anchor at which that Truth manifests…

Thus the Entire Universe has been in the grip of the Creation Story of the Ancient Egyptians, and as Paul mentioned today…
That is where he gathered that there is a Star Gate.
He is Correct..
And it is because of peoples Harmony whose synchronicity with the where we are in the equation, which I have done with all my 805 and now 804 Face Book Friends…
And the coincidence with the play of on 11-28, yesterday I was sent to see the Doctor, after over two months in Delta Manor..
Only to discover today that it was Paul who had the appointment and I had replaced him because he had forgotten that he had one….
Never mind that I have a literal physical condition and had been at Delta Manor one month before he had arrived…

And so, here we are with a World View which most of the West have defined and called Greek Roman, instead its West African and then Egyptian Origins..
Which made re-aligning and correcting the Blue Print of Existence as the Dna strands and links, and expressing it a Hellish Task…
Resistance to the Truth despite migratory patterns and irrefutable evidence that all Humanity emerged from that Central Continent which became known as Africa….

I say this because For years were spent on correcting this Past of
Nnamdi… Nature… Father and then having to use the Tools of Naturalness and Hindsight-Foresight to prove to “Father who then became God” this Truth.
Which of course, he knew, but as Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka and my room mate, as well as Kwame, of Bed 33 ( Linked to Ezeufonna), that they were the past and not the present.
Which he knew, but he wished to bring the evidence in this modern present age of how did we know, and to thus provide Empirical Evidence linked with Facts before an entire world audience…

The Bible
John… (Twin of Lucifer Luke) 1;1

The Beginning…

And Link the Bible which means “Book”
To that True Beginning but with the sum total of the Human Experience represented in the Rainbow by the 1-7 break down of Light which creates Colors…
And how vice Versa, Color creates Light.

See code play of Dawn Piercy whose gift she wishes to send me on Dec 3rd… 12-3… See sacred Portal 123.. Which represents the Battle in te Beginning of Creation to Manifest Infinity in the “Void” which never was…
The Void was the ‘Ignorance of Man” and the Awareness of the Gods (Humanities Highest potential already at 7)

Thus, the Riddle of the Sphinx….

And so here we see, that I am still at Delta Manor…
Despite a Test which I mentioned involving Paul son of Ida “I.O..UNN” Who represents Immortality…
The ability for the Body to Rejuvenate naturally…
Which is the words which occur on Sacred Portal 31…
Which Dewight Smith and I linked yesterday, he with sixth sense ( and growing alertness) and I with Six sense and Facts linked when he led me to a portal 12 72… Kabballah’s 72 Tarot….
Which of course came from the Hebrews who were in Egypt and through Hagar Ishmael… H.I… She being a Royal Egyptian Princess…
Just as Esther who later became a Persian Queen….
H.I..89…Code, the very year I began the fight to release myself from the African and World story to begin to document and prove the Truth of the E consciousness..
The E line of Evolved beings having been in Existence before Humanity…
‘They Lived Before Adam and The Beautiful Ones”- written by the Late Professor Catherine Acholonu… C.A… 3 A…

The Bill for our meal was 22;62 usd….
(In this outrageous Money Code Play…)
Meaning that our bill, represented 11;31….Each…
“Each of the Two” we had the same thing, but mine was with Lettuce and Tomato;s which was given to Dewight by “mistake”

Thus today, when John Dudley of Bed 3001, began the play today after Paul had left.. And I was left reeling that even after yesterday play with Dewight, that I had to go through this again…
Knowing that it was because of what I had stated to Emmanuel (O.G) Michael Timmons.. MT…
Who I knew represented without being aware.. or fully aware the E Mountain… Peak Apex….

Every word I have ever uttered and utter was checked and examined and then reflected boom e ranged back at me, in a set up.. in a play to see how I would really be of those words I uttered.. by Naturally.. Thus, only becoming aware of it in Hindsight… But developing a Foresight through experiencing the same pattern, over and over again for the last 27 years…
The interruption of the Africa World Story, to the E story…

The Past which was a Story competing with the Eternally Present Truth.. E.P.T!

And my outrage, and isolation was, has been something beyond Human comprehension until recently….

I knew the importance of re-aligning the past but as I watched the formation which happened around the space I slept, all around my bed 3002…John Dudley who represents the Egyptian world ( Despite telling me that his 20 year old son, he had placed in the ‘White Peoples corner.. meaning the literal guardians of his sons future he placed in the hands of Caucasians- While he began to lecture me, to my incredulity about how I was Black and that no matter how Western I appeared, that I would be crucified and tortured just as any Black person…
I had been listening to this Joker with second sight, and intelligence and Brilliance and wit- who was also a conduit to my brother Nnamdi, just as the Three Chases… Two of whom sleep directly above each other in room 3 and 4 bed 3006!…
4 3.. 360 Degrees….
And today being the day I went up to the 4th floor for the first time.. something I had thought of fleetingly last night but had no reason to visit until Dewight Smith suggested it when I was looking for Chase…
One Black one White….

Then Kwame heard me suddenly ask him, literally “Who are you Talking to?” because I sincerely could not link that he was taking to me. Kwame, who is bed 33 I had never had a conversation with..
I try to limit my contact with people because every person energy stimulates me and each interaction raises the person Spirit and suddenly I am overwhelmed with Data and codes.. Which is what happened subsequently with Kwame… Linked to 2013…33..6
When I was in Queens, Kew Gardens.. K.G…( Keith Grant….Bed 53 Room B linked to Eric Lile Brown, the only person allowed to stay there who was linked to my Great Uncle who represented the Mbwede.. Evening when the sun set and I was born…
And Egypt…

Suddenly there was John and Kwame in my Space each seeking to tell me about Africa and Culture clashes…
And I just sighed…I saw the Human equation forming…
J.K… 10-11…
E Galaxy 1O 11… 111…. 3A.. forming in that very room…
But apparently I had to pass the ancient Egyptian codes and pass through the portal of Maat as Woman… Gauge as well as Cassandra my Case Worker.. Each wearing pendants… Tarot Justice and the other a Full Circle…
Each had given me a Grade… 12 19… L.S… Love/Life Supreme..
1-2-2017….1-2- 2017…37…10..1O…

It went on for a while until Dewight Smith joined us, John tried to send him away. But there was something which brought Dewight there and it turned out it was to iron out an expression of mis understanding with Kwame.. While Kwame was speaking about communication..
And so Truth came to him and offered him a mirror of exactly whay I was seeing but did not have the energy to express…
That their words did not match the expressions which they had.. all clear and marvelous but still even though unintentional it was hypocrisy..
The very thing I had called John after the first week of observing him speak and interact..
And I was not observing it in both of them as they spoke…
And only when Dewight arrived and the equation was presented did I speak of not being Black or White but an Individual..
A Role forced on me, naturally and by the circumstances of my birth and cultures…which formed me…
They both listened with respect and Dewight simply nodded sagely..

I have been treated like an outsider my entire life for my skin color my accents, my birth, my philosophy, ideology until at the age of 21-22 I freed myself and began Talking to the Silence at the age 23…

Yes the Sneakers which paul sold me for two dollars.. Two to pass through..
Such as the butterflies which I shared from my new Face Book friends page…

And so we were 4 men.. in Harmony through conversation…
Which ended with a conversation with Kwame in which he revealed so much such as being told that his reflection in the mirror is a throne…
See sacred portal 45…’Throne of God”
April 5th.. 4-5.. / 5 4… Nnamdi… The throne of God…
Which is what Isis means, is the conquering of the past..
He spoke of 23 years ago being in near the point of Death, and the only thing which saved him was some Igbo (NRI) doctors who took away and were healers, they he said took him to the Spirit realm where he was miraculously healed and he said one of them looked so much like me…
23 years ago…

But I can not speak anymore of this because I have run out of Time..

Past Present… P.P.. 16 16.. 32 5… 16 16 7 7 .. 14 5…

Now Back to the Present, my 3rd 805 Face Book Friend
Conte Raoul Venturin… before I saw, it go back to 804 for the 4th Time….
K..A-Z-C…. K.C.I..I
Kolo A-Z- Chukwuka Ikem is I… An Individual….

I saw Raoul today here, he looked different better, I am wearing contacts he said…
Then I saw Raheem.. Both are here in the Cafe..
Shari Sissoko passed by waving…
Ashely gave me a discount coffee and Jay greets me like we are cool mates…

Conte means Traveling Companion…
It also means
“This famous surname recorded in the spellings of Comte, Conte and Conti, is of Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese origins. It derives from the Latin ‘comptus’ meaning ‘order or control’, and such in the Roman Empire it applied to officials of rank responsible for administering a small region.

Raoul means ‘Wolf or Elf Counsellor as well as Red World- Wolf… I mean..:)

Venturin means Bonne Adventura.. Good Luck…
Ace Ventura.. Jim Carey….

Noble Traveling companion of Eternal Order and Logos. our ways part at last, thank you for your Counsel and great advice
Red Wolf of the First Note of Blood…
Good luck to you, after the adventure to bring order into the Animal World Consciousness as you return to your Home World
The 5th Dimension….”

Nnamdi.. The Past you Passed with Flying Colors..

9:31 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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