
11/28/2015 19:39 – Facebook Post

4:23 p.m…. F.W…F.B.C..(Face Book Consciousness)

Meaning that face book is the mirror reflecting and being used as a tool and measuring rod for the Consciousness of Humanity and the World.

11-28-8…K.B.H..H…Kolo (Meaning All Round- Circle) Be Harmonies Harmony

28-11-8…B.H..K (AA) H..Beautiful Harmonics of the “Apollo-Athena” (Ka-Soul) the Souls of the Twins Harmony.


Welcome Jesse Calimlim and Maliha Nisha…J.C..M.N..
Code Jonn Charles…M.O.N…
“Name IS Freedom is the Grace of the Creator”

Jesse means :God Exists!, it also Means ‘the Gift and the Obligation of One who IS (Knows?)”

For the life of me I could not find the meaning of the Filipino name Calimlim.. the nearest I got was “Clarity light pulsating” – in code it is CA (31…1984 Birth code on Face Book) L.I.M…12-9..13…31 129 13…which is a full circle 31/13..with 12-9 in the center as completion…So yes Clarity light pulsating might be accurate…1-9 is matter,,

See Jonn Blackwells share to me I posted on Pharaoh Sanders..
Observe sacred portal 9..Of the Pharaoh and his younger Brother/Son..
9 is the highest number in the Physical manifest world…
3 1..129..13…4 129-13…Nnamdi meaning “Father Is Present” in OINRi Igbo

:God Exists…Jesse C..J.C

Maliha is a beautiful Sanskrit name ..IT means Beautiful, Strong Elegant and Graceful…”

Nisha means “Night”

“God Exists, the Gift and the Obligation the One one who IS…”

(Nna’m Di…Di means “IS”
ID is short for Identity…)

“To identify and acknowledge the Creator, the true Identity of A Human Being-H.U.E Man Being that Pulsating clarity which lights all manifest Existence within and beyond time and Space. The Beautiful Strong, Elegant Graceful Night..in Shinning Luminosity beyond even his daughter sister Artemis Aphrodite Athena.. Diana Moon…D.M.
He is DE-AT-H..D.H.E.U who announces the Arrival of the Creator Lord…
the Creator of Humanity J.C…(H.C) D.C..”

This is the equation of D.H.E.U…4+8+5+21= 38..
Once again 4 38 Face Book Friends- Conquering Death Twice as the lie as Venomous Loud Abusive Expression of Rage in Men
and Poisonous Silent resentment of Quiet boiling rage in Woman..

438 Face book friend, occurredTwice and this Time J.C representing Male and M.N representing Female came at the same time as Face Book friends,

Please see Jonn Blackwell Share of Joseph and Mary…
J.M my two new Face Book friends..

How could he have known before, they even became Face Book Friends that this would be the code of the play..
Joseph meaning Add
Myrrh means ” Loved and the Beloved”

Add the Loved and the Beloved to the play-
this will truly Evolve and Awaken the World..
The Loved and Beloved?
Myrrh is used to anoint the Dead..
😯 Spring Street..
They Lived before Adam..
The E line..
Add them… they are True Love..
The E…H.E-H.S…

So now, I have two new Face Book Friends today which brings us back to 438 Face book friends, exactly where we had arrived at yesterday with the arrival of Mark Behman…M.B..Which then aligned full circle with Marina Burini and the link to Marcos Quintero and Carlos Mauricio Quintero…

We moved backwards to 437, and then to 436..which is, and has never been about the power people assume they have by making a statement or a judgment of who your are or what your presenting. But rather, as I have pointed out if one analyzes this play, is more a barometer, or even a pendulum- or perhaps even a Blacksmiths “Hammering out a Sword” a path way, even a road of alignment of the meaning, and the point of this play.

Which cuts certain things consciousness out, while aligning the play created to its perfect meaning..and point…
I have been the Observer of this play for most of my life, but with full awareness for the last 14.8 years…
Please see sacred portal 148…
Donna O’Sullivan noted today that I have been in their home for 4 months and 9 days..
Which is meant to be the age I have reached today (As well as 31..
* there is a reason why the Riddle revealed my birth year on Face Book as 1984…Please see the code play of E=CMe 43..4 3..7 12..19 84..1O3..J.C..see sacred portal 31..and you might understand why it is better than I am that age code, rather than 49 * See sacred portal 49 “Existential Death” – which we have already witnessed represented the shelter system as the true meaning of Existential Death. I was in Bed 49 and the riddle affirmed that the System of the Damned was the shelter system and the Matrix which strips human being of whatever sense of Humanity they have, by stripping away their dignity, and sense of self worth, for “allowing themselves” to be in such a situation where they are seen as a Failure or a Big fat Zero- even if they had contributed all their lifes to paying taxes, and contributing to society.

It did not matter if you were honest, it did not matter if you refused to move to violence, cheating stealing, manipulating, corruption, murder…It did not matter, if you had a dream, or were following a path which could benefit your fellow humanity, much more than a 9-5 job.
Or than you could not afford your mortgage, or some crook bankrupted the company you spent 30 years…
The system perhaps (or perhaps not), created as a sincere attempt by some to help people- was already contaminated at the get go by those who had hidden motives of greed and different values..

What ever the case, that system and the System of the Current Matrix of human reality was affirmed as the True Energetic Black Hole- Sapping the greatest Eternal revenue..Human Resource and our ingenious resourcefulness, the Eternal Spring well of Ideas…of the Beautiful Dreamers- and a system which turns those dreams to ashes, and those few which do manage to manifest are quickly eroded until you no longer recognize the original inspiring Idea, song, vision in the end…

Nothing lasts?
The Heavens Nature all these things have lasted, even relics of human civilizations through the evidence…
Who gave this meaning of Impermanence such power and sway over the collective intellect…Futility covered up in Buddhist philosophy..
And yet there is Constancy in Humanities most Splendid and most heroic deeds which even here I still quote the stories and deeds of ancient Africa, Greece, Arabia, Europe, Asia…?

Have these their stories not survived through the ages, just as the monuments of men at their most Heroic quests to convey and express thier love and awe..and a Vision..
The Creme rises to the Top, the Chocolate is sweet, when we add honey, the Coffee is Delicious…

Everything is Subject to Change, but not as an end, but a cycle a spiral, evolution, refining until it reaches the point.
Which is not the end, rather its the True Beginning…

That is what the post of Jonn Blackwell P.S..Master Plan…Reminded me of, that the Master Plan of the New World order was never the Master Plan- but was part of it, it was a call, and a reminder.. Is this what you truly want..
It was part of the Master Plan to move people, to question, to explore…to rise..
Not to Fall in the misery of All is Lost..
But rather it was a Plan of Paradise Lost, and Dante’s Divine Comedy..
That nothing was…lost..

And from my experience, nothing was forgotten..

Just the Will to believe in A Master Plan so beautiful that it would put the combined Majestic Beauty of Heaven and Earth to shame..
Why not, why could the Creator of this Expression so magnificent, so Constant yet at the same time forever changing… not go beyond this first Creation of the 4th Dimension, to created something even more incredible called the 5th Dimension, where it is not Nature, and the Heavens above which form the basis of our Awe, but ourselves, as the literal 5 th Elent Being of the 5th Dimension, being unwrapped as the greatest gift of All..
A Beauty and Majesty greater than Manifest Space and time.
We awakening to realize why even the Creator felt awe at seeing our true nature and in that moment of awe, paused and suddenly realized this extraordinary creatures were his children that HE-S.HE, they are the master of All…

No, Sacred portal a.g.e 49 is done.
This was the play at 18 Mountain View of not me, or what I am representing but of you, and your begining, and your truth..
reflected in Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan…
Homo Erectus..H.E..He in Ancient Phoenician Letter E.. Haun Delguidce
Homo Sapien :(Donna) Hilde (Zeina) Sophia…H.S…D.Z….

Supreme Harmony Expresses Harmonics Universal Energy..
The children of the E.T H.E and the A-lien Mother of the Homo Sapiens
E H S…(E.V.E)

It is better to state that I have turned 31.. at least for the sake of the Truth of the Play, for sacred portal 31 is Resurrection of one and all…

And for 45 months..Please see sacred portal 45..and code April 5th.
The birth of my younger brother; April 5th 1969…
Who in my life play, was sent to Death- (Home) to the 5th Dimension portal, to wait there, while we played out the True Meaning of Death by a tag team play of He Existing in the “Unseen” realm and myself existing in the “Seen realms” and solved mystery by linking the two realms.

We had to defeat the Great Evil, and the Abomination called Death as created by Humanity acting as lords of wrath rage anger and messengers of death- in the most awful ways..Abomination to all Nature and Existence.

Of course, this is my experience of the “play” through my life- each persons has an experience of the One play in their life’s wether they are aware of it or not, deny, it acknowledge, twists and misrepresent it..
In the end, it makes no difference at all what you do to it..

It remains…

That is the nature of Truth…

Its is a Sword as Well as a Staff and a Rod..

It parts the Red C…
All Sees, Red to Orange, R.O Y G B I V…
All sounds Do rey mi fa so la ti do..
It parts through Everything, for it was forged by Alexander Hephaestus Dionysus Universe Eros…

It is the nature of Truth to cut through all illusion, delusions, Ideas..
that is the Nature of Truth, it simply reveals, it does not defend its Truth, it defends only those who have retained Truth- it does not depend on anyone or anything..
It is Truth… it reveals, its shows its pathway and its point leading you to See it self revealed in the end.

This is why I call Truth God…Because Truth is Harmony- Truth is Expression, Truth is Grace…

T.H.E. G….

The Gift..

Yes, it is my birthday today, in some cultures this is the day when they celebrate others, by the person celebrating their birthday, giving the people they love and cherish gifts..

Jesse is my Gift,
Jesse is from the Philippines…
Joko meaning Young man is from Indonesia..
Julian Brown…J.B
for Jonn Blackwell is really H.D…H.C.D under cover..
And I, played H.D.E.U…
Code Baraka Hussein O.B.-A.M..A

code Angela Marie Alexander… A.M.A

O= Filled Circle Perfect Symmetry…
B- Being Beautiful Victorious Expression

Awakening Dawn as the Cock Crows (Rooster Raven) calls all to awaken in one- together..CC..RR..2 C =O…18+18..36O..9…


Phillip means “Friends of Horses” and was played out by many Phillips beginning with Philip Shlain and cumulating in the play with David Phillip Gil and Georges-Philippe Roc….

Indonesia means :Isle of the Indians”

I.P Man…
The Story of Pi…
the Story of the Proto Indo European Language
and the Java Programing Language…Java Script..

Jesse.. You see it was my Obligation, because I could not deny what I Cee and Knew..C.K…
And the Gift of the Creator of K..ORB and the Twins and their Children…
My greatest desire and present is the Gift of the Vision of the Evolution Awakened as the True Vision made solid and real, experienced yourselves..
And not through my words…

That would my Gift to the World aligned to Joseph Mary. J.C.D.M.C
And the Will of my Father the Pharaoh..
in the Diamond Dee Jay Both with his Son…Song.

6:39 p.m.



Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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