
11/27/2020 16:44 – Facebook Post

From Johan Jordaan

Ahh… I Smile.
Infinite Synchronicity.


I S T.

( T S I…. Tree Sage I)

I have nothing to add to this beautiful expression Truth – Proven true except to note the name.

Christopher Vitale.

Meaning “Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme

W A V E S…

Vitale:” absolutely necessary or important; essential.”secrecy is of vital importance”Similar: essential indispensable, crucial, key necessary, needed, required requisite important all-important of the utmost importance of great consequence of the essence-critical life-and-death imperative mandatory urgent pressing burning compelling acute paramount preeminent high-priority significant consequential earth-shattering world-shaking Opposite: unimportant peripheral secondary
2.full of energy; lively.”

Life Force .. Cee See

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