
11/27/2018 1:16 – Facebook Post

From Tree Sage

T S… 20 19… 39… C I.
2O 19.. 21 O..C O…

Ah! 2 O…2 6… 8.. 10… 1 O.. O = 15th letter… 1 +5 =Sixth Sense F…
H.F… 86…

8:06 p.m.. Note.

In the play of Victoria Jackson… Victoria in the Feminine Feminine F F.. 6 6. 6… Play… 12 L 3.. C… Completion.

NE.. PT.. U N E…N E PT.. Peter Bragino ( 16 2.. 18… Bed 18… ) Kine Tree Sage P T)
U.. N E… ( U “C.. 21 2+1.. B A .. 3… C)

All Completed so 18… K H… 11 8… 18 19… 11 89 Facebook Friends last time I checked so we should be now at 1190.. 11 90..

1990.. 28..

11 89… 1 117,, S.P Mixed Blessing…

10:10 p.m.
Thanks Giving Portal S.K.. Donna… S K D… Kevin Deer… S E E K.. D…E E R.. The D E A R… Cherished and Beloved ..A.D.. After Death… D A…E.. Da Enlightens
They will Rise…

10:12 p.m.
J L..
Jude Lucas
Jude Law.. Leah

22 V…

Discovered a 1 $ Bill.. with number Codes on them!
First time in a while, and it is in pencil…
The numbers on the Money Bills was a play in which every single moneies given donated or sent to me contained a code with numbers. This has been going on for the last 4 years….

It stopped At Isabelle Ilic A F R I C A…
and never happened with monies from Stephen Filgueira until today.
confirming the Ego Oge play.. E O.. 5O th State and that this was still the Numbers Game.. Numbers Play.. N G.. N P..
Chance gamble. risk.. not sure…

12:11 p.m.

L K.. Look Lion King…

B 15….15 J 5 is written on it…
Serial number
B 660 29 84 0 C
B. 66 O 29 84.O…C

B 66 02 98 4O C…

4O USD Spent at Aladdin’s Place.. just now..

12:15 a.m.


12:16 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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