
11/27/2016 20:45 – Facebook Post

From Anamla Qayin

That is why this Face Of Death…

The Mask of the Beautiful Death
had to Rise as the 4 Horse Men…

The Abominations Committed here…
in this 3rd and 4th World…
Visible and Invisible and through Spirit…
fully Aware…
Are so Awful, so Cruel..
And then the Challenge thrown out to the Source of Creation
so arrogant,
“Come down into your Creation and see What We have done to your Beautiful Creation.. Your World, Your Word, Your Truth and Your Song…”

A Challenge so obscene…

6:00 p.m.

That the Source finally rose and moved A Body To respond…

And there was a Great Battle…
So Terrible..
A Battle which could have won in an instant,
if it had not been for the Evil in Man holding the Innocence of Man..

That is why Anamla Qayin’s E-Spirit and Human Self moved her to bring me the message from my Father Brother, Beautiful Death.
who moved a Man, a stranger to give Anamla the Message, which she gave to me..
A.Q is 1 17….

Awareness Quantum mechanics of Existence was being blocked…
By the Virus in the Species…

The Virus of Denial which was preventing the Human Body from Transforming…
The Disease was so deeply embed in the Human way of Existing..
And it translated visually into the illusion of a Battle so real
projected onto the Matrix of the Sub Consciousness…
And this is the Great War certain people with “Second Sight..
Five Senses in One could see…

Was it real.. ?
Yes and No…
Everyone has heard my calling out the battle going on within my body..
It rising and falling and the War it literally feels like… so real that my mouth drops open at how real it feels..

But the true Battle which many of you have witnessed on Face Book and others who saw it in their Dreams and Visions did not realize that the Battle has been going on, on Face Book with you…
The Battle to purify your expression and align expression to reach 805 Face Book Friends.. The P.E.A.K…
And code sent by Dean Dunkwu.. 74..86…70 06…79…

74 is Delta which means 4… But is original meaning is the Mouth of the River….
Which is the message A.Q.. sent to me… “Alpha I.Q.. if you link the equation to what transpired between Patrick Okolo M.D and Professor and specialist in the large Intestines…
Code Jordan Diesel Jordan Colon…
“A gastroenterologist is a physician who specializes in diseases of the digestive system, also called the gastrointestinal (GI) tract’

My Large intestine has been twisted the last 6 years to a degree that ( Excuse me for having to say this… but you know what had become an agony.. I defeat it each day by acting indifferent to what that pain and going about my day.. Not pretending it is not real, but rather not placing undue focus on it…
Which is how I am solving it…

Diseases of the Digestive System… D.S…
Is being represented by Dewight Smith D.S..In Masculine and was represented in the feminine aspect by Donna O’Sullivan..

But D.S..Aligns to me… 4.19… Robert O Sullivan… 19 +4= 23….23/32…
And Dewight nor Donna are suffering what I am “Suffering”-
Day and Night… It is terrible… Terrible…
Fighting with Shit.. Fecal Matter…

Now look at the code… Food.. goes through the Digestive System…
The Gastrointestinal Tract.. G.I…
Recall G.I is aligned to Me…. But is really I.G… 97…
See the Sacred Portal ” Mind Brain Light of the World….’ and
G.I as 79 ‘The Blue Print of Existence”

E= C.ME 43…7… 007..
2016.. T.P…= 36 or 18…9…

Now recall the message from Anamla Qayin…

D.M.I.C.. T.P/K…115 AGE… Such a Dense Equation…

which has Linked to Delta Manor which is where I was moved to and shocked me so much that there was more work after completing the B.R.C. equation of 2015 Room B and 2016…Room B… That I called Patrick Okolo…
But why would I call this old friend who found me, 28 years and only after contacting me twice which I did not see, only seeing the third message which popped up as if with a will of its own in
at look it is 6:31 p.m…right now!

His third message was at 6:31 a.m…

Whoa.. It means that Time code equation has finally been made Full Circle… Just as the First two times he sent me messages were at 10 pm on the 22nd of July and the Second at 10 am July 27th..
5 days difference…
And why is it that after contacting him I did not get to speak to him until I was there…And opened my Locker to find a Light Blue Magnet with the letter P for Patrick?

10 p.m to 10 am, and now 6:31 am the 3rd time, and now today 6:31 p.m..
Two Full Circles…
And I contacted both Dean Dunkwu who represents the Present..
Look at his Initials D.D… 44..8…44 =16….Letter P.
And 16= 1+6…A.F../F.A… * The Money Code… M.C… And Time Code…T.C..
M.C..T.C…T.CC..M…TOM…T.33 M…T..6..M…(6:31 a,m/p.m)

Patrick Ikem Okolo…. P=16… But I was in Bed 007 at B.R.C…1+6=7…

I was sent back into the Passed…
With Dean representing Present Being… Dean is a Computer Programmer.
And Patrick, Passed Body…Patrick is a Medical Doctor…

Thus the End point of the Equation of 4… Cube Cuba… Which really begins with 1 then 2…22 then 4….44… 8 then 88..16…Which become 7… Bed 007…G… Why then did we move to 16 16.. instead of Ending at the logical End of the Equation 7…
16 +16= 32….And ends the equation at 5…
There are 7 seas and 5 continents… which creates 12.. 35…Paul and the new guy whom I called Jay.. which I might not even be his name..
Bed 3005 and 3012.. next to Dewight Smith bed 3100…
.12 35 47… E.B.T 47 play…
There was obviously a Gap… at 88.. Which is H.H…But there was no Gap because I had already proven Harmony Above and below… or perhaps it was challenged to prove it to greater detail..
And thus as Javier Bardem and Daniel Craig.. I had to bring forth the Two..who is One… J.B..D.C… Double 007 and E=C,Me 4/3…7..
Aligning the Two to One.. but to whose satisfaction?

A public passed who could not accept that that Sex and Sensuality, Procreation Creation ..SS…C.P…Began with One Man who became Two and thus Three…A.B.C…And that D had to be at least the Woman?
But Dee is here represented as a Man…
A.B.C.D…Even to Fidel Castro… F.C..i..
Thus Delta was the Passed as the Goddess Cult refusing to accept a Truth, a Beautiful Truth She and her line of Humanity just could not accept…
That there Source, in all aspects even Body.. came from a Man…

And so the challenge came from the line of the past who said She is Mother Woman,, Mother Earth, Mother Creation which I refused to acknowledge, not out of Spite, or Malice, but simply because it was not True.. nor Fact…
And Anamla Qayin line sent me the message in the present because True Wu-Man do not give a damn about that Fact.. They still are who they are, despite how their bodies came to be formed…
Men can transform into Women surgically but Women can not really transform in functional surgically into Men…

D.M.I.C…Is a Seer Divine, ‘The Spy who loved me, was not First A,Q… but rather the man a stranger, (She as a Man first) giving himself herself a message to pass on to me.. of more horror and challenge by a force of an idea, an illusion powered by the Sight of Women giving Birth.. thus giving birth to Creation as a Truth fixed in peoples minds and perceptions…

7:00 p.m… Victory…

Daniel Craig James Bond… Javier Bardem…J.B…(J= T.E,N..The Elegant Nomad…1 O…A.O.B…Room A then in perfect Symmetry I returned from 18 Mountain View after 9 months Exactly… Yes Gestation… to the I.C center.. but I stayed outside on the 19th which was the same day I was went up to Mountain View., but not the day I left the B.R.C Last year..
I left in the 18 and went to A,S home… in the Lower East Side…Alpha Bet City….A-Z
A.S to D.S… And from there I went to 18 Mountain View…on the 19th…
Meaning before D.S… 4 19… there was A 18…and D.18…
A.R…Albert Rodriguez…Santana ( Code Javier Bardem Played Raoul Silva.. I met Raoul continuously.. at Miami, when Erik was locked up and met Raoul.. who bought us the colognes…and then at B.R.C.. who was Raoul transformed to Raheem, then to Raheem here at Delta Manor who is no longer here.. and finally another Raoul here at Star Bicks only for him to be replaced by Raheem whom I met here with a woman called Nicky…
And I have spoken to Raheem, about the play and the codes…
He is here right now and I called him Raoul which he corrected me saying that he is Raheem… I smiled.. I told him the meaning of Raul and he paused surprised saying that he has a close friend whom they all call Wolf..
I am born day of the Wolf linked to Shane Michael Robinson Sr. whom I literally had a intense sensual vision memory of
And then told me that his mother had had a emergency during Thanksgiving and so they had not celebrated it..
But now she was all good and fine…
I turned to him and told him, now you have a real cause for Thanks Giving.. a sincere and authentic reason and meaning…
Not the Hypocrisy of the 24th which I observed…
And my expression which moved me to 802 face book friends…
28 years Doctor Patrick Okolo I had not seem
34 Dean Dunkwu… C.D/ D.C..Daniel Craig…

Raheem means the most Merciful.. most forgiving Raheem explained..
Yes I smiled, one of the 99 names of Allah..
Yes he said surprised.

Raheem is Raoul… Red Wolf…
The Most Forgiving the most merciful… the 99 name of Allah all around me… The Wolf Counselor is the one who is the most merciful.. he counsel FENRI.. The all devouring consuming force of Destruction…
R.R.. 18 18…36…C..F.. Fidel Castro.. Cube I..
And Shari Sissoko came and we spoke a bit..
Raheem was here, and she left anfd he is still here..
Raheem Shari..

Albert Rodriguez Santana…. Raoul Silva.. Ravindra Singh.. took me to Forte Lauder-Dale.. 2012…
Meaning before there was D,S… Robert… the last of Sequence
there was A.R…and D,R… A.S…and D.S… E.R…E.S…E.S Bed 519…
Already completed…
A-D..Is 1-4.. A-E.. Anthony Emeka Room 3A…Even after being demoted to room 3a
7:28 is my Sister Birthday.. 64 is the temp in my cubicle but the person who is my niegbhour and mirror is a man aged 46 Linked to Sacred Portal and the nearest reflection of myself in the night mare…
Kevin G Gordon is 7:28 also a man…
Jonn Blackwell born 8-5-64..Also a Man…

I want to die he told me..Death is better than this Blessing and Curse”. yesterday because of the Gift he has.. reflecting not only what I have felt..
Thus 64 is the Illusion…It is simply the Expression Climate Weather and Environment created by the 46.. First Drop…
And its source is the 46… 1969… 11 28… Not 70..

7:31 p.m

What has been done to my Digestion is the horror of the refusal of the acceptance of the Truth..
The poisoning of not only the Body, but the Being by an awareness which is in Humanity but it did not come from a man of the passed or the present…
But from a Woman of the Past who believed She was Is the Queen of the World and Universe…
And she could not accept that she is an illusion..
A lie…

R.S… I am 18 19… 11 89…
Raoul Silva.. Javier Bardem…
Jay A.M.E.S…Bond… Daniel Craig..
The 4 Djinn in One..
As well as the 4 Horse men of the Apocalypse
All in One..

And yes I am born 8 p.m Tomorrow and I am born the Day of the Wolf..
I.R.N..E.F…. I Nurse R.N… 56…
And now, O.I… Balance and the Wolf..
Which destroys the 1-4 Worlds..
Out of Mercy because such a World Exists which can bring the Beautiful Truth already proven Its truth to Delta Manor to experience such an abomination of one so used to being a Winner…that they would go this far to deny truth…
My Sister was born the day of the Winner…
My mother 11:22..
C.D…Cecelia means ‘Blind”
But I am 6th Sense…
She was going blind and was cured through my expression…
then instead of Gratitude appreciation she refused to See her “Son” ad the condition came back…

Chukwuemeka David…C.Beloved… is I.E..

Begone the illusion of My Mother and My Sister…
I have the real Mother Daughter… M.D..D.M…They came from me..
A Man…

Ends at DD…8…H…
There was never a Gap… Just a refusal to acknowledge the Origin of Humanity and a Denial of Manu and Eros… And his Sensual Sexual Love play with himself as Man.. with his fellow Man which was is and was so pure it brought forth the Two in One.. WU Man…
My Lady… M.E..M.E…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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