
11/27/2015 20:50 – Facebook Post

Transformation of High Priestess of Goddess Athena of Wisdom- Vivianne (Avalon) Myth transformed into the Med usa- the Medicine Pharmaceutical transformation of Natural Wisdom Herbs of Nature, to Turning Humanity into Stone- Zombies Numbed of Feeling until they are dead…Murders…of the Body and Transformation of the Gifts of Nature and the Fourth Dimension of Natures Gift of Healing and Treasures of Natural Regeneration to Men and Women playing the Messengers of Death.. Cruel Cruel Death- the Lie… Correct Code…M..ED..U.S..A…Manifest Expression Divine of Universe Supreme is 1..Awareness.. See scared portal 1A..the True expression of Nature.is Joy and Joy is Beautiful… for it is the Manifestation response of Beautiful Expression. Which when Heard responds as Nature Echo- Joy…Pegasus and Chrysaos Bellerophon sprang forth from the Neck of Medusa Gorgon..M.G..1 37… Pls see sacred portal 37..the correct form of the Body Avatar of Athena Sophia- Goddess of Wisdom.. Not death but as Ressurecttion..Hair made of serpents..

Please note that according to legend Medusa was the beautiful daughter of the children of Gaia and Oceanus…Land and see…One of three sisters 123..abc…and the only one mortal (which echoes Pegasus and Chyrsoas Bellerophon ..P,C,B)
Her parents were P-hor-kys and Ke-to…And her names means “Guardian and Protector”- She was said to have been wooed by Poseidon..Which would make him her brother..Ocean Poseidon Neptune…Or Her Spirit and that she had become Vain ( Echo- Narcisus Narcotics Medicine U.S.A…Pharmacist Alchemists…) from her came the Father of Horses Peagasus and the Chrysoas the Golden Sword- Bellerophon whose name the Arrow Line, of C-HIM-ERA…She really brought forth life from Beauty and Wisdom… The Line of the Bow and arrow or Trajectory of The Archer..Apha Theta..meaning 1-8 in Greek-And for allowing herself to be wooed by her Spirit, her Water, her see…Who was really the Monster she was reflecting the world.. the see of the future present.. seen through the Espirit of Wisdom.. Her name Guardian Protector…of Beauty Orgasmic Wisdom..The Bow..The J.BOW…OBA MA..King of Mothers…of M.A..Manifest Awareness- Wisdom…

Joko…/O.K.OJ…Means Young Man…Wi-dodo means “Safe and Sound”- Balthazar was the Young man of the three Priest King Zoro Aster Scholars who was of Dark Skin- African..

Barak means Blessed.. Hussein means “Beautiful” Obama means to Lean and Bend”- as a sapling Bursting forth from the “Soil and Green”

J.B.O.W…The Balance of Indonesia and America…I.A..I.U.S.A…I You S.AH!

Obama is Japanese means “Little Beach”- a Marina?

The Young man is Safe and Sound, the Blessed Beautiful one who leans over to listen to the wind and bends to its will while still rooted to the point…Basking in the Sun, sunshine reys of Existence…

What is the relevance of Indonesia- it is 14000 islands…It is the source of the Java Programming Language..
It is where my Brother Jon Jason lee was from whom I came to New York with to shoot my short film…
It is the FOURTH most populous nation in the world 255 million..B.EE…
Donna works with her lady jeweler based in Bali.Deborah her friend lives in Bali…
See code Play of BEE…sacred portal 18…

Home of Java man..Homo Erectus..H.E..1.5 million years ago then settled by Homo Sapiens from East Timor (E.T) 42,000 Years ago who had technology advanced enough to travel upon the Ocean and catch Tuna as their main staple…
And travel to Australia and other Islands..
“Aborigines: Joe Fisher…Song Lines…
See Animation Madagascar…
Code play Goat O..Did work in Madagascar for Water Treatment…
Pan…Will Do Do…Do re mi to Do..
Wi means Listen in Japanese..
“Mi Wi” of The Shinto Godddess of Wells Medusa…Pegasus Chrysaos, Bellerophon…
Wi means Wireless Net Work…
JO 1OO Pan orama…K.O..11O…1OO-11O…/O11-OO1…C.I. 1O 11..Galaxy…
Wi Do Do 1-8…Full Circle Sound…
Wu means Military and number 5…
Jonn Blackwell just showed me a Skateboard From a place called Lickid (pronounced Liquid) on it is has E codes.. Element, Miltary, A Blue Full Circle guarded by a Futuristic Robot Owl, and Three Four leafed Clover with a Bear…I have been wearing cloths with four leaf clovers and Jonn had suggested we go to little Bear on the 28th- though my current condition makes it not plausible..
He also commented that the incense to his surprise, smelt of Frankincense, Myrrh and Colbat….
F.M.C…Three Kings…C.K..
Caucasian C-Africa,,,
O one and the same…

Indonesia is in smack center of the Equator..
Equation Balanced,,
Skate Boarders…
Silver Surfers..
Balance…Wisdom Beauty…
Jonn and Donna Java and Celtic and Emeka born London England..L.E..E..E.L
Medusa Non Promise Tree of True Life..
Odin Freya
Indonesia America…
I.A..9 1..1 O..
I.U.SA…I.U….9 21…9 – 1..3O…
3 C

7:47 PM…
Leaving on a Jet Plane..

Equation DR-RD…Haun Delguidce H.D..48…Solved..
12 32…(44)
see sacred portal 12 ..32…44…3 5 8….C.E.H…

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