
11/26/2020 18:42 – Facebook Post

2:47 p.m.


Truth Manifest.
T M.
Marcus Terry
33 33 = 1.
66= 1.
4( 3)

For Every-One ( E O.. S) to See.

I am sure that I do not have to explain the codes above of Date and Time.
D: A T…E.
D T – T D Thanksgiving Day.
Terrible Death.

Or that I am still here, only because of Tree Sage Chiefy Kim Arthur Hinds whom I will stop coding and playing Guide Father -Guide once he comes back from New York
Jae Sherman and the Covid 19.
* C .O. V I..D… The victorious ID of the E.
And who is the Author who allowed it to enter the Human Consciousness as a test of fear… Pan..,

Dave Pantaleo
Pandora Quartz.

Perfection A.N 114
114 Grant Moore said Pan.

Full Circle.

Go” means Five in JA-PAN-E S E
Baphomet Beauty.
Beautiful Devil
Sacred Portal 10 J S

David Icke?
or I C E
Pan I Clark Kent
Not a half Goat Half man.

Satyre Satire…
Dante’s Divine Comedy.

C O.. Victorious I D.

94 C
Mission Impossible

Supernatural Powers
Elves Fairies
Guardians of the Inheritance of Man evolving themselves to graduate from being led by their Naturalness
Guide Father
Guide Mother Father.
M F.
to become the 5th Elements,

4:00 p.m.
Take of the driver’s seat of that which guides you by being a good pupil student of your own naturalness which makes you Aware.
A N. N A
of your Naturalness reveals that you were all created from Perfection.
Perception and devotion ( Devi – Space Cowboy
Moo! Omm
So that is how the C.O.W jumped over the Moo-N.
Lu Nna
“Read” in French “Lu” N.A.
to Cee in Hindsight one’s own perfection 2020 vision.
represented by Kim Arthur Hinds

Did you see his share of New York?
Naturalness Y Chromsome.
N Y C.?

Do you recall what happened to me when I was on the streets for 61 days after taking the prescribed ( by the play theater of Pan) 21 Pills Light Blue Pills and passed through Death?

61 days F A.
Obi in O I Nri Igbo O I/ I O * Sacred Portal 90.
Arden Morgan
A M – M A.
Mai Mai.. 5th Month.
E.Je -A.

Does anyone understand why with every Facebook friend I introduce them, break down the meanings of their names, and if I know them personally recount our meeting and their beautiful truth and my battle to bring them to total recall T R .. U E U T H.. ( 21 20 8?)
Or why I share the images on their pages on my timeline.

Why I do not block people no matter how rude and obnoxious they are?
Why my page is on public- meaning that they do not have to be my Facebook friends.

Do you know why it was difficult ( because of the way people would twist my words and my bio Family and “Friends” would not understand and attack me, misinterpret my intent, and so would repeat and repeat myself)
Why I exposed my entire life- me the being of Beautiful Pride- to your scrutiny and criticism and even sniggers, insults and mockery day in day out for 8.11 years)

I felt I had made it so so clear, and I knew I had, have…
Made it crystal clear…
Did I not set a perfect example that the play is not about one person but what an Individual is and that I was the most reluctant to do this, but did it when no real choice was given to me and the reason why was revealed and understood by me.

That this has nothing to do with me but was all about you understanding the consciousness which I represent.
And that in my life story you might find parallels of your own life stories and might be Inspired and remember yourself by seeing a different way of the perspective of how another Cee’s ( See’s not with only the eyes but first via Sixth sense merged with common sense.

How I praise each person not only with true sincerity and hold each person up to my Facebook Friends for over more than now 100 countries according to Facebook…
Or why I would loathe a role I was playing- calling it out loudly, yet never betraying it and doing the best job I could while living in an obviously living hell.

I felt that it was obvious by how I fight like a black panther anyone who claims to be the truth but is a lie- an illusion and yet when they shift, I salute them ( but never wish to engage with them ever again… I never forget those who can not listen to common sense and instead make me waste my time going to war and summoning and making rise in me the frequency of existential death- via rage and fury of Raf for their going so far in the awful expression of one made ( against my will and desire) to fight you and just how much I loathe the illusion and lie of you.

Is that so obvious?

Look at your reality, how you speak to each other- look at what communication has been transformed into… Trolls Twitter ( Snigger.. Gossip)

Why it is all about beautiful expression meaning Expression which created Lightness, Clarity, and the Truth- a mirror to see your reflection seen through the eyes of an honest and peaceful man.

That it was about Symmetry in expression which bridges all dimensions languages cultures, planes of existence all linked by the Universal understand called Common Sense.
S C/ C S…
” It makes sense ” which means it can be digested, absorbed like food and feed – “Nouri” your constitution and help you evacuate .. release shit.

How could anyone not see this for what it obviously is?

Or why I would be in such fury and wrath.
Do you know what was done to my life, my existence just to bring this knowledge to you, this proof of your knowing everything and how it can be released in you?

Exalt each other
Raise the beautiful truth of each other up and gentle then ferociously cut out the lie of the person who is convinced that the illusion- of pompous, arrogant and of course insecure is really begging, pleading to be seen?

To C Me… C is Consciousness Manifest Expression.
Who or what is Manifest Expression if not everything which expresses…
and how that Manifest expression M E.. Sacred portal 117 linked to Arden and Emeka Atom and Energy are all Energetic Expressions and that all are Manifest Expressions of E and A and A and E which made you a walking living breathing True Fact.
And that what you have become IS A LIE…!

Anyway, I digress,
in 2006, ( 26) I found generation X Gardens and 268 East 4th Street… I was taken over by a Gorilla … It was insane and freaky beyond belief.

I have relayed the story and the experience too many times and even one who was present is here as Isaac M, who confirmed it on my page again and again.

It goes back to my production in Turkey, for Wella Turkey in which I used my students who were all Ballet Dancers from the Opera house in Istanbul.
And the story of Beauty, one of my best solo dancers, volunteered for the job no one wished to be- remain unseen by donning on the Gorilla suit.
That is what I call a Beautiful expression and to me, he was the one who I privately called “The Beautiful One.

It was my boss who was a client of Wella Internation ( the Hair products) who had insisted on their promotion and later I worked for well International as their creative director international they sponsored my short film “The ethnic Odyssey”
After that production which I designed around the Gorilla costume – making it a story of the First Contact between animal Nature and that of the Extra-Terrestrials
Silver Surfer was the image on the Giant Backdrop.
And the Beautiful Youth in the Gorilla costume was actually an ET undercover in the Animal world in which the Supernaturals and the Extra-Terrestrials where really one family and on the stage after an initial battle with humans and the supernaturals, while the Gorilla watched concealed in the brush as the two side fought – first the human fear and then recognition and fighting to merge- that is when the Gorilla emerged.

The Gorilla i realized in hindsight was the representation in the mammalian realm which humans are ( 98% of Human DNA? 98 Tree Sage train 202.)
But it was the physical representation of the strength of Humanities gift of the new bodysuit being of such power but filled with the Power of a fully charged battery which would then from Coal move to Diamond clarity over 4.5 Billion years represented by time.
A Magical Bodysuit “Apa ogu” meaning a bodysuit of magic now the transparent body suit of the Super Natural E.T
S N E T.
S E T.

Recall the play of Arden and Tess?
Morgan and Tess.
Kim representative of the Body of Batteries Coal the blackness – the new universal body of the E.

Do you recall the Original 1933 Movies “King Kong”? The Blonde girl really representing the evolution from Dark to Diamond transparent light.
And Strength and Power merged into one.

King K O..N G.. ( Nigeria Ng? No) N G = 14 7.
please take a look and my sacred portals 147 A & B.

Father of infinity.

*It’s 5:11 p.m right now.

E K.
E A-A.

Kim is literally walking the path of my past Alexander Chukwuemeka Nnamdi Arden- Emeka.
Perfect Vision married with perfect sixth sense and awareness .. Beautiful Expression is yet to be confirmed because the beautiful expression is seen others and giving the truth in them Praise.
And acknowledging the Beautiful Truth in the Beautiful Ancestor who made this body suit possible- those who came before you.

5:15 pm.
E A E.

King “King of Gold” K G.

KI Kachy Ihem ( 11 9/ 911)
NG. 14 7

Kong means *”The name Kong means Bright and is of Chinese origin. Kong is a name that’s been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for boys.’

Bright.. (E Bright)

“The meaning of Kong is “Empty, hollow, void”. Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the .”

Empty, hollow .. Void.

Yes “Poverty Hollow” 900 South Road.

Obviously there is a man who emerges from the void.. Crossed over and now the representation of his Body and his beautiful truth and yes 6th sense E S P.

Empire State Building.
E S B… Back then the highest peak “Zenith”

There was is something undercover in that dark suit.
John Black-Well.
18 Mountain View Jonn Delguidce – Black well and Donna Sullivan and her friend Debbie ( not a Laura)
18 Alexander Grove.


5:26 p.m

Recall the shinny black Obsidian stone I placed in the Tee Pee over the inlaid Peace Sign…

Let’s move to something else.

5:28 p.m

Does it not appear, that as Kim moves through each place sending intelligence reports that something else is moving him along with his Awareness of the play with myself following his trajector as like a Father Guide Father.
A Mole a spy inside is body suit, just as I was inside of my body as this Gorilla took me over..
And in my 1997-98 production there was another person Pale skined – a glorious Beautiful Youth.

It was not about a dream within a dream was it…? but it felt like that to you.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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