
11/26/2020 15:45 – Facebook Post

11/26/2020 15:45 – Facebook Post

Hello before, I begin coding my 5 new Facebook friends into what I can only describe as my Facebook Page transformed into the book of Life… Okay Eternal Life for those who have attained Beautiful Expression, other such represented by Tree Sage Kim Arthur H as the ID of the E K Supreme C Cee
Miguel Figueroa as well as Kims Mother as Supreme 6th sense- and others whose pages I share to acknowledge each person and new Facebook Friends Harmony with the Script, I thought I might pause in the delight of not only the E F play of Elves Fairies- which most are aware I call the Elementals and Ethereals E E (5 5 Guardians of Natures Truth- not the bloody ancestors, True Guardians of the Galaxy- The Unseen except by the Few, and my Eternal Family of the 5th Dimension E undercover in a play theater of the creation of a new Body Suit of all, as an expression of Naturalness Supreme Beauty and yes, the beautiful assassin’s E N S B … B A.. family of Pan- sacred portal 100.
10 by 10= 100.
50 50= 100.
5 x20 E T.. Extra Terrestrials =100
100 in Roman Numerals is C.

Pi.E is C…

3:14 15
C: N O…
14O Arden Gemino line of the Elf Kings E K.

I knew I had to share this- because it is the exact story of truth I recounted about my Grandmother Ma Ma- my mothers C’s mother.
Her English name is Lucy, and my Mother’s is “C” short for Cecilia- Ceacilia ( meaning Seeing not with eyes but with Consciousness Harmony 6th sens- 3rd Eye.”

Many of my older Facebook friends know the legends I heard about my Mother- who was said to rise from the sea and whose Father in the western world is called Poseidon Neptune,
My Great Grandmother was said to be of the sky People and had descended to earth from the heavens… Heavenly Bodies.

Kims Arthur Hinds Bed.

And my grandmother remembered the original Garden of Eden as the Fair and fairy world. She had conquered death by literally while I was there, remembering her past life, and of burying her utensils of that time, under a Tree and the great ceremony which took place at which witnesses were brought and a group of people who set out to see if she had told the truth.
She had, and subsequently joined the ranks of the highest titled women in Igbo land.

But the story which she was most famed for was as a young girl she told me, us.. how she had gone walking in the woods and came upon a place, where she heard singing.
At first, she ran away, but curiosity got the better of her and she went back.

she heard young girls singing.
She went closer but could not see them, only hear their feet as they danced and their joyous voices singing.
She soon found herself singing and dancing.

But she did go back to her father who told the elders and they came to investigate and realized that my Grandmother had found the invisible line with separated and linked the Spirit world from the Physical World.

12:16 p.m L P P L.
Pam Pan.

Soon she began to dance the dance steps, and soon her friends learned the steps, and they debuted the dance at the town’s annual festival.
The Dance spread like wildfire and soon the whole country took to it.
But soon the girls started to die, one after the other in mysterious ways until according to what her 8th child Julie, told me it was all over the press.
Only my Grandmother and another were left alive out of the original dancers.

Years later, my truly graceful aunt also born in August 1964, Chiamka Umeano danced it.

It was called “Egu Torch” – like the Torch carried by the Statue of Liberty.

My grandmother’s name is Ojugo – meaning Dove.
my mother Onuabuchi – the Song from the mouth – but the mouth is not the source”

And Mba Afor Ocha my great grandmother’s name.
meaning Blinding Flash of light in the Room Square- of Beautiful light…
See Catherine Moens comment image of the heart in the cloud

Lucy Cecilia L.. LC L.

Yes, Liberty C Liscomb code

O O M/ M O O..
M F F… M A .. M A.. Penelope Cruz.
The Odyssey
yes, my short film around the world shot just before the Millenium is called The Ethnic Odyssey.
T E O…
Yes Kim.. Tree Sage met Theo and Eliza .. E T linked to Serenity and Jeron when he was in North Carolina.. N C ..S
Ross Pauls’s children.

E T= 25.. Square Circle S C… 100 C.. yes my Mother and yes also me as Chukwumeka – we both could Cee Beyond Sight.
BS.. @ 2 19 South Whitney Spirit world with Jae Sherman J S portal Kim Arthur Hinds Tree Sage.

Yes at the bottom of a tree the same way I found Ardens intel small letter “y” at the base of the tree at Kamora Herrington home she shares with Olusanya Bey and yes the tree where I found a name tag “Steven” on a tree at 1385 Starbucks 2017.

Tree of Life – At Miguel Figueroa home.
Tree Sage he introduced me to and had recently met.

Swans .. Valley of the Swans” V O T S… Transformation sacred portal 81 “Ha!”

Tisikhe Elvendertig
T E.

Here is the story I found while reseraching Tisikhe Elvendertig
( T is I K .. H.E El. V END – E RT I G God

My Grandmother was to me the meaning of Love.
My mother the meaning of Beauty.
My Great grandmother Energy- Amazing Grace and warrior Valkyrie of the Sky People)

“The Other side: Magic Dell of Elvedn”
“One day in the 1800s, a young girl was walking along a road through the village of Elveden. Horses and carts would frequently travel this way, transporting passengers and goods north east to Thetford, or south west to Newmarket. She was passing a wood that bordered the road when she heard something that made her stop. A sound was echoing out from between the trees – the sound of music, chiming, tinkling, and beguiling; and beneath that another sound, the sound of high-pitched laughter…

When she was an old woman, the girl would tell people that the music she had heard that day was fairy music; a sound so bewitching that is was likely to snare passing horses and lure them down into the fairies’ magic dell. What’s more, there’s evidence to suggest she wasn’t the first person to perceive magical beings living in Elveden’s wood. This evidence lies not in other stories or accounts, but in Elveden’s very name.

You can tell a lot from a place name. The ending ‘ford’ is added to a town that was built astride a river, ‘eccles’ denotes a church, while ‘den’ means the presence of a valley.

For some time it was thought that Elveden was a name that came from the Old English word elfetednu, meaning ‘valley of the swans,’ as was posited by the professor Eilert Ekwall, one of the 20th century’s outstanding scholars of the English language. However, the unearthing of a 12th century medieval text seems to have changed that assumption.
Elveden Forest (c) Sarah and Austin Houghton-BirdElveden Forest is a bewitching place to be
Photo (c) Sarah & Austin Houghton-Bird
The text was written in Latin by a hagiographer (a person who writes biographies about saints). It’s called ‘Miracula sancta Wihtburge,’ and documents the life of Saint Withburga, an East Anglian princess and abbess who built a monastery in Dereham. (As the story goes, the Virgin Mary sent two milking does to feed the workers during the monastery’s construction, and after Withburga died, her body had not decayed after 50 years. Her tomb was later violated and her body stolen, after which a spring welled up in its place, which is still flowing to this day.) Amid the account of Withburga’s life, the 12th century hagiographer mentions a place that seems to be Elveden. Translated from the Latin, the description reads:

“…from the land of the king and martyr the blessed Edmund, which is called the valley of the nymphs in English.”

At that time, nymph was the English approximation of the word elf, suggesting that in Old English Elveden’s name would have been aelfe-dene, the ‘valley of the elves.’ And when we look back at Anglo-Saxon culture, this seems a likely truth. To the Anglo-Saxons, who populated East Anglia before the arrival of the Normans, elves were akin to fairies. They were dangerous supernatural beings, small yet human-like, and they caused illnesses in both people and livestock. As the Anglo-Saxons walked through the woods of Elveden, just as our young girl did in the 1800s, it’s easy to see how mischievous little eyes might have peered out at them from behind the leaves.

Oh here it is ”

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