
11/26/2018 17:10 – Facebook Post

From Jude Lucas..

Jude means “Praise: which is the same meaning and the name Emeka..
Lucas meas Bright and Shinning (same meaning and the name Robert) it also means Light Bringer.. Illumination, Illumination .. Bright…
Illuminati Ebright…

J L.. 10 12… 22.. V… Victor Victoria…

Confirmation of the play of last night…
2 +2= 4 D…
David… DA V .. I D… Beloved…

I am aware of the Evil Play”Nazi S S…Sadists Cruelty – Power .. Race Supremacy…
Fake News… F N.. 6 14.. 20.. T..

But I .. 3:21 p.m… C L… Victoria Jackson principle confirmed and enacted by Stephen Filgueira in perfect harmony.
He just called.
Shagan is still here and instead of going to KT. they went to a Tibetan Rest… The Shambala. meaning that they were corect in not passing through the K.T.. Portal of Kings because that play is over..
Just as is the play with Grey.. G… Mind Grey Matter… Thought..
Love Links.. we do not think…

Meeting with Stephen Filgueira shortly, with two others as wellas Shagan.. Codes P as “Rock Solid.. sacred Portal 3.
and K.. as in the male Evolution of Kelsie Bissell .. Recall my own version of Kelsie at Delta Manor.. Go back if you wish to see that olay…

S S P K…
Add myself S..S.P… E K..
And because the Divine Feminine portal has been passed by these To Men as S S… it become S S S S… 76… Sacred Portal E K.. because K entered the equation only after Stephen called and then called back later to add K to the Equation of the our soon to be meeting.

Stephen Filgueira made a comment about if I could edit and read my post back before posting them…
I understood what he said, and am aware of how the posts, now have totally stopped caring if people understand the coding,
It is not intentional but is from my bodies exertion and the exhaustion and my Body and Being winding down..
As Joshua Bywater and Shaggy stated- That point when you no longer give a fuck…
I care of course, which is why I am still coding but not to the public bit only to Advance and Move forwardsto the A.M Universal “Amu and Amu” ( see meaning in O I Nri Igbo.. “Cock and Laughter..”
3 12.. 19 90…
C L S I I O… The Feminine Masculine portal rep by Victoria Jackson has been successful.. Victor Victoria Victorious..

For 6 years I wrote with so much care, and explained over and over and over everything to a point of insanity- Literally which is why I earned the right to mass through the portal of the Mad and the Insane…
And proved that it was not I,but humanity and people H P…
So insane that they would not read the evidence and facts which is about their own survival and not evebe my story but yet demand, after denying me for so long and my Evidence Facts.. E F…
That they actually thought I was a Christ in their Evil story of one who sacrifices him self and his life and existence to suffer misery torment torture to Save them from their own Bullshit.
And that they can crucify torture torment ..do anything to us ..me…
See the meaning and the Name Joshua.. Jesus Yeshua… and see that he has the same [erspective as me…

Do you own “Fucking” Home work!!

None of this posting was for such creatures. it was done because the script dictated..
I would not sacrifice my own Existence for the Eternals ( which if I did meant then wer are not equals… )
much less Naturals or Humans and worse those who do not even exust because they use abuse are vampires…

3;42 p.m

i will never forget or forgive the last 18 yeas.. the last 25 years..the last 43 years of my eixtsence.. what was done to me and my truth for all that time.. How long have I said the same thing…?

All people had to do was go back and read..
But I was not worth the effort to even do that.. despite all the evidence and all I have done shared so you could all rise…

You left me in a Shelter… ?!
On the Streets ..
Your Insane…

I came to Destroy and that is why.. This is why and this was the test…
This is what was used as the litmus Test..
Me Oliver Twist..body Twisted and with such heartlessness 17 Years later.. 6 11 on Facebook… 57 portals and still you think I am the black Oliver Twist begging you all to Fuck me up the ass .. “Please Sir Can I have some more…”

And yes, you can see it even by my language…
I am swearing… it really means that I am Cursing…
A Binding Spell… for keeping me in this role for so long…
That God you created and Source.. is no friend of me… he she It is my Foe..
The lie created by all Liars and those who did not go back and clean up the mess their own expressions made before they were corrected fought for by me.. and the True N D.. I.H

Grant Moor…

I am not granting any moor .. or any person the right to use me like a slave black or white…
I went this far because this was the play script manifested by Human Cause and Effect to make rise the E Family.. The Eternal s.. Evolved…
Not for liars deniers and the heartless…i told Stephen Filgueira that I am furious because the ones who I whose story I wished to write was that of the E Now rising but it can not be done- to much has been used and abused by me in this Human Form playing this version of myself whom I will get rid of forever once this is all done..
I do not wish to me reminded of this role given to me to play for so, so long…
I do not wish to me reminded of this role given to me to play for so so long…ven now after all these years of saying the same thing ..all you need to do is go back ..and then all which is present now… the way I am coding willl be easy to understand…

I am no longer dealing with the Beautiful Illusions..
i am now dealing with Equals…


Just as I do not have to focus on the News Papers T V News f this world any more…but focus only on that which is the Beautiful Truth…
Evolution Victory…

.. 3:59 pm.

See sacred portal 59… Death Self Destruction End of the Book..

4:00 p.m.
of D…Zero’s… Billionaire Trillionaire

Speak the Truth…

Go Back and Clean up your Mess…You refuse… want to stay now,in the present after all the Work is Done..
By me as Hands Solo Mon…

Ah but I force you to go back.. to rise with the Awakening … Evolution and then I send you back not forwards to Clean up your mess because you will find that I may have been forced to doot for you.. but I wiped the slate clean, so that you will do it all by yourselves even after the Awakening…
I told you I do not forget
.. especially when there is no remorse accountability responsibility… Appreciation Gratitude Expressed.. A G E…To Me,Deaths True Being.”

Yes The Rapture… T R… 20 18…
And Purge…
Is now Real…

4:07 p.m.

Stephen Filgueira just arrived P.
Perfect Timing

4;08 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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