
11/26/2015 17:48 – Facebook Post

From Jonn Blackwell


I did an equation yesterday of Alexander the Great who is said to have died at age 32…
Who was married to Roxanne..
from the Persian empire, seat of the Proto Indu European language use today as the “Lingua Franca” of the world…

There is a picture where I sleep of a young and youthful Sting…

when I was solving the riddle, I knew it was moving to Sting and Moulin Rouge…M.R…

But I did not allude to it, I left the equation at Alexander Afra-Aphrodite Thais, Hephaestus Darius Bagaos…

So, it is pretty extraordinary to see this post…

And I agree…”Humanity must lose this attitude of Divine Right (D.R) that something will save us…”

And I also agree with Michael O’Donnell comment..

This is what I find myself doing in Human Consciousness of this age, the discovery off an Extra Terrestrial Field and Consciousness, I have been able to access because of a life time of inhuman isolation and solitude, austerities (no life), just training and refining- for which at first I had no idea why my life was so demanding-
Sending people to me, Sensies, coaches, strange beings, each arriving in my life to prepare me..

What the devil are they preparing me for, I wondered, apprehensively, what could demand such a training as that which I observed in the Harsh and Brutal conditions of my life which I was continuously finding myself to to surmont..

What could warrant such austerities which my life had turned into, so abhorrent in one born to Dance Boogie Celebrate…

So much against my nature, that I still fight to this day..

But what I discovered was the day, that Durek Verrett the Shaman came to Istanbul from New York, with his friend, and gave me a message, was that at the completion of my designing of the Festival of Sharing in New York that I was ready..

Ready for what?

Well, I soon found out by Durek’s message to come to New York…
and complete the mission…

And when I finally was dragged here (of course, I fled, I am not stupid),
I did everything I could not to come to New York, and not do this mission…
I knew by the training I had endured- based on the life I had lived- which was not life, but a life time of training- that whatever the mission was, nothing had the right to force a person to a destiny he or she was not in Harmony with…
and which demanded what I felt was horrifying training..cruel harsh..

But I soon discovered, that by having kept me from my own version of life, that I had become such a fine tunned radio receiver and transmitter, that I could literally access full memory of Existence beyond, and worse still be a channel and medium for E.T consciousness and of Existence beyond..

I had become so refined in both body heart being and mind, that these frequencies could literal rise in my body, and occupy me, and move me…
Anyone who has met me will testify to this being true..

And the result, is my 14.8 years in New York of my last refinement of accurately understanding each transmission and what was literally taking places in multi dimensional planes of other realms, even while I walked here.

There was no one who I could turn to, the experience was so beyond human imagination except through movies, stories and imagination..
There was no one whom I could turn to, everything was set up, there was no way out..
But after the first 1O years, and what I passed through, endured, I knew that all my lifes training was for this experience in New York…

And even then, there is no training in Existence which can prepare you for such a role..
To stand alone against the whole world view and transmit intel from another realm which created a play for humanity to assume responsibility for their own Evolution…

No one was coming to help Humanity..
For it was made clear that the E had come down undercover since the Human Species incarnated on Earth, moving them as teachers through Nursery School. Kindergarten, Elementary Grade School, High School, and university…
And now, just as we have in this world, we were put to the test, meaning we were being given our Examination- an Entrance exam if you will to enter into the Universal Fold of the Harmonics, the mysteries, the Knowledge of the Sum total of Existence and Beyond.

We as a species had been well prepared…

Everyone and everything, not matter which grade, Elementary to University..D.H.U.E…The 4 8…April 8th..not Obama August 4th (84)
were being given a test based on where they were at…

I had been prepared and trained…
just as the Human species had been

We are at the sum total of Human Understanding..
With the Internet, we have access to unlimited information…

We have all the fractals of information to piece together the puzzle and the riddles of Existence…
I have witnessed and experienced this, by combining to sum total of Human experience, after spending a life time in study reading and reading researching, not even knowing why…
Until reaching New York and a person called Sky Oak Speaker, informed me that it was time to stop reading, that I was ready..
The same message I received from Axel Love…

I was ready…

But for what…

then I found myself on Face Book- I was well trained- I could surmount all suffering even Torture of mind body heart spirit.. I had existed without love or beauty or companionship and all the things which give life meaning…
and worst of all I was no longer allowed to Create or Dance…

Especially Dance….

And in me there was a Duality, at first, for I had memory, I had remembered that I was not of here, that I had come to find my family, bit partake in a play, an examination reserved for Humans to Graduate and Evolve..

I had recalled how We created the Blue Print of Existence..
How is it, then that I found myself being examined and tested to also be part of a play in which Humans had to prove their evolution.
I felt that I had been trained to simply be a messenger and relay to humans and act as a reliable and “clean’ conduit to the species who had so been deceived they said by the Liars and the Deceitful…

How I wondered did I move from messenger to the one being tested about the Human resolve to evolve..

By being made aware of the play and to take responsibility for daring to know what I was trained to know…
To understand the play and the ultimate test of “binds” literally places on my muscles, to make sure that I did not seek to escape, and not allowed to rise, but be imprisoned in the Human Consciousness- which I at first could not understand its absurdity until I understood through Empathic Harmony -Listening to the truth of the Human Heart..where I saw the truth and where the riddle and argument as to why they Species deserved to evolve despite the appearance to the contrary…

Suddenly, I became the unwitting defender of man because I could not lie about the truth within thier hearts I saw..
But to prove that worthiness to the A-lien council I had to pass through the abomination of what Humanity had created outside, as thier truth even though in their Hearts (within) was the Beautiful Truth…

I had to faces the Darkest cruelest cause and effect of Human existence and thier effects on everything…
Their arrogance cruelty, sheer unrelenting continual self perpetuating Hypocritical Denial Evil Universe

H.D.E.U…This species called Death as Pain and Suffering, creator of Misery in return for the Gift of Life and Creation..

I found myself passing through this impregnable wall of human expression..
Never could I have believed such suffering possible, not such a darkness..
But that Blackness, so deep, I always knew that the Blackness which creates the illusion of Non Existence, would not last because I still could see their hearts..
But oh how far I had to go into the darkness, so pitch black, so unrelenting and cruel..23 years since I was sent back by the Evanescent Luminosity…
But I held on to the truth of their Hearts- and the true of which caused the Blackness beyond evil…
I had to go so deep, so deep to prove the Truth of the Human Heart is Light and filled with Harmony.. Beauty and the proof that their Black Souls- absence of a Soul was not true…
It was a lie…
Until, I the Black finally began to reveal itself as the Royal Blue and Evanescent Luminosity began to lighten the darkness, to Royal Blue to blue Sky Blue and Finally Dawn and Transparent Light…

We evolve, those who are true, those whose Harmony demonstrated right here on Face Book for 45 months, will evolve..

Butt instead of the eradication of the Entire Plan et of Evolution- the ones who sustained the Truth of their hearts which I proved and they proved by Harmony of their contributions to this play which for the moment, I seem to be the only one fully aware of…
have the right to evolve.

Because they took responsibility of their Humanity and fought to refine and evolve..

4:47 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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