
11/25/2020 23:13 – Facebook Post


its 8:46 and a massive play just took place confirming Tree Chiefy Kim and the line he represents.

It confirmed Ross Paul who at first did not appear aligned and so when Kim chilled and then Ross Paul chilled and… ah.

The play began with intel from Kim at Ross Paul’s home.

Code he sent from Ross house Knights II… Two 1 1 which was meant to be two of them from parrallel universes in one.

And it was… linking Serenity to Eliza, Ross Daughter – see the images right the code Bingo!
Which Serenity learned from me.

S E.. Serenity Eliza
Serenity Prayer.
Eliza Do-little * see the meaning of the name Paul.

S E.. – E S..
Evan Sthename.

My Fair Lady…
M.. F L… 6-12… 2003. 23 W Double V V.

I will let Tree in his own time and own way- explain what took place but he sent me messages today in the fluent language of E K.

That notion in this reality that a Human being could not carry the Eternal Knowing and Eternal Knowledge…
Mission Impossible 8?

tsk tsk tsk…

Of course a human being can- what on earth do you think I have been proving inspite of it all.

Sacred portal 22

But also 118.. A H…/ K .. A H.

11 Benjamin C K and Kim.
Chris Esteban, to Arden – Aurelia.

It’s Humans who limit themselves with fear or what is impossible and what is impossible.

Olusanya Bey
is the representation of the law which he embodied as the living representation of the 4 agreements.

Ancient Toltec Wisdom updated by author Don Miquel Ruiz.
( D M R… D MR A… D M R …A)

*”Be impeccable with your word. Don’t take anything personally. Don’t make assumptions. Always do your best.May 21, 2020″
May 21- 2020 posted.
E U.. TT

I was accused just recently by Kamora Herrington of assuming.

I do not assume because I already know.

Olusanya Bey is of course not 59 as the source of filth but of impeccability and and he is of course Eshu Elegguah .. Elu the crossing guard.
I began to supect his ID when TRee bought me a 4 pack of beer ages ago and Olu who lives in the basement took one of the beers meant for me leaving 3 in stead of 4.
Only one person can do that if in harmony… and he lives in the basement.
And the day I was able to go to Kamora’s house, he was the one present and spoke to me about the Korean lady while Kamora Herrington was absent, and I noted it and how he brought it up while we sat alone in the car.

And then he came here, and was not introduced by Kamora to Esteban Miguel Figueroawho was justifiably miffed.

And then his post of Beautiful Expression his “joy of dancing and apologizing if he stepped on anyone’s shoes.

* Eternal Dancer. E D 54…/ 45 Sacred Portal.
Nur Y EV..
Nur means “Light” im Arabic.

B E.. Y..

Do you recall the name of the Director of the Delta Manor shelter…?
not the ass Kelsie the 26 year old.
Now Mr Bey.

When I told Jae Sherman about his post, she exclaimed that her best friend Debbie Santana D S Santana Dharma had used the exact same expression… her version of course.

So I knew that he was, is representing the Gold Standard of sacred portal 91 “Ms. Manners aka Madame Hell-Fire.”

Jae Sherman has similar Courtesy and Manners.
Catherine Moens.

Tell me how many people here present have publicly apologized for assumptions and truly vile expression made to me except Stephen Johnson who even apologized for not be able to send monetary contributions or providing me a place with him for peace of mind and who has read studies done the work, thanked me over and over again publicly.

And Fritz Venneiq…
Just one other…

Ah pride does come before the fall of Supreme arrogance and conciet.
my example was as his, is i was coding all of you not me- My Life story so private i was forced to share with to exemplify the truth of how you must shed the illusion of the lie and even true script of your, find the silver lining and then die by destroying it after taking the treasures of the experience and rise with the silver and gold a new body.. original eternal being restored.

So your too proud to acknowledge publicly and come cean as that American Korean woman did as well as Olusanya Bey and myself.
To superior and better than me but you take my knowledge, sit back while i do all the work of coding and proving your truth while you sat on the sidelines so sure that I am not who Emmanuel Nnamdi Eternal Arden says I am.

You said no… I am not by your expressions, actions tests… and see where I am here with nothing but my truth and my word
Satya after all that was done to show you- how to code each other, praise each other but instead you made it all about you

You bet, by your actions and expressions… Do you recall my eating steak at Libertys with Arden- the last grace liberty gave me before betraying and setting me up which she had planned a month before?
You, she all knew what was at stake.
So yes I took the challenge all which I saw and quietly had to endure instead of your being sent into the hell I commanded because “Raheem” Allah is merciful… Raheem Sidecar contacted me yesterday. Do you remember him from Starbucks 1385?

I am merciful to the Humble, those sincere not to liars Deniers who think themselves so clever and me the ultimate Fool

Too proud, too perfect .. equal to me and that which was done for you…

Now you may understand when i said Kill them all and send them all to hell, burn them alive – if they are clean they will rise from the fire.
Olusanya Bey has passed through the Flames physical me – its all documented here, of people confirming that I was in “Okwu Mmuo” O M. Placed in the Hell Fire Flames of the Spirit World. S W
by you … just because I was sent to bring your true selves home.

And again H K… Hells Kitchen in 2005.

You are my equal?
You can do what I did.
Endure what I went through…
see mile smile… Oh, you will prove it too.
I give nothing to you, to help you … your time will come…
Only those who showed Appreciation Gratitude OK! Praise, Respect & Manners…
A G O P R for the past.

You may think you are Safe but what about all the things you said and did in the past before reaching this point where most of your respect comes from fear after my enduring and manifesting via this hatred filled malicious play.

To proud to apologize or acknowledge what you did said gossipped said in the past…
You really think it is forgotten, brushed under the rug, the one you made your Rag?
It is recorded in the Akashic Records.
In your bodies and just to male sure, I wrote it all down myself, so I would never fprget
– you truly think that you could brush it under the carpet, rug without cleaning it up or making amends.

I remember every slight, every insult and I wipe the slate clean only when you come clean and make amends and repatriation

My day began with code 3 22.
= 25 Yes Today

And with Jae began speaking about Covid 19.

Yes, me 19 USD in my wallet since yesterday.
Someone very close to her had it and recovered and another who was cruel and vicious just received the news today that the person had the strange and mutating disease.

Do you recall the play at liberty’s when I said that at the point she was the source of the disease -her line…
Twisting the truth and placing blame pretending not to see cee.

Do you recall Fahad Hassen the meaning of his name F H uploading my E-Manual of Naturalness Nnamdi
E N Both names mean ” The Creator is Here Present …” code IS 9-19 * Bella.
A play took play at the C VS

code O E G.
15th Aisle 10.79 USD ( 97 0 1) and then at the cashier calling out the total amount for the woman just before me 86.33 USD .
I smiled Kim .. Tree Sage had done it ( yes with me in the background playing Guide Faher – Father Guide.)
with the 3-4 lines he represents

And then I returned and saw his last message to me.
Remember The Mother…
his mother


9 USD in my wallet … I just checked.

You put your needs and desires before me… Me who is coding all of you to rise…?


O L U ( O 12/ 21 .. 33)
O L U S A N Y…A.

Arden in New York..
Do you recall that play.

Why is it that you forget and I do not?
Perhaps it is because this is not important to you..
But it is to me M.E.

Tree Olusanya Bey T O.. E

Eliza Theo.. yes in the shelter…
ts.. tsk tsk tsk..

Kim Olu

Kolo Olu..

10:12 pm.

Jae Lynn.
J L = V 22

10;13 p.m

23 W M A N S W A N D

Then it became a mirc

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