
11/25/2015 20:07 – Facebook Post

From Nikolay Krusser

O.K, Now…

People often wonder what I mean when I speak of Beauty..

and my own I.D and that of the True Nature of the Human Spirit which I keep going on about..


Well this is it…

This post share of Stillness, Awareness Motion Expression
S.A.M.E- as Energy Existence.

Notice how there is nothing to explain, yet within this image is the sum total expression of my whole life”s expression…
And 45 months on Face Book…
Explaining the impossible…


Why should this be put into words when within it, it explains the Sum total meaning of Existence and beyond.

It contains science, geometry, balance, unity, a story, meaning, a point, Milky Way, Man Woman- the E rose- Harmony, P.I.N.K.E.Y…
it is the past the future beyond…

This is Expression.

This is the Fifth Dimension Harmony 5 8…Infinity Eternity…

This is Evolution
*Excellent Godsheart

Excellence, Heroism. Epiphany
Masculine Feminine
…Everything we can be, will be
this is the See of how Silence becomes sound..
A Symphony of the Universal Harmonics…

How does one explain perfection…?

I did.. but why, why did my Espirit Harmony bind me to explain that which is self evident..

Why?” I used to ask, could IT not simply allow me to Dance?

For to dance is my first language of expression..it brought light, C, it brings Clarity…it moves.. creatimg E-Mot-ions..E.Tom-ions..

If only I had been allowed to dance with my body instead of Dancing with the play of Language And Words..L.A..W..Double V-I.E

For in my Dance on the world stage, I would have explained everything in a much better way than with Words..

I would have let my Espirit my true being simply soar dance, dance through the Labyrinth, the maze with amazing grace…

This is what I spent my whole life training for..
this was my intention…
This is the Espirit of Human Nature..
the Espirit which moves us to reach crescendo ah…
moved to tears by expression of Silence and Sound dancing..

This is the Way I recalled.
this is the way of ease which leads you home so naturally
where time and space cease to have meaning, laws, voices, gossip, the world fades from view, and only the moment, called Eternity is made known revealed in a moment… in which an entire Universe, an entire way of Being…
Everything…Everything is revealed.

I understand why I was moved to use words to explain the impossible to convey,
I was only able to do this by dancing within my soul, within this holographic play and matrix, through peoples lifes, homes, countries…and 45 months of posts..
Explaining that which requires to words to explain…

Look look Ah Being! Cee Divine Expression of ‘Fait”- Do!
Sixth Sense on a Square Stage 4, and the Supreme Expression of Six Sense

And so, there are moments when quiet tears trickle secretly down my Quiet Heart, no one can see, for these tears are Unseen…

But in their quiet flow, is the Song of my Truest Hearth, the Truest source and Identity Personality God Head of the Human Being linked to the H.u.e-Mann Being…Mannah from heaven…

and my own True I.D…

Which I.Dance..

That was my first memory of Existence, literally recalled by me, through the austerities of a play in my life which wished to know the meaning of Existence..

Which is when E-ROS Rose, his first movement was He Danced.



Death and Dieu were my Witnesses…

I Danced…

and in that Dance was the True Story of how everything came to be..
I danced myself into Existence, and when I came out of the Trance…
I looked around and I saw that I had created the meaning of that dance..
the Identity of Man World and E-Spirit…

We Dance…

The Eternal Dancer..


7:O6 PM

Awakening sacred Portal…

I The Boogie.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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