
11/24/2020 2:05 – Facebook Post

12:19 a.m


… What moves me to keep on equating and aligning…

Because i am still the E Family are still undercover in their bodies and yet to Awaken as they physically transform.

Which when that happens begins happening, there will be no posting because it ends this Script at last DN A DNE… DD NN E-A.

When that happens and truly any moment, there will be no need to post- no one will doubt for a second that Evolution Awakening married with Extinction of the species is going on.

And that it is the end of Humanity and the entrance of the Original and Intended species “H.U E M-AN I.T.. Y” takes over.

Marcus Terry is my 14 99 Facebook Friend.

N 99 See my Sacred Portal 99 and the code of I & I.

A D I…I.
/ I … ID…. A.


Tree Sage AG.. E Code 33.
Sacred Portal 33
33 vertebra in the Body
Tree Chiefy Kim, sent me a message he is at a Hotel for the night called Knight 33.

Knight in Shining Armor.

MT Tom Marina circa 2010-2011. 10 11 / 11-10.
9-10 years ago..
MT- 33.

3/3= 1. 6 Awareness-Alpha Sixth Sense.
In the Beginning we communicated via E S P… 6th sense inverse- 9… Inution

12:33 a.m.

Total Solar Eclipse ( EC Lips E E C.L.. IP “Man”
Delta Manor entered 9-16-2016
I P TP. / PT PI… Perfect Timing P.i.)

TS E 2017.

Bed 5-019… E O S… . S O E…S E..
Spirit of Existence
Spirit E.. sacred portal 90.
I O.

Tree Chiefy, Kim left to Oregon the 33rd State on the 17th.
17 is letter Q Quantum transformation of physical matter.
Truth Matter and 1 7 is A G.

The transformation back to Life, Matter Flesh as Death Matter back to Truth Alive.
Awakened by Awareness Facts – ( Sixth Sense)

Marcus means “Marcus is a traditionally masculine name with Gaelic and Latin roots. It can mean “polite,” “shining,” and/or “hammer,” a somewhat violent reference that makes sense with Marcus’ overlap root word with the Roman god of war, Mars.”

“Polite.. Shinning…
Hammer of Thor … Brown the original Thor.

Kim is sleeping and a Hotel called Knights 33.

I would have shared the image, but my phone batteries are dead.

So we know it aligns to Kim and this code MT= 33. Cc CC.

Carbon pissed off reverts back from Darkness Ignorance .. Sixth Sense, feeling its way through the body as the darkness it believes it is until it moves through the darkness as non Memory to Diamond Light Body of Perfect Clarity.

Penelope Cruz. P C.
Leonel Cruz L C

P L C C..
L P ( Album Vinyl Record… Akashic records inside the body.
Activate to the conclusion…completion
Awakens it back to Diamond Clarity
Crystal Clear.
Death Ray for some… most.
D R.. Sacred Portal 49.= 59 10 Days
10 Usd confirmed sent Kim by his Mother line of my own Line Dark Elves…
Beautiful Assassins of awakened memory.

* I noted the Leopard top Marcus Terry grandmother was wearing in his post honoring them and their 60 years together!
J S S L= 60.

Terry means” English and Irish : from the common Norman personal name, T(h)erry (Old French Thierri), composed of the unattested Germanic element þeudo- ‘people’, ‘race’ + r?c ‘power’. Theodoric was the name of the Ostrogothic leader (c. 454–526) who invaded Italy in 488 and established his capital at Ravenna in 493.’

“Race of Power People.”
Knights in Shining Armor. Amour I-Fun-Nnanya..
Consciousness Cee Supreme Love.

S L… 19 21… = 31
Sacred Portal 31.

Who are these Knights in Shinning Luminous Armor…Amour .. A I C who go down undercover to give one last chance to those who have a a flicker of a chance to still rise- we go down into the worst stories of being to give certain one a choice to have all the information before they chose Life of Absolute Destruction
S P 88

Polite Shinning true meaning of Knights who can become the Hammer and send you out of Existence and show you the true meaning of war… of annihilation- moving swiftly and seamlessly from Amazing Grace to Beautiful assassins as Terrible Death.

12:59 a.m.

Me ow!!!

The true bringers of Terrible Death of pain in harmony that you can never escape even when you have left your body, you will pay and pay the cost of wasting or Breath and Time.

B A T… Man.

1:00 a.m

14 99…. 113… A M.. AA C… K C… E.

1 4 9 9…23.

6-12- 2003.

23 the Date.. still.. I have yet to sleep or even eat.

1:02 a.m.
10 2

Jaymes Bond- A G … E.
007 License to Kill.

LT.. K.O.

1:03 am

103 J C.
1 O 3…A F …C..
1:04 a.m.

There we are Sacred poral 104
see the Circle on the ceiling of Kims Post and the number on he wall.

J E..
Jenny E-Tue.
E Kills…
E T.. Universal E..

A Man now 3

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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