
11/24/2018 17:21 – Facebook Post

3:28 p.m

At line of Victoria Jackson

She code 28.

Our play yesterday.
Completion 4:20 p.m
Stephen Filgueira.
3:29 p.m

AGE Code 28. B.H. Body is Harmonies Being

Place code 29. S.F.

Link Ophiuchus Aclepius
13 Astrological Sign begins 11-29..
Rep Kasien Thompson.
Me 11 28..
Emeka Kolo


Played out in Delta Manor



11 5

New York 11th State
Connecticut 5th

T.K .

T.K. 20 11. @ Tom Truman’s Lift 2011
Built the Plan.and Model of first contact which manifested as a beam of light moving through the Model made of Wood.
The Woods.

Sacred Portals completed in 2011
Marina Burini witness.

11 5. 16. …P.

20 11. 31… 2 O 11.. 13.
4 4..
44 47.. 8. 11. H. V ..
44 4.. Myself Stephen and Victoria in the car yesterday .
4:44 p.m.

Victoria noted when Stephen stopped the car at 440 R.R and dropped me off

3:38 PM

Do you see the play…
2011 was the E T Light beings landing in through the portal of New York
2010 was their landing in Pelham Bay Park witnesses by Fritz Venneiq and I.

Star Bucks Cafe
The Battle to move the Family of E.T through the Woods- portal of Death -Spirit Realm-astral Plane.

*Stephen will recall at his friends Cafe P.D…where we had breakfast the code 116 P.D noted.

1 16. A.P..
Astral Plane.

The Battle was with the American-african Indians Spirits of Pangea Guardians of this Quadrant-Ancestors..
Grateful Dead.

Who fought me and the E,
saying what are our intentions..
They did not recognize them selves as the Eternal Truth.
Naturalness Expressed The Truth
N E T T E..
Total of them selves evolved to perfection
The Beautiful Ones

I spoke about this whole in the battle we I had to wage with their Agression.
And at the same time prove we are They (The True Nature truth of Nature “.

And merge with them.
The Beautiful Past
Our Back.

See me where I sat under the Statue under the warrior with the Tomahawk.
Tom A Hawk.
See sacred portal 117
“Mixed Blessing a Gift from the Twins and in the other Hand, the Twin carries a Tom A Hawk”
Our response to this Agression I began noting in 2006 at Generation X Gardens East 4th Street.

2004 I wrote the Original Creation Story of the Family of T E.N.

And 14 years of wasting my time fighting through these often Savage and Barbaric Tests and Challenges by the Ancesteral Nature..
From all Human History, including the cleaning up the mess of ages to prove our intentions true and pure

Which I refused but which Nnamdi Devi but in Female as in illusion called Woman.

4:02 p.m.

I refused but “Mother Father” played by Unity Harmony beloved this play real and were moved by compassion to make me fight for all to rise, even the illusions and shadows created for the play of Contrast in the Hologram.

14 years
7 7.
Joshua G

J.E. in Stephen Filgueira’ S Blue Print.

Both 7 years later Mother Father


J E S. U S.

J E. Z E. U S

G E S. U.S.

G E E Z. U.S
We are in charge this time of Our Own Evolution and Awakening.

14 years
77. 49
First bed in the Shelter System 49.
Then 007
And then to Delta Manor..5-019.
E os- Dawn
And the Battle to bring the True meaning of Dawn.

4:14- 4-15 p.m.right now.

*the Micro Wave ..M.W . Time is at 5:14.. now 5:15 Time

4 14. 18 19..
5 14. E N. E O.

E. N E.O.

Rainbow Spectrum.
Emeka and the Eternals
Is Are NEO.
The Matrix.

But the actual version was more real and way more intense

Yes 14 years N.
Nature Fought me saying it did not remember the E.

They just did not think
I.We, would return.

I am the Scout..
The Indian Seer ..
And the Hunter and the One Chief

4:20 p.m
And now the One of War. .

4 in 1

I Be .
Death Supreme

4:21 p.m

4 3


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