
11/24/2018 11:39 – Facebook Post

King Stag.
Sacred Portal 111.
“Home Coming”
8 3.

Hartford Connecticut
8 3.

American Spirits
Art Science

This is the sculpture in front of my hotel room 904, a room with a beautiful view, 44 Aysulm A.v.,all arranged by Stephen Filgueira on Thanks Giving Day.

Do you recall that I mentioned that Stephen has a stag tatoo. And that 180 Tremont station to Delta Manor has a Stag, and if you add e to Stage we get a Stage
( not a Stage Coat or the story of Cowboys and Indians…)

Recall Kyle Murphy has Cherokee Indian Blood.
Brennan Brandon Young, Josh By Water..
See sacred portal 121.

The 4 American Indians

4 Directions
One facing me is the Agression Warrior War
Facing the Hotel is the Peace.
The other the Scout and the Seer.
And the is the Youth in Skin, spearing Salmon or something- the Mysteries-Bear Cult.

4 Maidens .

1 King Stag.

4 4… is the street number of the Hotel.

44 is Sacred Portal Goddess Bliss

Recall the play with Kelsie Bissell
Victoria Jackson Aaron W, Alex and John.
Link Eric James Murphy.
See his Facebook image..a face painted like and American Indian African warrior.

44 47
Two Portals
Literally my portals work as you can see..
The way through Pans Labyrinth
Time and Space.

144 Ascended Masters?

1 44 8
44 8. Recall that play?

44 8. Is Sacred Portal 48 “Death as Beautiful Physical and Cellular Biological Transformation Regeneration
T.R. 20 18
11 11
Of the Stage .

10:39 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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