
11/22/2017 10:36 – Facebook Post

11/22/2017 10:36 – Facebook Post

From Ugo Nwamama U.N… ( ONE Masculine)

asked me to solve a Riddle…

So first I will tell a Story…

Yesterday night, I saw Jamel Salter ( Sketch) he was the first person I saw yesterday morning and the first peron I saw when I came back last night.

We did a riddle which I resilved to his rising like a Bird, to fly high above a certain point of view and see the situation from that point.
Withouth even thinkin, I soon fond him acting it out without even bing aware..
As he spoke, I pointed it out..
I saw him as Horus, the Eagle the Falcon flying so High ‘”400 children rescued” – He is 33.. Born 1984… Yes, My True Age I morph back to.

But I saw the New York Times article of a man who had to 500 feet above in a plane to see that there were these amazingg symbols of key Holes, Gateways, square and columns….
I knew that was the height I had gone to get a better view..
And I realized that I had taught him to fly…

I have an Eagle Phoenix tatooed on my right shoulder…

I recognized it was sacred portal 9.. The Elemental Goddessess ( E.G…5 7… Kemi Sara 7:57 p,m) with the Fair Oh and his son)
He showed me a cover photo for his album cover done by a person whose riddle I had solved for him and he hand enacted in natural perfect harmony.. it showed him walking in between Slopes ( Park Slope Brooklyn is were I had been staying with Sky Oak Speaker in 2003 where I later moved to Joseph Carey space across from the Bean Cafe on 2nd Avenue… See Bean Bio Fuel for cars being used in London, Double Decker Buses…)

The True Converstaion between Energy E and AH TOM..

I said Ah Ugo Nwamama Jamel Salter is Ugo.. the Eagle Falcon.. Horus.. really Hour Us.
The code of people standing besides us was Wallee, ( Will) and Kay… And Jamel at the gate… Which Gate.. W.. K J.. 23… 11 10… J K W…
10 11 23… EGA LA XY 1O 11 C.I…

I asked him to take a photograph of a leafless Tree, in front of us, which was framed by the Dark Blue sky…
I noted that we both had the same Dark Blue Lighter…
It created a painting and a riddle.. A shaft of Light from a Window illumintaed a wedge of the brances of the tree creating a partal Ying Yang effect..
I said it reminded me of a Vincent Van Gogh Painting… the way he had framed the tree..( tentacles of teh scrotal sack)…
V.V.GO.GH… GH 87…

He said it reminded him of a painters work which he showed me..
Bob Ross… O..R.B… ( B.R.O….K.E… Yesterdays post ended with that)
‘Salva-Door-e Mundi”
Blessing for one hand, the other, holding an O.R.B.

i told him my weight… 202 KG…. B O B..
He told me his weight..187… A.H.G… New York came to see…he who calls me “Slim.. and OG”


Darien Shea sent me an message with a video, with the name Sasha Swift.. S S.. 19 19 38.. See sacred portal 38..’Leaving with the Cross and the Full Circle Ëshu” S.P.. 7 On the back seated on my Ladies Beautiful Behind.. And Elemental Harmony Goddess…”
Respectful… not as the one Lisa Natalie Johnson showed Jamila and myself which was funny.. I shared it ( but could be seen as an ultimately disrespectful view by the Jamaicans of me….)
9:02 p.m.
Proven consistently true.. the mockery and disrespect of the Source Creator…

Darien Shea D.S.. ( Tiffany SD) D A.. RIEN… S.H E A.. Sent me the image, I had responded at 8:22 a.m.. H.V…
i Looked at the time earlier as I thought of Lisa Natalie Johnson and the play last night of her line.. 8:11 am. H.K.. Hells Kitchen. ‘Good”I said.

8:11 AM.. 8:22 AM

88 11 22… Todays date…

2(8) 2(1) 2(2)… 222…8 12…

Weight of Jamel… 187… 1 87.. see sacred portal.. 18=R..G=7.. R G…
R.A.G… R A G E.. 7 18… G.R.. Golden Ratio… He reminded me that read the other way that it was the code for ‘Murder’in the Hood.
He was wearing “Hunter”on his hat..
Hunter Hatheway… Hunter.. Hat..he Way…

I knew I was at the portal of Ancient Egypt out of the Halls of the Dead…
Isis Osiris..
And that he was playing ANUBIS.. Hu Anu Anuhu.. H.A.A..
Egyptian God of the Dead…
And I was crossing over to me home…

Igboland is built over Ancient Egypt…
shared by Ugo Nwamama…

Darien Father of the VIDE… OH Rien.. *Orien Laplante DOB. 9-17.. I.Q.
Left the message Emeka Kolo O,M.G IT’S YOU? With two memes of shock…

187 KG… Keith Grant bed 53.. BRC 2015… Jamel Salter bed 5-003… 53…Formerly bed 2-008.. 29…




Old English frencisc “of the Franks,” from Franca (see Frank). The noun is from Old English Frencisc. As the name of a language, from late 13c. Euphemistic meaning “bad language” (pardon my French) is from 1895. … However, this is said to be called in France filer à l’anglaise, literally “to take English leave.”

Franks.. ‘Free Person, pardon my French’. to Take English leave

E M K…..”E M K Karmina Marine”I.Q.

Emeka Nnamdi IN the Sea ( Supreme E.A) of the SIRENS ( Starbucks .. see legend of the man who went to the underworld after being shipwrecked and encounterd the Demons of the sea… And the King of the sea who warned him not to eat the food or he would never leave…
Link Äbandon all Hope all who enter here”Dantes Inferno.. D.I..( 4 9… my Bed 49…b.r.c.. 2015..)
..is Free to take his Fuckin God Damned English Leave ( Excuse My French)..

That is the story of course, King of Demons, Father Lover I.E…Playing me pissed off as Lord of the Shadows.. 11-22…33… 1984…George ( Ge-Orge) Orwell Re… not Ra…Re is within Ra is outside… both the Sun… With it is the Solar Plexus.. Solar Disc… Opens up the Wings as David Roman Nicholason… D R N…born 11-22-68….showed me this.

Correct Code… Emeka -Nnamdi Mohammed Erike-Emeka Robert.. see meaning …Expressings Nature. Naturally (The Nothing) Manifest Express-Sing ( I sang last night quietly to the night…”Can you tell me why we are beautiful.. can you tell me why I sing… because I leave here forever…) Reflection is the Kar ( Vehichle) of the K=11 Twin Columns Twins C.D.. 34 Cecilia Onuabuchi David.. C.O.D…C.O.D.E.. S.P 104 Terrible Death…C O D..F.I.S.H… ( Father I, Son Holy G-Host.. 187… AH! g/ G.R…187 Beautiful Assassin B.A) C D… 34.. ( S.P.. 3)
A.R.. U.E.. ( Aru. The body..) A RUE…Are Universal Energy…. Expression Manifest Twins.. K=11..

EN…ME…K A…RR…( 1818…36…9=I) I E M.K..

9:36 a.m.

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