
11/22/2015 22:59 – Facebook Post


8:O6 pm.

I have a new Face Book Friend

Peter Zihlman…P.Z.

Which should have put us at 436 Face Book friends, but instead has manifested as my second 435 Face Book Friend..

Creating the code D.C.E (435) twice which would make (exasperating) perfect sense if you consider that todays is the Birthdays of both David (Nnamdi) my brother, who physical body gave evidence of the Bodies Astounding physical evolution, and my mother Cecilia whose sixth sense has aligned to mine as Chukwuemeka through the play here linked her to Donna O’Sullivan here at 18 Mountain view..

looking at the names we can see the code…aligned perfectly the number 435 twice…
as well as the 435+435=87O..
See sacred portal 87 “Returning the World back to its Senses and Sensei’s…”

435 is David Donna-Cecilia Charles- Emeke…

In the Masculine Form its meaning is “Beloved Freeman Praise and Well Done”

In the feminine form, it is Lady of the Six Sense in the realm of the Blind-Praise and Well Done.”

And combined, M.F..”Beloved, Lady of the Sixth Sense the First note of Do masculine, is the Sixth Sense of moving the Blind to be Free by understanding positive express, beautiful expression which creates Myrrh, the rising of the dead and dying…Rising in E-Ros’s Rose garden, each as Island and Filled with the literal embodies expression of One..The Individual and the All…I.O…in Balance.

Rosario Lindsey..R.L
Peter Zihlmann….P.Z.


11 (1) 86…12 26..97…(87)..38…

Peter we knows means Stone or Rock..
From the Greek word “Petros”.. “Petra”

By Bibhu Dev Misra
Petra, the ‘rose red city, half as old as time’, located in modern day Jordan, is undoubtedly one of the most dramatic archaeological sites of the world.’

Code Facebook Friends Jordon Colon and Jordan D

Within the temple of Al Deir, the largest and most imposing rock-cut temple in Petra, is present an unworked, black, block of stone, like an obelisk, representing the most important deity of the Nabataeans — Dushara.ck..
From the Greek word Petros Petra…The term Dushara means ‘Lord of the Shara’, which refers to the Shara mountains to the north of Petra. The symbolic animal of Dushara was a bull. All over Petra, Dushara was represented symbolically by stone blocks.

At the entrance of Petra there are three massive standing blocks of stone, known as Djin blocks, which were sacred to the inhabitants. There are nearly 40 such Djin blocks present throughout Petra. In addition, at religious sites throughout the city, the Nabataeans carved a standing stone block called a baetyl, literally meaning ‘house of god’.”..Du Shara=Shiva…

Thus, we have established the Energetic meaning of the Rock..Stone..
“Stone Ridge..Stone Rock…Twins Doppelgangers…11..99-18…”
Aligns to Shiva which means “Red One…
Aligning to Rosario name meaning and the Red Coals of Fire and the Red Earth as well as the First Color Red..ROYGBIVR…Do…
R.E.D..D.E..A.R.E..Dear E…
Do a Dear…

Meaning Zilhmann I had to break into two Zilh mann
Zilh’ut..translates as Zeal in Hebrew…Zealous..
As well as Zielh..Zil meaning Soul” in Dutch…Miiddle Dutch

From the Web Site of Grace Fellowship Church-Paster James H.Rickard…

“Zeal comes from the will of man and usually is motivated by some emotion or emotional state. Therefore, since man is a sinful creature who has a sin nature, zeal alone should never be used to assess someone’s faith or spirituality. We can never say that doing something or doing anything is better than doing nothing at all, especially in regard to salvation.

Given that a definition for zeal is fire or to say someone is on fire for the Lord, we should always keep in mind that “fire is a good servant, but a bad master.” In addition, being hot or cold, for that matter, is not a barometer or measuring tool for spiritual achievement.

code is Balance Warmth and Heat…Comfort Temperate- Sensual Sexual..

Fire Signs…Jonn Blackwell last Night the Fire Sign is the symbol of the Evolution process Kundalini base Chakra has been actived from 1-7887-1
Rev 3 15…Zeina Hanna…”Rev” means “Revolution of an Engine per minute..
To increase speed…

“Our Lord wished that the Laodiceans were either hot or cold in Rev 3:15, yet they were lukewarm. A believer can either be on fire for the Lord with a soothing ministry to the soul, or a cold cup of water which is refreshing to the soul that is parched. Either extreme can be an effective believer and vessel for God to use. So we can not just look at the zealous person and say that they are God’s people and that indicates they are saved. Neither hot nor cold indicate by themselves as to the true spirituality or salvation of a person, as it did not with the Jews who “had a zeal for God yet without knowledge”.

2) Zeal is a prominent characteristic of those in the occult. Many times their effort and energy puts the typical Christian to shame, yet their zeal is focused erroneously in works of recruiting, evangelism, self-depravation, and sacrifice.

3) A person with great zeal can also become fanatical. In Christ’s time these people were called zealots. A ZEALOT (Zihl’ uht) was a militant radical; one who acts with great zeal for a cause. The term came to designate a particular segment of the Jewish population who continually tried to overthrow foreign oppression, especially the Roman rule in Palestine. Jesus called Simon a zealot who was one of His twelve disciples (Luke 6:15). He did so to distinguish him from Simon Peter but there may be more to it as he may have previously been part of a group secretly fighting for the “cause”, freedom of Israel” IS Rah E.L…”

Dictionary defines Zeal as Great energy and enthusiasm in pursuing a cause and objective…Driven by love, fire, desire, gusto, passion ardor, fevor,vigor energy intensity..Fire but within…

Mann in Germanic..means Man, Person..Husband”
in Punjabi it means “Pride” Honor…P.H/H.P…
Also in the Chinese character “Wen” which means Writing…

Hence, Peter the Rock Stone is real the Supreme Source of the Trinity I V…Y…Z..A…H..I.
the Eternal Cosmic Dancer..E.C.D…5 3 4
435 Face Book friend and his sacred Garden is of his fe-me-nine…
Rosary Lindsey… The Blessed Isle of the E line where we peer into this realm through the portal symbolized by the Moon..into the Darkness of the Fleshy consciousness transforming it into life..

From the Verda..

Shiva or ?iva (Sanskrit: ???, lit. “Auspicious one”) is one of the principal deities or a form of Ishvara (God) representing one of the three primary aspects of the Divine — Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva — collectively as the Trimurti. In the Trimurti system, Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the maintainer or preserver, and Shiva is the destroyer or transformer. Within Shaiva tradition he is viewed as the Supreme deity, whereas in Smarta tradition Shiva is one of the six primary forms of the Divine (the other five being Vishnu, Shakti, Ganesha, Kartikkeya and Surya). Followers who focus their worship upon Shiva are called ?aiva. His role as the primary deity is reflected in his epithets Mah?deva (“Great God”), Mahe?hvara (“Great Lord”), and Parame?hvara (“Supreme Lord”). Saiva, along with Vai??ava traditions that focus on Vishnu, and ??kta traditions that focus on the Dev? (Goddess) are three of the most influential denominations in Hindu system. Shiva is usually worshiped as the Shiva Linga. In images, he is generally represented as immersed in deep meditation or dancing the Tandava upon the demon of ignorance in his manifestation of Nataraja, the lord of the dance.

Shiva is referred to as ‘the good one’ or the ‘auspicious one’. Shiva – Rudra is considered to be the destroyer of evil and sorrow. Shiva – Shankara is the doer of good. Shiva is ‘tri netra’ or three eyed, and is ‘neela kantha’ – blue necked (having consumed poison to save the world from destruction). Shiva – Nataraja is the Divine Cosmic Dancer. Shiva – Ardhanareeswara is both man and woman.

He is both static and dynamic and is both creator and destroyer. He is the oldest and the youngest, he is the eternal youth as well as the infant. He is the source of fertility in all living beings. He has gentle as well as fierce forms. Shiva is the greatest of renouncers as well as the ideal lover. He destroyes evil and protects good. He bestows prosperity on worshipers although he is austere. He is omnipresent and resides in everyone as pure consciousness.

Equation Solved alignment of David Cecilia E ros-E.
4 35..

Rosario Peter L.Z…Completion of the Two Ends…Zombies and Zeina (Beautiful) Quantum leap of Aria D,N.E…(D.N.A To D.N.E…)

Z.L…Zeal P.R….Soul of the Man – Person and husband to the D.C…DO..E Sol..
Soul Sol..
4 and 5..5 and 4 meet

I.N D.E.E.D.

9:59 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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