
11/22/2015 19:32 – Facebook Post

4: 59 pm…




Its my Mothers Birthday today, as well as my brother David (Nnamdi) Roman Nicholas…
Could get through to my Moms on the phone, and do not know where David is but I wished to at least pause to acknowledge them both, not only because of what they both represent to me, but also by what their significance and relevance of what each represents to the Whole..
Identified and acknowledged by the play and the equation I have been publicly solving..
Represented, not only in their life’s, and what aspect of the Human evolutionary process they are representing, in this play highlighted by the meaning linked all round right to their dates of Birth, but to even where I am with Jonn and Donna, at 18 Mountain View..Doppleganger Twin Expression- who are really one.

11:22…47…11 28 39…C.I..L.B.G.,C.I.
11 22..68…14..48..52..7 1O..17 87..15..56…6 1 3…6 4..1O..24..34..7 12..19 84…1O3..J.C…32-5
“See Consciousness I Jesus Christ Consciousness Beautiful Expression- which of course, Taking their names
Cecilia David…C,D..34 7 19 84..creates an equation of Fractals..
11;22 Twice…11;11 22;22..
4: 8…D.H…12 32..44..87..15 56..71-8
1 2…A.B.B.A…+x..32..5 6

Nri Igbo name Onuabuchi…English David…(Igbo English..I.E)
O.D..D.O… O 44 O….O8O..*.6th Sense is the Full Circle
See Sacred Portal 44
Circle Divine (C.D)
Do..Is the First Note…Do re mi fa sol lat ti Do..
Do is the art of Doing-Action..
Doing is the Twin of Being
D.B =F..Doing is the Elder Twin of Being…
Together they merge to creation F-Full Circle of Doing and Being makes you Fact- “Inked In” (I I), as opposed to HB..(Human Being) Penciled In” (P.I)
Thus as C.D and D.D, the Two are aligned as one..
The Mary Joseph, Jesus,Judas John Jacob (Yoseph Yeshua Yehudah Yonanathan Yacob)
From Middle East Greek Rome to Present Day- linked from Egypt Ethiopia Kush, Kenya back to Nri and its 4 days market weeks representing the seven sisters 47 (57)…and the Four Messengers..the Cube, Kaaba- but its Energetic representation and consciousness- rather than its physical conscious representation as form..The Fourth Dimension- Messengers of the 5th- The One.
11-22 47..68…sixth Sense Harmony
Doppelgangers Twins are 22 V..

Aligned now as one…
Equation solved.

Code Fractaling As Emeka Eze

And I have a new Face Book Friend..

Hello…:).. Rosario Lindsey

We are in a play, Rosario where the arrival of each new face book friends signifies a response to an unraveling weave which I have been compelled to solve in three four planes of correlating human expression Art -Movie, Science-Fiction aligned to fact.

In this play, each persons name meaning provides a response to an “Unseen” Presence, a Family of Watchers, moving Humanity unaware, in a beautiful and exquisitely graceful play of what turns out to be Evolution Awakening earned by our own ability to pay attention to coincidence, symmetry, synchronicity…and link it to meaning which then creates harmony…
I found myself have to addressing consciousness representing 1-9, children entering the Room, called Space, Babies just born (The Green House- Nursery School. Elementary School (Elemental Consciousness), Hi’ School (H.I.LI-G.H School). University (A River Runs Through Us, a Harmonious Universal Expression Supreme- H.U.E.S), Degrees- Masters, Thesis, Doctorate, (P.H.D..Planet H.D.EU..As Death Personified is Transformation Winter Spring..process of Dying to Transforming) Professorship, Ten-u.r.e..Rector…Rectum Anus- Evacuation of Toxins..Toxic Expression..
Basically using the full spectrum of the Education system in this realm as a template from the E line, transformed back through me Expression as E representative, into what it was originally intended it to be…

So, we shall see the response of the E line who are beyond, and “using” me as their Spy and now Voice undercover, of the Supremacy of the E consciousness as the one expression and tone and address, and point of view which brought forth Manifest Universal Expression, including it Crown, the Bodies called Human Beings..

There was always a plan.

Here is the meaning of the nae Rosario whose meaning must be aligned with my Mothers birthday and code as She representing the Lady Morphing through the 12 “Disciplines” to the 1-12 Yoseph, which means “To Add” Y x 5..25 X5=125..L.E..E.L…completion God Universe Nature…
Which only then by understanding the True meaning of God which we have established is True Nature=True Consciousness…
Which brings the MM to link 13 13..26..Z
Zeina Hanna..26 8
Zahri Zouhir 26..8…26..8..88..2 8…1…64..1…11..1
The One.

Meaning of the name Rosario..The “rosarium” or rosary indeed has pre-Christian origins. Ancient Rome celebrated the “rosalia,” a spring festival commemorating the dead. In Greek tradition, the rose was Aphrodite’s flower. It reminded one of the blood of the gods. Venus, Aphrodite’s Roman counterpart and protector of love, is frequently pictured with a wreath of red and white roses, or holds a rose in her hand. Similarly, from ancient times to the middle ages, the ideal place for romantic encounters were “rose-gardens,” that is, gardens protected by a rose hedge. The expression “rose-garden” has a wide variety of meanings, from libertine to more edifying usage. It is, together with “rosenkrantz” (wreath of roses), best known for its role in literature of profane romance (see, e.g., Roman de Éá Rose, early, thirteenth century).

It is well-known, however, that the symbolism of the rose has a long history in Christian tradition. The rose was frequently applied to Mary, sometimes to Jesus himself. This is true for patristic texts, (e.g., Ambrose, Sedulius), Latin hymns, and sequences (De gaudiis B. Mariae, fifteenth century). Mary is “God’s rose-garden” in Latin hymns, whereas Dante lauds her as the “Rose in which the word of God became flesh” (Paradiso, 23:73-74). It is in the context of this literature using the symbolism of the rose that we have to search for the origin of the word “rosary,” in Latin, rosarium. The evolution and usage of the word happened in stages.

“Weaving a chaplet for the Virgin Mary” (Gregory Nazianzus, 4 c.). The word chaplet has the meaning of wreath (corona) (Esser.)
” A chain of fifty Aves” (early l3 c.) Beguines of Ghent prayed three such chains daily. The terms used are “corona” or “sertum
“Aves seen as Roses” (late l3 c. legend in Latin, Catalan and German versions). According to the legend, the Hail Marys recited by a monk became roses and or a rose garland in the hands of Mary (see text in annexe below!) The early Latin versions of this legend use “corona” (crown) and “sertum” (wreath) for garland.
In German versions of the same legend from l2/l3 c., the rose garland of “Aves seen as Roses” is named “Rosenkranze,” and subsequently was retranslated into Latin as rosanum, our rosary.
Up until that time, the term rosarium was used in the sense of florilegium, a bouquet of flowers designating a collection of anecdotes, texts, or prayers.
Now rosarium or rosary is used to characterize spiritual gifts offered to the Virgin. Little by little, the expression “psalterium” merges with rosarium. In Engelbrest of Admont’s (1279-1331) Psalterium B. V. Mariae, each of the 150 advocations begin with Ave, rosa. (Deves, Blume).
We previously mentioned the controversy between Alanus and Dominic over the words rosary or psalter. Some authors in subsequent centuries used both expressions (Adam Walasses, 1571). Latin languages gave preference to “serto” or “capelleto.” The papal bull of 1478 used the term “rosario.” Jacob Sprenger’s German rosary manual of 1476 also used the word rosary.
It is the attractiveness of the rose symbolism that tipped the balance. Part of this attractiveness lies in the ability to combine and associate profane and spiritual meanings. In particular, it was the assimilation of the Ave Maria (Hail Mary) to the Rose (Aves as Roses), and the 150 roses to the rose garland that made the term rosary very popular. The Ave Mary is a rose. It is made up of five sentences, and so has five petals that represent, according to Our Lady Mary’s Rose Garden, the letters MARIA (64-65; 190-191).”
Marian Library, Dayton Ohio..


The Meaning of the name Lindsey means Island…Lime Island, Island of Snakes..(See legend of St Patrick “Patrician’- Aristocratic- Noble” who drove the snakes out of Ireland..Land of Camelot- Avalon-The Round Table Arthur
Code Arthur Hur..A.H.
from the world Lincoln…(Abe Lincoln ) meaning an Island..
Mans Body is an Island…no doubt..
But his-her Being is linked to the Whole..Unified Field O.H
and thus, can never become Free to evolve to a an Individual until he contributed though Embodiment of Body and Being aligned by fulfilling the “Devils Contract” of Contributing to the Whole as well as to the Ones..
Creating I.O..Balance..
And then, only then can the Individual Embodied, Exemplified Expression can go home, to the place I call Hue-manities true Home..
A Consciousness and State now physically made manifest in what had become this world manifested through Awful Expression into a Black Whole.
Lincoln means Settlement around a Pool..
A pool of reflections…
E.T..Our true Sources peering into our reflections..
our Minds Worlds…M.W Milky Way…
from the 5th Dimension…

Devil and Dust…
That is the Realm of Nature…
1-7-8 Red to Evanescent Lights Awareness W-A.LL…E.L.A.W..
Fire (Red Orange Yellow) to
Lavender O.Violet Expression Beautiful Expression…

Donna O’Sullivan has brought here gifts presented to her, then her to me, Red Roses, then White Roses, then Yellow Roses…
I have been carrying a Rosary around with me for ages, a gift given to me in exchange, by my former host at 26 8 whose mother also was born code 47…

E Rose the Blessed I where He- She Rose..
Aphrodite Eros..
See sacred portal 26..

Mary Means M.Y..RR..H…Mary (Joseph)Yoseph, Robert Ruth…M.J..RR..H.
13+1O..23..(4)…18+18= 36-9..x 4O (DO!)= 9x4O=36O degrees..Perfect Symmetry..O=H..Harmony Infinity..
Myrrh means Loved and Beloved…used to anoint the Dead..
Rosarium. Bouquet of Roses, a Rose Garden, symbolic of miracles, from the blood, the palms..

But really a blessed Island surrounded by a Pool reflections where the E peered into the portal of the Nature to peer into the minds and world of the Human Bodies, slated to merge into one to awaken their Literal Bodies so that BB become V..”Ti Vie” The Highest Expression of 77 Now ready to link through the E.T…to the E..
E Rose with Love, who responded to His Truth of Consciousness in Being is an Blessed Island of beyond where we Exists peering down into this World…

6:32 PM

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