
11/21/2017 19:35 – Facebook Post

11/21/2017 19:35 – Facebook Post

From Anthony Bienke… A.B..

All about Wealth…

Code Mhmd Mhmd Tharowt…

Lets look at the codes..
After the Wealth I represent is.. has Knocked Out this concept of Wealth
with the last play with Kemi Sara who sent me her last Money Code in the play… She has sent a combined 220;00 usd since the beginning of the play
( and all of you are aware that I live on a allowance which is meant to represents poverty….level… So the contributions have been limited to the bare minimum showing also the value and worth of what people have materially attributed to my Expression and the evil in Humanity to not pay or give the Value of Worth if they can get away with it…
If it is free..
mirroring the way the Earth, the human body, life etc.. are treated…

But I passed through the 0 of which monies true worth value is.. because it is a “medium of Exchange” and has no value except in the collective agreement of using it as a means of exchange, just as numbers have no meaning really..do not really exist…

So I moved through the 0 Zero as Nothingness to manifest Something within it.. Since money Is something.. it doe have something in it … not only what it is made of Wood Pulp.. paper.. ink.. silver and labor… as well as secret codes .. riddles…
Just as Coins.. the Original money used to give weight to paper money…and now even Bitcoins.. Virtual money has value as Elementals.. It is made of Elemental Energy.. Gold Nickel Silver.. Copper … See sacred portal 9..

The code which Kemi Sara sent me is 55:00 usd ( while 500 pounds was held back from her own salary…

5;33 p.m…
Jesus in the story created by humans died at age 33..

500 is D in Roman Numerals… Delta… 500 is E.OO..

The code is number is 46 99 74.. 20… See the sacred portals…

Lisa Natalie Johnson is code 46 .. I am the original portal 46.. D.F./ F.D..
Fred Delshad…Persia… Zoroaster …Nnamdi… NZ 67 67 46 B Social Security…

99.. Factor of Contempt…

74…Mouth of God and Muscle.. Tongue…”Ile” “Ofo-dile” The Truth is in how you use the Sword of Truth…

20,.. Se sacred portal 20..Lady E C H O…. Lad-die E C H O…

And the actuality present… 4 69…I am at Delta.. the coffee I just bought for 1;00 USD had the number 69 on the cap the third day in a roow- I buy it from the Arab family bodega all men…

69 is Nnamdi.. Sacred Portal I am Breath…
See Mhmd Mhmd Tharowt page he has the Words .. Breath written on it..

97.. Sacred Portal Brain Cranium,.. I.Q… Orien Laplante Karmina Marine I.Q… Robert Vlaun 60/60 in his last test…100%, his family member and he in France helped him score 97%
He called while I was present after the play was complete.. He is me.. us…

42.. See Paul bed 4-002 who was right besides me…On the sacred portal there is a Golden Budhha with a lotus in one eye and flames of rage… Recall the famous image of a Buddhist monk setting himself on Fire… That will he did not utter a sound…
So he passed through the fire….created a way a portal to prove one can pass through the fire… So that is Hell made manifest for all who put their own Self Interest and comfort before their Source and Creator that they too must pass through that which I passed through… 0..
But I made the blue flame… it burn with greater intensity with my beautiful rage of describing every detail of the experience you allowed me to go through.. for you… So you will experience that… the Ungrateful Selfish Greedy ones who think they are better than I e.. or that I am my Family are their slaves… Who cleaned up the mess…

0… Smile..to O…E…

So yes, I control even Money and this World really an illusion of Nothing.. but Fear transformed to Divine.. DEVINE…

See Bjork 2015 Album “Vulnicura”

And yes there in the Movie.. Dancer in the Dark there is a Eyo Masquerade…

55 and 51…

5;51 am right now.,.

Are the codes which Kemi Sara sent me in a next code 55… and a 51 years old in place where she works in a Mental Hospital or of that sort who spoke of a person who had suffered so much added with a Sexual abuse beyond what she said is her imagining… that bad…

And the “cruel indifference ‘ of the the system and some of the staff adminstration… mirroring what just took place with my Case Worker Nicole M… N M… A M… N N A M…

I am at Delta Manor Mental Health Homless Shelter under cover James Bond.. 007… bed 49 B.R.C… 2015…. 35… 8…

Bjork’s new Album..”Utopia” New York Times…Bjorks Love Letter to Optimism…

Look at these two people… One with the map of the World Behind him.. Rohan Sheth… R.S… Robert Vlaun and Sebastian… R.S.. besides Emeka at Metropolitan
then E to Mhmd Mhmd Tharowt

Then they too…

M.W…Milky Way… MM.T…

Then look at the other to my right…. Ryan Magdxiarz… R.M..
looks dark with destruction..

There is a girl besides me two you school girls pretty well manered one has a book by Cassandra Clark. C C…
Lord of the Shadows…

Cassandra was my case worker who read The Elegant Nomad and who was not really allowed to help me at the Shelter but helped so much more.. She is Chinese American.. C…A.. 31…
Cassandra means Bright Man…
But in the Stories of Humanity it means Prophetess who foretold Doom..
Recall that 2017 at Delta Manor began with Death…
There has been Death but mote as warnings all year.. Death through Codes.. Four Horsemen of the Apocalpse Now…

R.S… R I S E…

R O OM… D O OM ED… Room with a View.. Bellevue Mental Hospital.. And a Shelter many of the men here passed through… Central Intake… C.I…
I passed through Green Point…

I am Belle Vue…
The Beautiful View… R.S….E MM..E…SP 55 has EMME on it…
E.T…E R S… E R O S E… E R I S ES… And his Shadow.. Eris.. His Rage… Eros Kali…SP.. 32…

Image result for Meaning and origin of the name Rohan
An anglicized form of the Irish personal name Ruadhán/Ruadhain “red/red haired”. … Rohan is also a Celtic name meaning keeper of wolves. Rohan is also a Sanskrit name meaning “to ascend”.

To Ascend….. RED.. Works here.. Read…

SHETH is Male and origin is Hebrew. SHETH means: (????) Hebrew name SHETH means “buttocks.” In the bible, this is the name of the third son of Adam and …

3rd Son.. C… A.E.. 1 5.. Full Circle.. the Golden Globes.. Orb… bottocks…

Origin of the name Ryan: From the Irish surname O’Riain (descendant of Rian). Rian is an ancient Irish name believed to be a diminutive form of rí (king): hence, “little king.”

Little King… L.K… L O O K.. K O L O…

Magdziarz… Polish…. M.. AG…D-Z…I.A. R-Z… R I Z E….

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