
11/21/2015 22:05 – Facebook Post



11-21-8…K.U.H…”Ku” means “Spoke” Harmony…1-3-8….138..M.H.

Manifest Harmony…

Which is what this play on face book and on the World stage, as well as the Transmission and codes, which I have been reading all my life has been about..
A conversation with that which is Unseen, – yet transmitted by the Seen- known as Human beings…

As to whether human beings, or a Human Being can use expression to not only literally change the world- but explain in detail not only how it is done, but explain it using the sum total of “Clean” knowledge expressed by Humanity over a Time Line of our moving (even if there are only few) from the First stage of human development encased in matter, to the human body and being understanding that the Body literally is a moving Awareness of 6th sense which becomes activated from traveling through an Evolutionary Construct, which I call “Holographic Life”
On a Holo Deck- which has been affirmed by the last portal of my 26 years Consciously entering into the illusion and perceptions of experiencing others point of view, to the last 23 when I made First Contact with the “Evanescent Luminosity…E.L..back in Paris France in 1992…
Where I did not realize that I was walking across the Milky Way, while buried and walking inside the Earth- while at the same time Walking on the Earth and the modern world at the same time…

All the realm of Death as Space, the Dead and the Buried, and the Quick, the realm of this present day reality.

I found myself walking through these realms and belief systems of humanity, some of them awful others which contained pearls of wisdom. Where I realized that by recognizing that I was walking through Truth; I could discern which expressions were True and which ones were False…

What is the True Nature of Man and what is the True Nature of the Universe…

I personally already knew the answer, but I realized that I was not walking any longer on my own Truth, but the Truths of the Knowledge expressed by that most beautiful and Heroic True Nature of Man, versus the Abomination- the abominable expression of Humanity, which had taken form.

I realized that, I was literally moving through Collective Human Expression- that so many Legends, Myths and stories expressed by humanity were true…
But I was literally walking through the Spirit world…
How was this possible, yet I had no doubt of what I was experiencing, recording..for 26 years in my journals was true…

And this is how I began to understand that I was moving through the 1 2 3 4 5 and finally, 5-6, 5-7. 5-8..5-9..6.O…Six Sense or Age of Instinct Survival to Sixth sense..
Which activated my body to become literally awake, alive and conscious.
Just as I realized in 1993, that my “Being” through my creative endeavors was leaving a secretion…A secretion which I could read, and which made sense.
All I had to do was go back to every things I had created, to see there revealed Intel, information and a story which only my own conscious Awareness could bring into view…

The more I realized this, the more I found myself in a quandary,
i knew that by investigating my curiosity that I might end up further and further from this reality…
I had responsibilities, family..
But it seemed that I had no choice..

And the more I investigated- the more the “impossible” seemed to happen around me…

I had no way of communicating what was happening to me, I kept it secret, not even knowing if I could find the words to explain my experience.
I ransacked the libraries and read books upon books, seeking to find anyone who had experienced what I was experiencing..

I found it everywhere, but not in people as I had supposed, but in mythology, movies, legends, even the truth of religious philosophies, I was able to glean the essence from..Everywhere especially through human rituals of the past to the present, I could see the truth of our being whole, of the truth my experiences and conclusion literally aligning with the Beautiful Expression of the Dead..
But where were the living embodiments of it?

This is what concerned me.
I met many people, but they did not understand even though understood it through movies, books, etc…But that was separate from them, it was a movie to them, something which made sense, entertained them…But it being literal, experienced by someone right before them, even with all the evidence pointing to the possibility of my experience being more than likely true because strange things happen when they were given by the Unseen, validation that I was telling the Truth…

Suddenly, I became aware that I was alone living an experience which aligned with the foundation of the current World Philosophies and Religious pioneers…I was walking through the past.
And it suddenly, my Curiosity and Investigation became more like a prison- a Hellish prison which the only way, I discovered I could get out of was to aid in transforming it..

I was the in the realm of the unseen, experiencing that which humanity had regulated as the impossible- even though its expression was everywhere..
But my empirical experience aligned to me Cee, aligned it to truth…

And I knew that I could not be alone in my perception and experience, so I set off searching for my Family, I knew they had to exist in this world- because the true world, that which had halted this world of Humanity from facing a well earned extinction, Beings of Beautiful Expression, had built the foundation of this world.. And moved it to the present..

And I had memory, of how we the 1O family first came into Creation- but not this World…

I walked and walked, desperately searching for beings experiencing as I, but I found none. Just people with fragments of memory of the original play but which only that which moved their subconscious was aware of…

And I grew even more desperate seeking to escape, there was no one I could share my experience with because they could not hear, they heard what they wished to hear- twisted the true meaning of my literal Wonder and incredulity of what I was experiencing into their own interpretation of it..

I suddenly began to realize, that they had made my Truth a Beautiful Myth, a Beautiful Story..a moving story of a Beautiful Romantic…Fool.

I was regulated to becoming a T.V Show…
Entertaining but True..
Not real…
Powerful..even to some I was scarey but only by what would manifest around me…
I was loved, universally loved, but not for myself but because I was a beautiful, romantic T.V show…
I realized that that is all most saw..

And…well…Nothing can describe that Hurt frustration rage.. but I was never afraid, not of the Truth, not of people, not of this world, not even of what I was experiencing, not even when my body took on a life of its own..
Even that which rose up in my being and body was beautiful…

But I found hardly anyone who Heard me Listened to me…
Until I found I had to rely on me.

And that which the Unseen wished me to do…

Right up to my worsts fears- which as I stated was not my fear of Humanity but I became only afraid of what Humanity had done to themselves and thier most Beautiful Truth..

What could have made people give up this most Essential Key note of Being- how could they even exist without it..
I understood the reasons the world was so cruel indifferent.. but never did I even contemplate Evil, because It was something which appeared often in my life, but I Poo Pahhed” it “Ridiculoso!” your not real…
Of course, I did not ignore it, but I knew how to deal with it, but as I moved through the 3-4 realms created by human expression it was all I kept experiencing…Evil…
Which comes from people choosing to give up their most Beautiful Truth because they said they wished to survive…

And so I saw myself summoned to face book, the worst place that they could have led me, the forum was perfect for the play but I was horrified that I would have to make that which had been for the first 34 years of my life my own private understanding, now to be expressed outside.
First on the streets, bars, Cafes, theaters, and homes and gatherings in New York and finally Face Book..

I was not afraid of people..
I was afraid of what they had allowed themselves to become…

I had been trained my whole life, I realized for this moment..

A destiny which I did not believe in by which at the ages of 21 and then 23 And Igbo Prince in Nigeria and then a Yogi who I met at age 23, who came to a bar I had been working and forced me to listen to him tell me what my future would be.. addressing the World…
A young woman I met at Age 25 in Paris, A New Yorker, who went so far to prove that I would be doing this work..at the time I felt her insane.. literally…
Erica..A.M..Erica was her name..

How is it possibility for one such as I who the mere idea of Destiny Fate..D.F was a concept which went against my most fundamental memory and knowledge of Existence, finds himself here addressing the world on Face book..

Where I was forced, compelled, to use my own empirical experience as evidence because I never met anyone else in all this time, no matter how I searched who mirrored that truth..

I was an animated character…
A T.V show..

And suddenly I an Giusseppe and Pinocchio.. D..P.G
Code David Phillip Gil
Beloved Friend of the Horse-Human Espirit of Joy…

Suddenly, asked to address the my true family residing undercover in Humanity, the Children (A-Lien Council Awareness Consciousness)…
the E.T (Eternal Truth) and the (Expression Beyond)- but I had to move past the the experience of the expression off the horror to me personally of what had made me afraid of what humanity in my empirical experience had become…

And so for 14.7-8 months and 44-45 months, this is what I have done..
Because I had no choice, not really, by body is literally tied and bound, as if inside of me I am a Mummy- and this is only possible, if seen through the view that I am just a T.V show..

And not a Hue man being who feels, who fights, who understand Love is not a Show.

And so I had no choice to go to the end of an abomination to bring forth the beautiful truth, which was not the if I am real..
But to prove that it is all of Humanity, and this World the one True T.V show…
And this T.V show caused such a reaction by the Evil expression that it was about to be canceled-no more Air..or airing..

And instead, I found myself transported into this T.V, and airing against my will and true nature, everything I am and what I know…

So that the “Viewers” could decide whether or not to stay tunned or cancel this T.V show- which as a director, I have sought to act out the Truth of this show- by transforming my perception of it, into the Evolution Awakening which aligns to the Unseen Beings reasoning of why Humanity is on a T.V Show..

In which tis, they who are being Observed, to rise and transform into the truth they have always known..

Welcome Sarbasish Choudhury…
Or should I say Welcome Back…

I never could find the meaning of the name Sarbasish…In code it is S.A..R (R=18..A.H) Basis H…Anna in O.I.N.R.I..Igbo means “Land” and in English it means “Grace..Favor”
Do as the First note is the Land but it is also means Grace…
Anna Grace.. A-G..1-7..1+7=8..
Meaning that to move from 1 -6 you must also move from 6-1..
Forwards Backwards at the same time 1 66 1…A Full Circle..
Which Creates 77…2 7..14 9…N.I…Nature Instinct…Naturalness Intuition
align then to one..23 23..46…1O..24..6…8
Linking them into One Harmony then to 14=5.9….14 5..45…5O (N.E.D.E.E)
Code Nadee Nakandala

Through Seven colorful expression one.. meaning 777…3=777..37/73…
11…1 to created a Quantum Touch Change Leap Jump of the Entire Conscious and physical Universe and Universal Nature by proving the Victor is the Beautiful Truth of Man..
This changes the Everything.. including the 4-5 dimensional body of humanity the liars “Pinocchio” into the Truth -HUEMAN..

The name Choudhury I found as Chowdhury- which in Sanskrit means “Holder of Four..Four Way..
*See my post of the Cube and the 5 points which emerge from the four aligned to the center which creates a Apex or “Mountain Peak, Mountain View”
And.. from Cactus- All round”..And undertaking a great burden and responsibility…”

It is both a Hindu and Arabian (H.A) name used till this day in both communities Hindu and Muslim..(H.M)
and was awarded by the Mongols as a Title of Honor..
Some say it was a title of A Commander in Chief, who controlled for different forces, Army, Navy, Air Force Elephant Corps..( Intelligence Spy work)

It aligns of course, to what this play has established the 4 Divine Breaths, the 4 Elements…The Four Directions and the Post which I established to the Children, the ET and the E lines, that came all from One..
Kolo my surname means “All Rround”..A.R..Add Emeka..
A.R.E…/ E.R.A.

Leonardo Da Vinci.. Vitruvian Man…
the + and the Circle…the Cross and the circle
*See Erik Ebright share of the Crossing Guard..

434 Face book Friend..
D.C.D..4th Dimension Circle Diamond Hearing…
4+3+4=11…4x3x4..48…7 4/47…
see Sarbasish number of face book friends.. 47= 11 28..
my Birth day… 39…C.I…12 L..3 C…27 A-Z+1A…

So one can see that not only through the post of Lord Choudhury, which were beautiful and in harmony with the play, but on a deeper and truer level this meaning is reflected in a response to me… from the C.E.T..E Huemanity…Already Evolved…
My Family who came into this realm Full Complete…
F.C Full Circle
First Contact
F=6..C=3…9…I…Line of I.E
3 x 6=18..A.H..


Line of E Complete…

9:O1 pm


9:O2 pm


9: O3pm


93.. Sacred Portal 93…”Response Alexander”


9:O4 pm..


Identity Humanity..

9:O5 p.m



59 Ritz

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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