
11/20/2020 23:47 – Facebook Post


Amazing Harmony..

Do you recall the Chicken Jae generously bought me.. 10:37..
and the play of Kim 73 with the army rope…?

See Sacred portal through linking Jae and Kim in perfect harmony… J K.
They are the true reps of Sacred Portal 39.

The Gate Keepers…

T.. G K… H.e.r sisters initials K G.. Keith Grant… Arden F…K G…
Incredible play… made so bloody complicated because of liars and deceptions and spoilt brats who know better but still peersist in the lie which means they are saying that I.. or better still the one who sent me and all he made me prove to you is a lie.

It’s not you the public I hold responsible for this play .. it is they who thought they knew better than I & I the meaning of Love… The Ancestors of Time
really those who abused power, who were once beautiful and pure at conception but which power or its illusion ( a test) had so corrupted, which has been confirmed as crystal clear Cee.. C C C…
K C C… Kim is 33
Y chromosome.
Its C.C K… Chris Ben C K
C O C K… E.

10:47 p.m

The trinity is here represented

E J K…

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