
11/20/2020 22:41 – Facebook Post

4:00 p.m.

11-20-20-20…( 71 G A/ A G= 8. Infinite Harmony.

“O 12 ( 21) 34 ( 43) 56 (65) 78 (87) 9 O E”

Intel from Kim Arthur Hinds.

Kamora Herrington added the intel that this intel “Writing on the wall” was taken opposite a place in Atlanta Georgia ( A G) called
“Arden Gardens”

Arden Gemino.

A G..E.

The Cardboard Carton play of my arrival at 900 South Road.
56:56 play.

Carton with the code 48 … 8-29-2019.
Arden discovered and played with Jeron.
A J.
1 10.

The day I moved to 900 South road Liberty was linking with Anne Mack who later became Anne Mchugh.
John Mack and A Klebanov saw me off that last day.

She too saw the sign Australia where she lives on Arden Ave.
as well as a Black Panther.

O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O E.

O 12 34 56 78 9 O E

O 123 456 789.

O 1 23 4 56 7 89 O E
O 12 23 45 56 67 78 89 9O E
* Forwards.

O 21 43 65 87 E O I.

* Please note the sequence of the Blueprint after I left 900 South Road.

Kim made a comment to me yesterday, that he felt as he was moving backward’s in the story of his life as he moved through this tour.
it was his journey via the Military- it was as if he was re-visiting the story of his past – path.

A.R M… Y…

I have a winter jacket, a gift from Kim – it’s a military jacket.

I left my other winter Jacket at 900 South Road.
It was a gift from Esteban Filgueria.
– I Intentionally and Purposefully left it there… it was a code.
I.P Man.

Jeron Emeka Arden
J.E A.
Aurelia Ferrill.Leander.

Chris Filgueira and Tree Sage ( Kim Arthur Hinds were both born in 1987.

O 2 1 4 3 6 5 87 9O E.

Observe Sacred Portal 21 43 65 87 and 9O E
Sacred Portal 90 is Spirit E.. Spirit of Existence.
Is the E for Esteban or Emeka?
Stephen Esteban has left this play in Perfect Harmony.
This proves that he or his Higher True Self never claimed to be Spirit E.

Spirit Of Existence.
S O E / E O S.
Last 4 Digits of my telephone number arranged by Liberty C Liscomb- the number is what the tel. co gave to her.
bed number in 2016, 9-16-2016 is the day which I was transferred from the Green Point “Mc Gunness Av Shelter to Beach Street Delta Manor Shelter bed 5 019. E O S.
The very same day a person called Marquise.
link Marquise Jenkins was being bullied in his room bed 3-002 and I was taken from my 4 men comfortable room assigned to me by Alexis the Shelter Manager.
( The director was a 26-year-old called Kelsie)
Athena Sarah’s car plate is A-Z
and yes
Athena Sarah Kelsie…
A S K..
M A S K.. E.
Covid 19
Corona Virus.
3 22 Fahad Hassen my response moving Liberty by her own free will to connect with the Avatar point of the Beautiful Assassins.

Kelsie Bissel is no longer my Facebook Friend.

Nor is Esteban Stephen.

E K.

Stephen Esteban connected with me on Facebook while in Hawaii the 50th State and convinced me to come to Connecticut, ( he did not rescue me from the Shelter, I made a conscious and aware decision to continue with this play which had been my sole attention and focus despite having avenues to leave this script and play)

The person he wished me to meet and whom I met when I came here first.
I met Aaron Western at the entrance of 29 Lincoln Street and Kelsie,
K V… 11 22 which happened to be not only my mother Cecilia Onuabuchi’s birthday as well as David Roman Nicholas’s.
I met his aunt, the very one who waited at the entrance to make sure I left 29 Lincoln Street that day 10-23-2020.
( J W.. J Double VV… J V)
Joshua and Kamora Herrington witnessed that play.
J K. 10 11
I moved in with Kim Arthur Hinds.

K E. ( T E)

A few days after my arrival a Kim made contact with a person Arten G ( A G) who wished to rent the room here.

On the 11-10-2020
K J.. 2020 Vision escorted by one of her Mothers, “Donna” Jea moved in.

Kim Jea
11 10… 21 43 65 ( yes the Iron grey car Esteban and Athena Stephan Sarah S S.)
87 …9O E.

Atlanta Georgia.
Augusta Georgia .. Tiger Woods.
The Story of Pi.

India and Arabia are the two cultures that invented the nonexistent concept of Zero.

Nnamdi’s God Mother was from India.
We also have Arabian blood.
* 3rd Book in the volumes “Talking To The Silence” begins with my speaking to Alien E.T father as S K Y. Y.
( Stephans Guitar red… Yes, Jea plays the guitar had her own band recorded an album, and her last and 8th photo she had chosen, she sent to me via Kim yesterday.
she is a musician and writer. M W as well as working with animals.
We have both not left the house since we both arrived except to run errands.
She is recovering from a play of Narcissists and enter the Dragon play- smashing the illusions lie of herself to find to prove she is aware of her true self.
Debbie and Jennifer are the two people she found as she “tumbled out of the “Dragon”
Jen works in mental health including people who were used in Sex Trafficking .. S T.
Debbie her other reflection and mirror see Pan and other beings such as what she describes as The Tall ones- who had been telling her, urging her to “Solve the riddles” – but she did not know what riddles they were talking about.
( Riddles of the past… Pan is my sacred portal 100.
E T… 5 20 x is 100. C in Roman Numerals.

Did you notice what was missing in that numerical sequence O 12 34 56 78 9 O E.
was 23 45 67 89 – 98 76 54 32.

23 is 2003.. 23 Double U.. Double V actually.
Arden 6-12 2003 ( F L ..W .. F L .V)
Kim was 32… I was here present when he turned 33 after returning from Oregon the 33rd State after being invited by Esteban.
E K S K.

Arden Garden opposite the Wall of the code O 12 21 ( 33) 34 43 ( 77) 56 65 ( 11 11 K K) 78 87 ( 15 15 ) 9 O O 9 ( I O O I ) E

One one side a Numeric Equation captured by Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hinds and the Name as in Word recognized by Kamora Herrington Arden Gardens
in Atlanta Georgia code in letters and words on the carton, A found and placed Jeron inside.
A J.
Angelina Jolie.
“The Messenger of the Beautiful Ones”

23 32 (5 5 E E Esteban Emeka.. 10 25…x 66)

45 54 ( .. 9 9…x 20 20)
* And yes Nnamdi was born 4-5- 1969.
And yes, Musician Writer M W 69
And yes planet Earth is 4.5 Billion years old.
And yes J.EA is 45 Age Code.
And yes the notes the 4th and the 5th. Jeff Buckley “Halleluja J B
me bed 007 Jaymes Bond.
* Sonja Bond S B – B S 19 2/ 2 19 South Whitney.

Donna Sullivan Jonn Blackwell ( Delguidce.
Deluguidce is Jon’s birth name family from Argentina Venezuela.

J S .. Jennifer and Donna.
Donna and Jea. D J…
J D, as terrible death bu10 4 and sacred portal 10 and 4
10 is Baphomet Beauty…B B code J S.
See Sacred portal 4.

14 .. 41 1 in 4 K K 5 in 1 and 5.

67 and 76 were missing from the sequence as well as 89 and 98.
67 is my British Social security no and code former year of birth.
NZ 67 67 46 B./ B 64 76 76 Z N.
Z is N.. Nnamdi. Z-IO.N.

67 is F G Ferrill Gemino.
76 is the year Liberty was born as well as code Arden 17 76
Birth of A.M.E R I C A?
There is no such thing as America of US A, it was an idea a beautiful dream doomed from the start of 1776 Constitution of Hypocrisy… only the code of AM.. ( Arden Morgan 14th State) E R.. Emeka Robert. I.C Alexander Arden.. Aurelia Aware.

See Sacred Portal 76.

or U S A.

But there is the Matrix
Hologram M H .. 13.8 * Age code of the Milky Way is 13.8 Billion years old.
M W 69.

Universal Simulation Awareness… U S A.
U S Alpha Supreme.

Enter The Dragon. Bruce Lee.

* The Dragon represents the Illusion in mythology.
while its twin aspect appears as the Eagle which represents Actuality Reality. A.R .. D.. E N.
A R I (18=( ..I)
A R I D E.N.
A R I D E N.

Eagle Eyes E E 2020 Vision.

89 and 98 were also missing from the sequence.
17 17…
Yes, it linked to Sacred Portal 89 S D, and 1989 the beginning of my Journals “Talking To The Silence” T T T… S= 202020 60 + 19= 79.
BluePrint of Existence
Scared Portal 79.

The Gap between the numbers to make the sequence airtight, seamles.

O 12 O1 23… 123 34 45 56 67 78 89 9 O.E.

There is no such thing as zero. Ground zero of even Zero Point gravity.
there is no A Z.
Only A – Y
but there is a Z ION.
N Z 67 67 46 B
Social Security…
S S Gestapo
So why have I never…we never feel safe and secure in this World Matrix ( W M = 23 13= 36 * C F Chris Filgueira 3 6…
see the meaning of his name: Word Anointed Vibrating Energy Supreme the manly and brave man who holds the thread “Fil” Warrior healer which leads you from Cee Consciousness Creation Naturalness C=Speed of light..
S O L..
S F L.
Alpha Omega in Greek in 1-6.
Alpha Omega is 1-6.
A F F L…

Arden Ferrill 6 12 F L ..O W…
M.E OW Sacred Portal 59.

Mira Rios Angelo M R.A /A R M..Y.
Asad Ali

M R A A A.
Manifest Reflection
Manifest Response. A A A
1 1 1 .
3 ( A)
C A = A C…

Mira means
“In the Romance languages, it is related to the Latin words for “wonder” and “wonderful.” In South Slavic languages, it means “peace” and is often used as part of a longer name, such as Miroslava (masculine form: Miroslav) or S?awomira (masculine form: S?awomir). …
Meaning: “Mirror “Reflection” Look!”amazing”, “beautiful”, “peace”, “pros…
To be Admired… Behold

Gaelic : Merry, filled with mirth
Hebrew : Light
Latin : Wonder
Spanish : Behold
Latin : Extraordinary; to be admired; beautiful

Rios means “River”

Angelos from ‘Angel”
” Derived from the Greek Angelos (messenger). In New Testament Greek, the word took on the meaning “divine messenger, the messenger of God.” Var: Angel, Angell, Anzioleto, Anziolo.”

Summary Behold Look at your Mirror Reflection, Beautiful Amazing, filling you with Wonder.. It’s you wonderful, merry, joyous filled ith Light in the river which flows from with ( A River runs through us…) a messenger of the Divine BeautifulTruth and will…of G-Od-e”

7:04 p.m right now.
G O D.

Asad Ali
A SAD AS A.D… * Art Science A D. ( 800 BC – 1500 A D) code of Historic Mediterranean Map in Esteban Stephens bathroom)
code 15 on the USD F 19 4 8…
Isreal 1948
Sacred portal 48.
19 A I D ..H.
Arden, I D Harmony.
Arden truly helped me prove harmony and Aided him.
I always had to help MY S E L F

7:11 p.m.

Its the correct equation of Adonis Aphrodite Narcissus he did not fall in love with his reflection in the mirror river…and fall in and drown.
He fell in love with what he had created naturally from within him Inside which emerged outside as his Expression – Creation Harmony beauty Beautiful.

A Volume 3 Sacred Portals Book of Sex And Desire. S A D
S A D.
Arden photograph on the Fridge taken by his God Mother Charleene Johnston who recalled a memory of being undercover in a spy mission with partner Angelina Jolie.

Asad means “In Arabic Baby Names the meaning of the name Asad is: Fortunate; lion.”

* Jea just showed me a wonderful picture of whom I Identified as her mirror reflection Jen which her first birth name which she evolved in perfection with two mother D D to J E ..N =14 1+5= 5 E
J E E.. 5/5= 1= A
J E A.

See the post of Mira Rios Angelo I just shared.

Thus Jen Jea
J J.. 10 10… 1 10 20…100 A J T C…100 is C in Roman Numerals,
It showed H.E R standing in front of a brick wall.
Which instantly made me tell Jea about sacred portal 115 which I link then connected to Aurelia Gemino born 11-5-2005.
And A-A-E.
It shows a man’s youth, as Sam Son breaking down a brick wall of memory and people’s barriers to see the sun shining behind it and a Golden Lion delightfully licking his Balls.
Brazen Beauty.

And observe sacred portal 😯
and the last time Arden and I communicated.
sacred portal 86
Same code of the heater in my room from Kim’s friend Yo Yo, i put it on recently at it is at code temp 860.

Ali means “Ali (Arabic: ????, ?Al?) is a male Arabic name derived from the Arabic root ?-l-w, which literally means “high”, “elevated” or “champion”

High Elevated Champion.
H E.. C H

The Lion LEO.. ( Stephen Esteban is a Leo
Lion .. L ION..
Lion of Juda
Judas of the bible was not the betrayer of the Christ Consciousness, ( C C) 33 nor did he sell out Yeshua Christ for 30 pieces of Silver.

Joseph age 30
Joshua age 30.
Josh Bywater Salvation by the water…
Josh LeJeune Salvation of The Young.

7:35 p.m.
G..C E..8 H.

Every one is aware of my personal feelings about this play, and the use and abuse to such a point in my doing all the work, of retaining and sustaining the truth the proof the work all these long tiresome years.
Even after I repeatedly said no. No to this script, this play of that which I rejected for who are you that I must prove the truth of the Evolution Awakening and Harmony to you.
Each to his or her own, I have stated, over and over again.
Has there been respect appreciation for all the work, the knowledge the sharing… any true sign of Appreciation Gratitude… Must I remind you how the play of 900 South Road how why I left and the same with 29 Lincoln Street?
Rage and verbal abuse.
Despite each stating, after viewing the evidence facts proof I was still forced to provide for each of you.

I wish to pause and finally address this play of the Betrayer and who in this Script of Truth who is the real betrayer of Gods Truth identified as G O D… 7 O 4

11 28… 39.. C I.
7 @ 64th move where I met Arden and the 4 in 1 5 in 1… when i was age code 51. E A.
L F A-A is how is the order of how I met them, Leander and Noah, at 317 319 Fairfield who came with his mother to pick me up.
N O A H…/ H.A ON… E
Leander means Man.

Judas means “Praise”

My name Emeka means “Praise”

Sacred Portal 99 means praise.

I found myself spending 6.99 USD and 6:89 USD yesterday .
Spirits and CVS store…

I was irritated … I knew exactly what it meant…
69 is NN. A.M DI as 9= I.

68 is David is I.. 9.

recall the code I saw for 4 years non-stop at Albert Santana’s home.
his code address is 268.
directly opposite was shelter number 269.

22 68 69… 22 66 89.

26 8.
26 9. 26 26 89 S D Santan Dharma S. AN. T.A- N/ N AT N.. A.S.
DH A R M ( Y) A. A is M R A..H ..D.

2 68 2 69… the difference between the two arrangments of numbers is 26 as in Z.. Non Existence and the bringers of the End
Thanksgiving Day. T D. 20 4 Terrible Death.. 24 E M F.
2 O4 26 4… End of the Delta as the 4th Dimension.
While 2 represents B… Beings with Bodies.
I met Nnamdi and I met David.
and 2 64.. 64th move I met Arden.

David 11 22…68.
Nnamdi …. 4-5-69 Planet Earth Milky Way… MW but had to pass through two shelters Homelessness and then Mental health to reach Nnamdi… Arden.
Recall the first place Esteban took me was to 114 Grant Moor Motel.
A.N … Alicia Norris then to Frank Dylan via Sabrina.

1 +14= 15… A E… letter O.
Frank means Freedom- he was imprisoned for months because he works at an American Indian protest and via this play and coding is now Free. which is what the name means.

Jesus Christ
Super Star. … Sacred portal 45 “Throne of Existence”
54 “Super Nova.

S S.
The name Judas means Praised and is of Greek origin. Judas is a name that’s been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for boys. Greek form of the Hebrew name, JUDAH.

* See this from Abarim Publications a site I respect for its thoroughness and clarity.

See Daniel Maman. Hebrew scholar I Billy and I bought he Antiniques from.

And please recall my office at the shelter was at Starbucks C A F E.

* Christoper Andrew Filgueria. E line.

C A F E… / E F A C T..S ..E

David Nnamdi Arden … C E H..

I: D N A…I D N A.
From Abarim Publications

* Please take note of the numeric Codes ( gammatra )
“The name Iscariot: Summary
Man Of Kerioth, City Slicker
From (1) the noun ??? (‘ish), man [of], and (2) the noun ???? (qiryah), city or federation.
Related names
• Via ??? (‘ish): Enosh, Eshbaal, Ish-bosheth, Ishhod, Ishi, Ishvi, Issachar, Jesse, Josiah, Lois
• Via ???? (qiryah): En-hakkore, Karka, Karkor, Kartah, Kartan, Kerioth, Kir, Kir-heres, Kiriath, Kiriathaim, Kiriath-arba, Kiriath-arim, Kiriath-baal, Kiriath-huzoth, Kiriath-jearim, Kiriath-sannah, Kiriath-sepher, Kore, Quran, Shaveh-kiriathaim
The name Iscariot in the Bible
There are two persons named Iscariot in the Bible, although they are obviously related:

The most famous Iscariot is Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Jesus (MATTHEW 10:4). The gospel writers called him Iscariot to distinguish him from the other disciple named Judas, who was a son of James (LUKE 6:16). Judas Iscariot is most famous for revealing the identity of Jesus Christ to the masses, but his participation in the grander plan of salvation was essential and foretold (ACTS 1:16, JOHN 6:64). Dante famously placed Judas in the deepest pit of hell to be eternally mauled by the one who had entered and motivated him, but very early in the history of Christianity Judas’ act became understood to have been in obedience to Scriptures and consequent instructions of Jesus. This idea was expressed in what became the Gospel of Judas, which itself was carried largely by gnostic thought. Gnosticism, however, comes from a school of thought which is obviously divorced from the Biblical model of reality.
The other Iscariot is Simon Iscariot, the father of Judas (JOHN 6:71).
The name Iscariot occurs 11 times in the New Testament; SEE FULL CONCORDANCE.

*”Etymology of the name Iscariot
There is a wide bouquet of explanations of the name Iscariot, but the most plausible is that it is Greek a transliteration of a Hebrew name or epithet, and that Hebrew name consists of two elements. The first element is the common Hebrew noun ??? (‘ish), meaning man:

Excerpted from: Abarim Publications’ Biblical Dictionary
??? ???
“The verb ??? (‘anash) appears to emphasize the weakness of the human individual and mankind’s consequent tendency to clan up and have strength in numbers first and then in social stratification. It either means to be weak or even to be sick, or it swings the other way and means to be friendly and social. It yields the important noun ???? (‘enosh), man or human male individual who is weak yet social.

In the Bible, societies are feminine (and maternal) and although some scholars insist on a whole other but identical root, the noun ??? (‘isha) means woman or wife. And again perhaps from a whole other root or perhaps the same one, the noun ??? (‘ish) means man, or rather man of; man in some specific function such as “man of war” or “man of the earth.” It’s also the common word for husband.

Since societies form around central fires (or the “purifying light” of wisdom, which is where the metaphor comes from), the noun ?? (‘esh), fire, may also derive from this verb.

— See the full Dictionary article —
The second part of our name appears in the Old Testament as Kerioth, which was a town situated on the southern border of the territory of the tribe of Judah, close to the border with Edom. The name Kerioth is a plural of the noun ???? (qiryah), meaning city, which comes from the verb ??? (qara), meaning to meet or get together:”

Holy Communion
The Gathering of the Eternal Family

1385 Starbucks Metroplitain Woods.
I sat mainly for those harrowing 27 months where I slept at Delta Manor Homeless Shelter on the Metropolitan Side where I also discovered on a tree as if left purposely for me because everyone knew where I usually sat- on a tree, the name that Steven / N.. EVE..T S.. E
Total Solar Eclipse. 2017.

Kim and I are both Brown or dark-complexioned.
Judas is portrayed as a black man in the film Jesus Christ Superstar.
And dark and swarthy in the Biblical renditions in the film.

Judas Iscariot. J I. 10 9… That was the time Kim sent me the image and 1:10 pm with his own words.

His Father was Simon Iscariot.
S I..

J I…
S I…

Jeron Serenity.

Jea Sherman.

J S I & I.

I S I J… S.I J.I.

Kim Arthur Hinds is Jr
His father is Kim Hinds Senior.

S J Stephen Johnson
S J… I never met Kim’s Father…
Thus, I who was sent to play the Father Guide to Kim urged by Esteban Stephan who was intent that I met Kim, Chris Kelsie and Aaron and of course his family including Josh Bywater and Nathaniel Thomas Bywater…
Sabrina, etc…

I am a city slicker.. I was born in London and lived worked in cities Winnipeg, Enugu, Barcelona, Paris, Istanbul, Rome, Milan Viena Istanbul, Tel Aviv, New York, Montreal… and finally this my personal hell hole experience in Connecticut. But I have always been in Nature… the Woods… in all these places I found that place of sanctuary nature… My retreat.

I had been to Connecticut before, i came to work as a consultant for Make A wish foundation.

Edwin-Albert Santana often told me while I lived with him that he had a recurring dream before I arrived, and it was me, with a noose around my neck.
He often wept and was fearful when he spoke of that vision dream of me, him waking up to from sleep to see the vision of me with a noose around my neck looking at him with accusing eyes.

Strange Fruit.
S F.
Yes, Kamora Herrington and her Nina Simone.. Simone Iscariot.

Is Chariot … Eli Jah departed on A Chariot of Fire – Merkahba a Space ship – He never actually physically died.

ESH… means Fire…

I am the Fire Sign Saggiattarius
Arden Fire Boy.. F B… H.

Esh U…

Eluwa Amara…

The truth…

Do you know the main reason I have never trusted this idea of Humanity-
See my Facebook page…
They are never Transparent, they do not speak up and acknowledge my posts of our interactions.
They leave or stay quiet.
They are not transparent full circle. They never take responsibility or truly contribute. I am expected to be totally transparent while the rest get on with their lives here and expect me to do all the workday and night being so naked so transparent and instead of taking the initiative I was made to exemplify, so they could understand the way of the play they just keep quiet not asking even the most basic question such as ‘ how the play works”

No, Kamora Herrington is now headed for New Orleans Ore Leans towards E and we are lean fit fighting machines.
N O…
14 O… 14 6… 20…
5O … E O.

An idea of white Jesus white God rules your consciousness but there is no such thing as a “White person” is the actual betrayers.
See my journey kicked out of homes from A-Z 64 portals…
All About EVE “Discovery channel” origins of all Humanity from Africa… meaning you are all Black… Brown… Pale.

Who then is the betrayer…
The whole world… except the few.
brought Praise to the Creator… to Man…

And look at the Idea of man as a response.

9:00 p.m.

Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde.. Hide your true intentions in a thick hide of a mask.
No Flow of expression
A.MR H. I D E…

9:20 p.m… 9:22 p.m right now.

I have a 17-page Curriculum Vitae including of course list of all productions shows, performances where included I had done by age code 33.

From work with Patrick Dupont, Redha, and Roman Polanski, to Advertising, working with the biggest cooperations in the world under an umbrella…I have worked in so many fields though it felt as if i were in training and seed dial at rocket speed. Guest Lecturer at F I T Paris. University of technologies, so many fields
17 pages…
2017 TS E
Arden age 17…

I do not and did not lie even if it meant me forced to stand alone against all and prove Origins of all is E.
And move through a scripted Course route of The Source.

Kim. Tree Sage left for Oregon on the 17th.
Meaning it is his line which represents Quantum Transformation of the Ore Cc carbon copy of E and A… Of Physical reality … Arden of Evolution of Consciousness back to Awareness of E.O

9:32 p.m.

Lord knows… I am so exasperated, tired so bloody tired of living in this world this body, and in a realm who always betray themselves because they always lie even when given everything to rise.

And most of all, I don’t cheat, I am big on Equality Justice and Fair play… especially when it comes to a play of the fate of this Species.

9:35 pm

I C E.

Its called “Taking Respinsibility…”

Grown Up.

9:36 p.m.

For something which really does not concern me, but was put upon me…

I asked if Jea could pick me up a Chicken a few days ago, for dinner.
S.H.E bought one.. it cost 10.37 usd she said not to bother when i sought to pay it back.

See Sacred portal 10 and 37.

J S… Dream of the one Father Baphomet Beauty.

37…. ( recall Kim and the play of 73 and the rope army Eli when I was in the Magical Portal room?)

5 20- 1973 Boom Boom 25 Y 100 C…

Sacred portal 73 and observe sacred portal 37 Sophia Oscar Lauren … portal M.E
H E S H E..

H E S H U..E MA N … B E I N G… add E.

10;41 p.m.

See how I work…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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