
11/20/2019 2:05 – Facebook Post

11:37 p.m

… Without the evidence of Full Disclosure or people paying attention and reading the 7.11 years and daily evidence revorded witnessed and involving hundreds of people, recorded daily on my page.
With myself walking almost blindly solving a preset up riddle, question & answer, game, puzzle to literal the quantum leap of a species, I can even bother explaining what I have bern doing on Face Book and how it is connected to extraordinary condition taking place in my body and skeletal structure.
Via my nervous system etc..

Liberty C Liscomb is perhaps the closest or the highest I have come in almost 19 years in a condition and circstances which makes total sense, intellectually, reasonably and even witnessed empirically by her and experienced by her..
And still, she tells me she has not been able to let it sink in, to digest what she has experienced witnessed felt, and even had some awareness before she met me.

To simply imagine a man Evolving back to Source because he was alwats source: through a play going back to 1969 to 1996.. 23 years ago!
Through a play of Idenitying correctly from a seeming random sampling of humanity placed in my path via 7 countries, of which.complete strangers opened their doors and hearts ( at first) in instant recognition of me from another world, dimension and Rising Ascending before Descebding once more into 3D mentality which includes confusion, then suspcioun doubts tests.. the crucifixtion of a mans spirit, already put through a hell not meant to be possible.

A man evolving alone, no one believing until He ( I) have to prove it, by passing a multi dimensional Challenge Test and explaimation and set up.

And prove how a Person can litetally effect Every thing from the Press, to Evolution, to Awakening by meriting, earning passing so tediously and and manually..

There was only one way, I had thought, to get out of this living hell, and the limitations imposed in my body and everything I do and it all being directed and focused on this preset up path game test challenge.

The only chance I had was even while enduring it, I felt ( as well as The Source and Creators of this contained environment, invisible wall . ) was to prove my truth, what is happening to me empirically with facts and evidence before a live audiences and witnesses.

But even that was not enough, and believe me if you were in my shoes, you would see the true Cruelty and Ugliness of Human Nature, while knowing only the Beauty in them is real.

How can I describe what it feels like to have to prove that which should have been honored studied, brought awe, excitement.and support..
How can I describe what it feels like..
The crystal matrix of Lattices weaves as I unlock Dna, deconstruct it to reveal Dne.

To have no choice apart from suicide to prove the point true, and then entering the challenge of proving already Mind exploding thing happening to you, which took away your life, your existence, your way of being l, even your ability to walk, talk, move, away from you, nudging you in to.a Gladiator Pit of true savagary of no one really believing you that you have to.prove it yourself, and then stumble on what you discovered was a preset up play.
Where you are confined to exists in worlds in which part of the challenge was to recognize multi dimensionally, every person you were led to and find yourself whittling to a Family of T E N
Then 5.
Ten lines from which all Humanity are templates of and now 5.

And record it all on social media even as you writhe in quiet agony for over 17 years.
You have no idea what my.body feels like, the interior, and then the not being able to trust your body .. its movements or what comes out of your mouth.
And then dealing with the world with income, ID all taken away as part of the Play Challenge of disbelief snd how dare you claim this world is not real.

I have been crucified bueied tortured in ways that I do not even bother to convince you.
And mostly by you, through disbelief, fear, panic, rage.. distrust and finally sheer overwhelming flood of contradicting emotions that you can not allow yourself to.accept what your experiencing witmessing of my.Truth, my experience being empirically true.

No, I have no intention to explain or convince you, nor can I tell you how I have endured, to me that more than anything feels impossible.
Yet I am still here, my body has not dropped dead from exhaustion, I have not gone insane, I not had a nervous break down, killed people in fury and frustration.
The feelings and pain, the constant dashing of hopes and expectations that it is over, betrayed even by all that I held with an indestructible trust.

And then even after bringing the evidence 18.8 years of working only on tnis, allowed to work only at this, and even with an almost instant manifestation evidence facts witnesses..
I.still sit here posting in a Nightmare of Existence beyond my ability to take it in.

You find it hard to.take in the Beautiful Truth because you have conditioned yourselves to.life, as fear and dissapointment; While find it almost impossible to digest the ugly horror of the Truth you have chosen to believe in, feed justify and even defend.

Tell me what do you want me to say or do.
Yes, I am manifesting through all that Art Science I researched through the years, trying to get your attention ” Look at me, Look at my Body, its moving as if pulled by strings..
Look at me Cee me…
But you could not, so yes I have been using yiur refusal to Cee me, hear me, resd me, Taste Touch Snell my Truth” to complete this despite my Soul and essence in such torment of ” How can I be experiencing this, how can it go so far..
How are Humans so carelessly cruel, crude, apathetic and believe me they are.. You.are, even the youths teens children I was led tonin the End.

There is really, nothing more I even care to explain.
But one of us is a liar, of us is the Reflection abd the Other, is the Fraud.

I can not imagine my meeting a person such as myself, and using me, abusing my.knowledge and even.experience to feed your Ego

The apathy, lack of sincerity, integrity compassion is overwhelming.
The duplicity, the use of a persons agony to enrich and benefit while the person has dobe all unbelievable work languishes in a Limbo still working..
With nothing sponsored by people who buy me food and give me a roof over my head no income, no recognition appreciation of what I.have done.
Even the designated witnesses refuse to.publicly testify.

There is an Evil via Selfishness to the exreme which simply can’t be.
Cruelty I can not even begin to describe, so I don’t can’t won’t ..

My Equation Proofs Manifest will give response.
So there is no reason.to explain.
It was never about people understanding what I have been saglying, do.demonstrating it was the choice you made to not let.it.digest.sink in or pause.
This is what most of you used your Free Will.and choice to do..
Deny Responsibility.

See there are no words to describe this experience..
Or worst, having been forced to observe and interact with the horror you have become in even the young.

1:00 p.m

Brutal Savagery to that which.was.once.a truly noble race..
Being Human.
Now, it is to.me the.Ultimate Curse, can you can not even see, or admit or even take responsibility of.what you have done to.the True Meaning of Human Nature.

Even when your trying to be kind..
Your cruel.

1:05 a m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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