
11/20/2018 19:41 – Facebook Post

From Stephen Filgueira

L.A M B..
G O A T…

L G.. 12 7… 19 84….

L I O N…

L L 12 12.. 24… 6…

L G L… Full Circle…
12 7 12… 31…
California Golden State is the 31st State..
Golden Patron Tequila was bought yesterday.

( G P.T…..Golden “Ratio” Perfect Timing”

G had to be included Goat O as the Passing through the Whole Hole… Anus Sun-A)

Both our Birth years, his in this world and mine on Facebook the Virtual World… ( V W… W V… Double V… )
See play with Kelsie Bissell and Victoria Jackson
K V 11 22…
My Mother rep Cecilia
My Brother David
C D…
Stephen is afe code 34…
I rep code 43… E=CMe 4/3..
E= C Me4/3… My Equation for Energy.

103.. 10 3.. J C.. Emerge..
1 O 3… A O C.. Alpha Omega C… Consciousness Complete… A B C.
“AH B.E C E E ..”

So you ask, how does Stephen Filgueira know…?

Well it was my “Job” to point out, how the family of E undercover Know…
Because they are representing 6th Sense.. to Fact through Naturalness of Expression undercover.. Deep Undercover…

The Rebel Alliance.

T R.A…

T= 20…
R =18..

A=1.. ONE.. ON..E

2018… Is the year of the Evolution Awakening Manifestation as witnessed by my Facebook friends resolved through the Script given to me of my life, which was served this purpose..
Hence “A Mission” A.M.
Not my Life..

2018 .. The One Awakening…

That is how he knows…

Tamika Rivera T R.. River … Victoria Jackson
Roberto Todaro R T… See meaning of “Roberto”
2018/ 18 20…
38 38…
See my Sacred Portal 76… 123 Cock Sure of the First Dawn Awakening…

Randall Michael Born 7 12…
Geoff Lacour… The One who remembered… G L..

L I O NS.. Gate…
L G..

Left Right … L 12.. R 18… 30… C.O…CF.

G O A L..
L O G … A…
L A O.G.!

L G L.. Circle Full..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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