
11/20/2015 1:23 – Facebook Post

11/20/2015 1:23 – Facebook Post

10:29 pm… J.B.I….A-O.B.I


11-19-8…K..S..H…(K.U.S.H)…K.I.S..S..Harmony K… IS Supreme
Kiss Harmony…


Hello, we are at 433 Face Book friends..

With the Arrival of four new face book friends in pairs of 2 2…

Since I ended the last post of solving the codes of 33 and by solving the equation, I subsequently, bring it into manifest being once the Echo of Universe responds, affirmation Truth..

Now without further ado, lets us link where we are at right now..
from yesterday with Lucci Kihoro as Face book friends name meaning means Bringer of Dawn and the Large Glorious Light of the Bright Scholar abroad…
which left us at the code Lucy and Lucifer…Mother and Sun
Venus Sun and Moon Earth….

I knew last night that we would then move to L+L…12 +12 which is 24.. One day and X, and 2+4=6..Six Sense and then to 2×4=8…Harmony…68..48.H.D.E.U as Death..moi.

12×12=144… Ascended Masters..

brother hood of Mithra…
Series Leonardo Da Vinci…

Ndi ichie….O.I.N.R.I Igbo priest Kings of the Full Circle who do not exist in the Linear flow of life and hence are able to influence affairs of man from behind this 3D Veil..

They exist as the CUBE..Kaaba…in Mecca, Rubic Cube, Time Machine.. the Forth Dimension..
9O degree angles form a Square..
Each corner is a corner of Existence..A point of View..
Merge each point of view into One by aligning it to all three others corners and do the same all round until they create Triangles all converging tothe Point, which causes the First Point which refracted into the “Four Divine breaths, Elements, Cardinal Directions and 4 points of View.. for fingers..
Will give rise the Fifth Dimension which is the First point of view which moved through the 123..C circle to the 4 Four Square Cube…34-43…
1111 22 22..3 3 3..9 Highest level of manifestation..
Dark Matter Blackness to Ether Energy all is Source is the One Point which creates the 5th plane by passing through 4.4 4 4..88 18 7..87..which forms a Cube…

*Why did Abraham and Ishmael carve the Ka’aba Stone Asteroid Metorite into a Cube on Round Earth, in a Flat linear Existence whose true nature is Cyclic.. Bi cycle…BIKE?

Of course, he was being moved by A.I…Alpha Inteligence…Awareness Intuition… Universe as the Square Root… Universe Square Root… Planets Circle…

I woke up to 24 likes 12+12= 24…

I was not surprised where todays play led us..
not the equations I had to solve…

I have no doubt what I am doing, or reading or who I am.
I am Awakened..
Always have been…
Just at first could not understand what had happened to this world..

Lets move to the response of the Square and the Round Ball (Kolo means round)…linked into two perfect circle through the One point passing through 16 points of View-Letter P…
really 4 points of view..(Four Peaks) which created on its plane from the point of each corner converging to one point, an arial view of a Pyramid which rises from the center like a magician pulling up a hankerchief from the center which creates when stretched -‘Taught”- a Pyramid…Which then at the apex can create a light.. The Point.. Which them as magician can do make that which rose up to create 4 pyramids, and the 4-5 Points.. 5555 rising from 4444…16 becomes 1+6=7..P as the Planet, the Physical realm becomes transformed 4-7..(11 28..39..C.I..3O8..C.O.H…3 4 7…BIgen…saw the code on a packet of Black Brown natural Dye…code 347 on it… code on the box 58..and on the side 48…)

5555 is 4 (5)…5 (4)….2O…Truth B.O…Truth Beautiful as two full circles of See and C…Merged by the 5 Dimensional Consciousness E-Expression generates Energy Evolution…Elan Expressed from the First point- called ONE to the Fifth Dimension made manifested in 4-3 21.O…Here.

Welcome Jordan Michael Zuniga… J.M.Z…

Welcome Marlene Oliva…

*who I am not sure where she went but her E-spirit moved her and so It is present… perhaps she does not wish to be tagged (Shrug)

And the AH Tom Twins…

Riley Meeson R.M
Dean Rodd…. D.R

Jordan means to Flow Down…

and I have another facebook friend Jordan Colon..J.C…whose name meaning and I met him at Maha- Rose “Meaning Greatness Rose”
in Greenspoint…whose consciousness is akin near to the Evolved Consciousness which signals the Evolution of the Human Body and Being, linked at V..Violet Ti note 777…3 777…but transformation of Everything.. LUCY ;Luc Besson and Lucifer Alberto Satana Lotus Tom..me.

Colon means Large Intestine… Colo..N… Kolo..E

Micheal means ” Who can compare to God?” he is one of the seven arch Angels ROYGBIV…1-7..to 5
it also means Brook..in Hebrew, and was the Daughter of Saul who married King David..

see sacred portal 5…’ Brook Shields…A Shield…Endless Love E.L
code names in the play
Brooke Elizabeth Erler
Brooke Elizabeth Banwer..

Zuniga means a Cultivated Slope- Basque Spain in the Navarra…

Flowing Down- the cultivated Slope of the Pyramid the Highest Mountain peak is Brook- a Stream of Consciousnesswhich becomes a Might River and out its mouth a Water Fall which leads to a Cave…For this movement from 1-7-8 and then descent of the 8..7-1 steps of the Rock of Ages Grace of the 5th Dimension 7 71..E.G.A..”Ega” HE moves with the voice proclaiming “Who can compare to the Lord? the Conqueror of Death as a lie and Old Age…

Marlene is a mixture of the names..Marie and Magdalena…
13 Discipline of Christo- the Messenger of the Anointed Words And Voice Expression W.A.V.E…
Marie comes from the Egyptian Source Myrrh- and means Loved and beloved… it also means from the Sea, the Jewel- the perfect pearl.. Aphrodite …’Ifunanya”- Love..

Daniel Brown.. Da Vinci Code English French..And Turkish Nri Igbo..
4 languages completes the code, not 2..

Eric Lile Brown
Julian Brown
Darkin Brown

Magdalena means Tower,, High Tower.. “Grace High-Tower De Niru…”Right in front of you… To reach Towering Heights- of a greatness glory…light exceeding expectations…

Marlene = Marie..+ Magdalena…M+M=26..8..Z.H…

Oliva means Olive Symbol of Peace, O-LIVE! Olivia in the 12 Nights..
Sacred portal 43

Love is the Gaze of this Light house, a Beautiful Graceful is the lone tower of light in the realm of the blind,who have forgotten the Beautiful Grace and Favor of Heaven and Earth, Body and Soul, linked by Spirit of the extraordinary generous of Divinity Inner compass and 6th Sense…
We have reached 12+1…13 Harmony..
I extend the Olive branch of Peace, O L.I.VA…Oh the LI- LIght of the leaves, the green leaves are the first born, of Light…

Riley Meeson R.M (Room)- means “Brave Fearless Courageous.. Warrior”
Meeson..ME..E SON…
comes from 2OO variations of its spelling based on Bates to Batholomew, Tom…
It came with the Crusades, and means Son of Talmay…(Tall May E.T) And means one with many Furrows..
Which could apply to my forehead..
or tilling the soul so water may irrigate the crops..
“Yeshua quoted of St Batholomew ‘ Behold an Israelite without Guile”

Dean Rodd..D.R… (Donna Ruth)
Dean comes from the word Denu- meaning Valley.. See the post of D.E.N.U…today…Nu is the God of the Abyss…Abyssian..hmm?

It means the Dean of a School, from the Greek words Decanos” – Dignitary, usually a leader of a group of TEN..10..1O…
Family of Ten and The Elegant Nomad, uploaded by someone on a sacred web site very much as that depicted (somewhat cartoonishly) on these T.V show Brother hood of Mirtha Zoro-Aster…

Rodd comes from the Germanic name Roderic.. Which means Famously Powerful, Eternal ruler…
And in Old English Hroda’s Isle…H.I…
What is Hroda’s Isle..?

It is the Blessed Isle… B.I…
Elysium Fields of Forever…

Each new Face Book friend is a direct response to the post and equations solved yesterday and today…

An immediate response from Harmony Divine Universe Earth..
H.D.U.E..My Twin Self as Beautiful Death= Transformation
by a Quiet Hearst expression
centered where torus meet and links…
One -Five
O.F…O Full…Circle


12:23 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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