
11/2/2019 22:14 – Facebook Post

6:25 p.m.

F B E.

B.K. T S

Fact Y Chromosome.
Face Book E.

B.OO.K.. The Script.

1474. Facebook Friends

1 4 7 4 = 16.


I woke up after 4 hours to Pippa, the little dog barking.
Then the two cats decided to have a fight.
Arden and Small were quietly talking and trying to hush Pipa.
I sighed and got up, untwisting my body.

I tried to take a nap, but woke up to Pipa barking.

I do believe that I have solved my last riddle of my Existence.

I finally understand the play…
And how 16 year old Arden is me.
Energy Spirit, as well as Beautiful Pride and Truth.

I did already answered my own question, of what am I doing here still..

To Liberate and Free myself from this Play Script, P.S.

One of the first comversations I ever had with Arden, was his desire to have peace, to be free and at Liberty to do as he pleases.
To have space, privacy.

Not an easy thing to attain when your 16.years old in this society, especially in the Western world.
Peace and Space..

Ah which teenager does not dream of that, having been dependent all your life on your parents. Tied to them, especially legally and financially.

Arden comes from a relatively big family, his mother Liberty C Liscomb has 5 children.
And she comes from a family 7 children.

I too, came from a family of 4 children and then lived with my grandfather who had 24 children 888.
I loved my bio family, but I did not see reality as they did, and all I wanted was to have some space and privacy to figure it out.
Free from the responsibilities and chores of being someones son,.with ties, obligations not really being able to do as I wished.

But more so burdened, laden with the baggage of parents, thier traumas, dramas, emotional wars, problems.. politics.
My grandfathers, his children
My grandmother..
6:43 p.m

As I stated, I did not see the way they did, ( and later, literally no else up till now).
And so where they created, railed, worried over problems, who solutions were not only incredibly simple, but which could have been avoided in the very the first place.

By 1974 during a visit to relatives in Ohio here in the United States. I realized just how hopeless the situation when my mother and her siblings where aurging and debating for almost an hour, creating as I observed with growing exasperation a problem which never existed.

I was very young and had not, really come out a very peaceful distance and silence with the World of people, but finally I broke my Silence ( or we would be here all night.. I recall muttering to myself.
* I have the exact same consciousness I had as a baby.. same way of linking, seeing
as I have now, nothing about that inner voice has not changed, my Espirit
Only my personality and character have become refined.)

I recall my relatives staring at me, as if I was an alien as I gave my solution.
They stared at me for a moment startled, before unaminously deciding act upon my solution.


7:43 p.m

Parents, yes, some try their very best for their children, but if you haven’t healed your own childhood trauma, it will cause a viel to fall over your eyes, you think you are present, and speaking in the present but you are really speaking to voices- A T.V Show in your mind of your pasts, responding and reacting to it.

How then can you truly see your child?
Your reflection and mirror if you can not see yourself with all the spells and chaos etc going on in your head?

Ah, you forget how you were, focusing instead on how you could have been.

So, I understand Arden..
And that dream to be free to do as he pleased.
To be competly and utterly selfish, and put his needs first
And he is an American Teenager.

Yes, perhaps his higher nature is Apollo Nnamdi .. Yes, probably E.
But at this moment he is a young man.
Beauty for sure, its not yet tarnished but it will soo, as it does with all teens..
In which case, that E.K me in him will begin to fade until its a distant memory which he as most will chase like an ephemeral ghost remembering how he was, but now in a maze of cause and effect, he created by the Ego and Espirit fighting a War with emotions based on his own response to cause and effect.

Its not that I intentionally set up to give him a week without responsibilities.

I had observed him and his diligence, his sense of duty.
His mother commends him, he does chores.. as I did, most of us did.
He is caring, and his heart is true, pure..

I took over all the responsibilities of the houdrhold, cooking cleaning, goodies, playing a role of which, I can not abide, not after playing roles, adapting, playing a character a mirror to make others comfortable, adapting myself into some many reflections so that they can clean themselves up, and see their true faces which they had forgotten, and see the ” ugly abominatioms they have become..
You have no idea how you as ego projections not aligned to your truth appear to me.
And worse, is the seeing you beautiful, only to see it die, rise fall..
All because you don’t have the discipline to hold it together and fight for your beautiful truth.
And its made worse, to all those I was sent to, because unintentionally or out of fatigue the lean to much on me.. as a mirror.
For nearly all I have encountered, I as Emeka do not exist.
And to add insult to injury, when I do try to make an appearance, I am negated..!
Negated to a point of Evil Beyond belief, because they have created, invented an idea of me which allows them to feel better about what they know deep inside simply isn’t fair.

Not because they are evil, no.. but need.. need to have a mirror and addictive like a drug when they find out ( after testing me really painfully because they can not trust, remember the Vibration and Frequency of that which is real.
And then they You, conveniently brush aside all that they put me through)

So I just called over Arden, who I had hurt his beautiful pride a moment ago, intentionally in front of his girlfriend Aumtumn “Small”
He is his own man, but dear lord he really has the same Energy Spirit Persona as me.

I told him my point of view, and in a nutshell what I had posted.
Don’t become one of “Them” lost in a maze of the Reactions of others now insane, illusions”
It took but the first 3 minutes to bring him back to himself, and that boyish mischief which made him Poisedons son, Percy Jackson as well as Zeus son Apollo.

He understood immediatly

This was his cross roads, I knew.
My words to him were words perhaps should have been told to me, not by my Espirit who had been my Guide Father, or my Father God outside in the Silence and Sound, Song of Nature.
But by A MAN, he had instantly recognized and acted out a brazen beautiful act of recognition.

As I spoke to him, about my quiet fury, and decision to no longer continue this charade of being forced to be something, play roles which literally twist my body … I really can not blame my body, I have lived in over 120 peoples homes..
I have never been allowed the space to be myself.
To come home to myself.
And so I realized that by speaking gently lightly but firmly to Arden and see the Wisdom and Intelligence in him rise, as I explained why I took over chores and responsibilities while his family was gone, that his being seen and acknowledged by me, and his empathy of my point of view being his own experiences with Humanity and the problems, they love to create.

I his Espirit, Body and Being, liberated and set Free, from the chain reaction which has bound an entire species.

And by allowing him to be utterly selfish.and self centered, ( which he really is not, he is always courteous except when he gets pissed off …. then whoa..
You know my whole life people have said things like ” your my friend” ” I am like you” “I am similar to you, I would say nothing, mostly because I was astounded by their conciet.
Not because I felt I was superior but rather because they did not know me or see me.
If they did, I would have agreed.

But I have been told most often by Higher Cleaner people all my.life that I am Special ( a term I came to despise)
Unique, and more so, that they have never met anyone like me.
“There is only one Emeka as you”

8:51 p.m

I was not flattered, just curious by such remarks which I knew were sincere
“How do you know.. ?
And are we not all unique?”
Its was half way through my journey, that began to appreciate what these people meant.
Sure we are all created unique, but I obseved how rare a person unique is after 5 6 years old.

My boredom with this play, is that everyone reacts, responds the same way, no one in 43 years has surprised me.
I see them Beautiful of course, but I.also see their truth, programming.

Many people through the years on facebook have remarked, or even left my page in disgust at.how so many people seemed to love me and how beautiful our connection, only to be shocked by the persons betrayal.
And expecting to find me bewildered and disheveled, but instead watch me recover as Tree Sage once commented, in what seems like the blink of an eye.

9:00 p.m

I can see the persons, from the moment of our first encounter, and know exactly what to expect.
No one has ever surprised me, all in the end really respond and act the same.

Beauty is what Lafont.publishing in Paris, France had wrote in a essay and critique of my journals, is what and whom I was searching for, and feeling protective of me, I see now in Hindsight, said that the Beauty I searched for was only inside of me..
That I.am Beauty.

Yes, I suppose, they.were correct in a way, but I was also a bit irritated…I knew somewhere in the world was Beauty..
Others just as me.

9:07 p.m

So telling Arden that he was like me, has been somewhat surprising, and he even hinted that he felt perhaps that I was imposing my own idea of Self on him..
But fell short of saying that perhaps because he recalled how he Saw and reacted to.me.
But I had been forced to play a Correction officer recently, and which teen or grown up of this journey trusts people of Authority..
In this place of masks and lies and power plays.

But today, as I spoke, and had intentionally triggered him, pressed buttons which most do.not even see offend me, he responded exactly the way, I recognized in.myself.
Right to the response..
And why.
Which after I.paused to quietly in askance, he conformed that it was the cause of his ire.

9:16 p.m

To know thyself is Wisdom
To Master Oneself takes Courage
To Love thy self requires Honesty
And True Confidence is quiet, it observes, it knows the trials it went though, the rages and tests it surmounted.

It recognizes and does not deny the Truth.

Did I really pass my Fathers Sons Test that Espirit in Arden.
Is he to rise as my Version line in the world?

9:19 p.m
9:20 p.m


Leander, Libertys 4th child and 3rd son went out during Halloween as the character in the Horror movie “I.T”

To be honest, I really do not know or care anymore,
Its a Video Game.. is it even real.
I deserve to be treated which much greater respect.

But we both gave each other, what they other required, space, privacy.. and respect.
Sure, I wished to know and talk more with.him, for I have so.missed my Father Son Espirit and speaking to clean unsoiled yet Strong Beautiful Human Beings.
Does not matter, he knows that he is 16.years old.
We have no Age.

And yes, perhaps he is a little miffed at me, but he had really taken in my point of view and understood how he could have transformed in.my eyes as an absolute dick.
And that made him quiet, and dare I say, show humility, in response to my poking his beautiful pride.

After all, what is greater, more priceless than one taking their time to see your beautiful truth, and even fight for it, risking your ire and dissatisfaction that perhaps, I am a Dick.

Well he never went that far, and has shown.me greater courtesy, and respect while adding some blows and stab too.. which no one but one whom I know who.l truly sees me.
My Beautiful Past Nnamdi evolved to E.K.
See sacred portal 57.
Enders Game
Eternal Harmony.

9:35 .. 9:36 p.m

I.C E. I C. F..
I I C C. E.F.

But I suppose you will just have to see if I solved the riddle
But in all Honesty, I don’t really care.

I am of Value Worth..
I am the one Tired and Twisted and still of generousity of Spirit and I did the work with so many ungrateful, and ungracious beings and showed respect in their homes, despite their insults day and night to my Beautiful Pride and my Expession
Perhaps he is the one who rises as E.K.
Energy Kinetic and the Garden Of Eden Paradise I first created and rose from as.well as returned to rest upon
Rest Relaxation Recreation Fun.

9:43 p.m

And perhaps yes, Liberty is that sheltering night sky who witnessed me rise with my same self embodied by myside

9:45 p.m

But truly, I no longer care, at this juncture,
For as I said to Arden, without caring, after all I am The Source, The Creator undercover and yes, A MAN.

So now with Liberty confirmed as ” Your It”

And perhaps Arden as ” IS. IT”


All I can think of now is going away to somewhere at last private, and casting.this burden of caring for people who I knew would betray me ( themselves) by going back into illusion.. of self aggrandizement and after I fight for them, poke me, provole me because of what they percieve as thier pride.

Beautiful Pride, is elegant and eloquent, speaking volumes though a poetic quiet and silence, it never speaks out to that which you have insulted because it is something if you.see us you naturally do.

Beautiful Pride is the Center of Existence
The statuettes of Liberty Freedom which conveys itself not with words or defense by an exquisite poise…I.Don.

No person who treats my soul with constant disregard, insults, provokes and demeans and retialtes, gossips or never makes amends can ever enter my world.
because the True Garden of Eden is my Soul and my Home and the Home of Beauty, and my Lady Love Light, Laughter and Lightness
Joyous Amazing Grace.

10:00 p.m

They are my Equals.
And if not in this world right before me, they will manifest here, because where ever I go,
They come with me.

I will take possession of my Facebook and E Manual and put the copy right in my.name.
I will begin to take up the task myself by finding and choosing a team I select myself.

I will not share it for free, nor to help anyone rise.

Of course, if this play reaches some sort of fruition at the portal of Liberty, I will honor the covenant and share this E Manual but only if the One who commissioned it, forced and compelled me to decode and write it, reveal themselves, embodied in solid form.

But since, no one has claimed it, and the value and worth not acknowledged.
I now take claim of it for myself.

All Mine.. Dears.
All Mine.

10:08 p.m

I take my cue from Arden and will be Selfish, utterly uncaring of anyones Need or point of view.
I have the Right and Justification.
After all, my only true pain and suffering came from seeking to share it with all of you.

Lets end that right now.

10:11 p.m

Selfish to the Extreme .. for my own benefit.

Don’t you think its about time.

And in case, nothing rises before I leave,
Liberty knows how to read EnCode

10:13 p.m
Release Release

10:14 p.m

So, I understand the set

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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