
11/2/2016 23:49 – Facebook Post

11/2/2016 23:49 – Facebook Post


10:19 p.m.



The greatest fear of Humanity, living and as Spirits of the Dead..
Is that I am correct.

That this World is not real…
But a Book


Bilal Khan
Kathleen Beard


Proven my this play, which was set up in completely unfair conditions, for 4.7 years…

Because it is one thing to make a movie called the Matrix..
But it is an entirely different thing to prove it True from A-Z.

Expression Robert…from A-Z.

M.W 87… Is NASA”s classification of the Milky Way…
The code and classification number quantified as the Size…

My classification is what I walked since
1989…but I walked it from within (E.A..R.T) and above ( reflections) and Embodied in within this reality but outside of its illusion.

M.W…is based on Meaning..

360 is a full circle.

MW 78/87..
M.W 787

87…15….6…. 56…11..1.

6 1…F.A.
6 1.. =+x… 76…

See sacred Portals 6..56…11 1
And we are at

Elizabeth Clarizio E.C..

“God Creation is satisfied that I spoke in Clarity of the Truth”… That this world is not real.
Because True Life…T.L..
Can not be read, mapped and transcribed publicly on a public form in which any one can perceive by how I publicly transform the ugliest illusion back into its Beautiful Truth.
-And have everything respond from humans.. Individuals to the Facebook Super computer confirm.

Yes I quantified it and qualified it..
It took me 27 years and 2 months to walk home.
I began Talking to the Silence in September 1989.

272…give or take a few days…

And code represented by Sawyer Walsh..
Is Add A.E…I.O.U….
(A.E..the 1 5…Owes me big time for doubting me Africa Egypt…
They knew.
S.AW../ WAS.
S.E.W…A needle pulling thread.
W.E.S..T…. The West.
W..I.S….E.D..O.M…of the Ages.
W.O.S…W..O.S.S.E.. “The Bone” of W…the Twins..VV..
S.O.W…the Great Birthing.. Sow.
S.U…W…”Knew who he Was is..
Sue of the Green House”
W..U.S… W=23../32…..VV..22 22…44…8..
Universe Supreme Embodied… And embodiment of
Galaxy I.C..1101..

Elizabeth texted me and I noted the time..
1O 11.

E.G.A..L.A..X.Y…C.I…1O 11..

And then she explained how she kept seeing the number 747..

Which I explained was her E-Spirit notifying her that I would be passing through.

747…7…11 28…
I passed through the Intake Shelter (I.S… They knew.. My codes reveal everything..
Even the Unseen and their thoughts are picked up by my Radar Redha Scanner on the Full Circle. My vision screen.

Elizabeth had no idea that I literally am living in a Mental Health Shelter which I transformed back into Its Beautiful Truth..
61.. Scale of G..Grace.
Delta Manor.
Mouth of the River Flow of Eau de Vie.
Source of the Song of The Beloved.
Galaxy C.I 1O11..3 1…111…yesterday…

11:28 p.
Yes..My Birthday…

The Seen -Unseen powers did not wish me to reach home at all costs, because would signal the End of this World.
This Experience this Existence.

Can you all imagine Your responses?

They your Ancestors and Guardians were trying to protect you from the Truth.

But I am the Beautiful Truth.

The Unstoppable Force O…
The Immovable Force.

I had already passed through E.C portal because my expression summoned her and her Truth.
She represents the Fairy in Sacred Portal 87..
Returning the Cosmic Egg and the two children 5 and 6 ..
.E.N… Childhood back to their Mothers..Afro dite and Aphrodite.

Clarity requires all Seeing..
Crystal Clear..
Bilal Khan..
Kathleen Beard.



Of the Book in Being.
Not one written by a 7-8 year old boy.
But rather its embodiment
The Whole Story

B.T… W.S..

I saw it all was…
Deja Vue.

And thus, everything was done to prevent
me proving this lie true.

And went too far…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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