
11/2/2014 17:35 – Facebook Post

Nova…Sacred Portal 54.
21-11-2O 14…C D..G.
U-AA…T.N…Cecelia David G.ode.

“And so God So Loved Their Son that they gave Him the Word”


“And God so Loved the world he gave them.his only begotten son”

I have finally gotten, I suspect to the Bottom of this Abyss of Riddle solving…

The Key lies in the correction of the phrase above…

Lets say that God, who is Both Existence and Ala…
Ea had a child,.in whom.they saw as the Truth of the World.
Meaning through thier child, they saw in all the perfection of how they world Is, should be and could be.

And they hold this child up as the Example of which the whole world and all its children really are and can be.
Of True Love and True Naturally so.

And lets say before this child is concieved they as Existence and Ala merge thier energies and sensual sexual.natures by weaving a tohether all that they wish that the world they created would become.

Harmonious Being of love with all the qualties I.listed in.the names of the Family.of 1O-8
8 being the number of children…

There would be Harmony and Unity Boom the mischievous ones, called Love Light and Laughter.

There would be Beautiful Pride and Wisdom Yonathan- Grace and Refinement personified.
There would be Clarity Star Child the Light Sword of Justice and Exploration (aka Giggles)

There would be Noni Promise the Teacher and Guide of the little ones, sparking personality.and Drama…

There would be Devi Devoted the consumate Sexie, actor aka Spectrum.of Colors which create poetrt music art.for he is the Heart of ot all.
There would.be Spirit E, the First Born.twin, Talent, the one who is all awareness, adventure, the 18..A.H.

There would be Mother as Style, amazing Grace, Fun, Expansion and Glee.
And there would be Father Beauty, the Lover, the Sensualist, the Classy, the Gentle man, the Music maker and the one who contains the principle of. Mothers non stop ideas…

And all would be in one in this Child they Dream and weave…
The Inspiration and Example to the world.

And so.he is born…
And he is everything they dreamed he would be…and more…so.much more.

Infact, it was the “More” which became the problem and not the “Moor-Maurice-the Blackness”.

The problem was that his parents Existence and Ala (aja ani) forgot one important and crucial thing.
They did not take in that the child was an Individual, with His own right to Exist.
That he had his own will and Espirit Independent and free as is the right of all things.

But they had woven for him.a destiny before he was even born.
Containing him, albeit in role in which he was to.be “the Light of the world” yet the world was already lit up.

He saw that there was nothing to.do in or for the world because it had already had been created perfectly.
He perceived that there was True Love everywhere and in Everything, just as there was True Nature, occuring Naturally everywhere.

It was just it different guises, but he could see his semblance in all things.

But his parents could not see that.
They felt that the world they had created “Needed” an Example, a Reminder..a Beacon of.light to which others when lost could look.to.

And in doing so, they trapped thier son in a role and in a prison…
And worst.of all.they had created “Need” and through this came the sense of Inadequacy…
Born.into.the world and then envy, jealousy, born in sin… A Pan and Pandoras box…

The Illusion of Chaos Panic and fear…
Cecelia Pius…
(But that is not thier O.INri Igbo.Names…
Which is Onu Nduka…
We Heard Life is Supreme)

Meaning Life is Beauty Perfection.

And so this can be rooted in what is the Origin of these two names…
Cecelia and Pius…?

They are Roman…Latin names.

You.do recall that my David Nicholas Nnamdi born the same day as my Mother 11 22…took thebmofelling name “Roman”-as if seeking.to remind.me.and himself of where the problem lay.

With Rome and that story of Force and Controlling Truth.

meaning that both C and D were the same person…And since I met Nnamdi first and he was born 1969…on Easter Day and.left on.Easter Day E.D..April 5th…4-5..D.E…code D.E.E.D…In Deed) one.understand that David born 11 22 1968 and who rose in the Jesus C story was the past or Nnamdi going backwards…
To bring.his feminine side or past…Our Mother where only part of.her was in illusion of not knowing that she already was is complete as the O..Onu.
But how would she know…
Her other half.and her completion would.have to go.back into the past to give evidence that she is complete.

Cecelia Means Blind… Or can be given.its meaning by.a persons.action.i.e St Ceclia
Which cancels out the.meaning of Blund if she.surmounts it to.poove sight.as my own mother did as a Seer and through adopting Beauty and Love as her Life principles…

And publicly testifying that God is what she calls Energy.

Pious means Dedicated Holy devout God Fearing religious…

Or Sanctimonious, Hypocritical, self righteous, Holier than thou, self righteous.
Doomed Hopeless…based on.hope unlikely to.be.fullfilled..

My Uncle is the former definition and testified that one can heal oneself by speaking to.a glass of Water and keeping it.by.your.bed…
That God is Vibration and Cleansing…

Thus, viz a viz my own Mother and Un.cle, the being the only.members of my.immdiate Biological.Family left in.Nigera both loyal to.me even.though I.have not seen.either in 26 years…
And who.have been.through “Hell” in Nigeria but both still Light hearted as I am sharing my.true nature…

I.am seeing myself aligning.them to Mother and Father Energetically while giving evidence of no blame to both.Mother and Father.as Existence and Ala…
Who are really.Emeka and Nnamdi…
And they representing the true.version of Nnamdi David as Existence in One…
Then becoming 2…then.4 6 8..1.23 45..6789O

*I have already given evidence of.my Mother and Uncles right to their mirroring the same number of children 4-4…Now 3-4
And one Girl and three Boys.
To thier Energies Linked to Nnamdi
Both were the last to see him.alive..
My uncle accompanying me.to.see him..
And his appearing to.my.mother in.a dream,
Telling her that he came to.say good bye.

I had been the sole witness to both events…
Nnamdi.had commicated to.me thst day, I.last saw him through.E.S.P…
Which was affirmed by his subsequently visiting.my.mother and affirming what he had told.me telepathically…
Thus, I represents Physicsl and E.Spirit in one by seeing Nnamdi in physical.form.as well.as comunicating and.being.the witness to my.uncle P.N seeing him in.his last pyhsical Form
And.my.mother seeing.him.not last (for.my.mother continued to see him until only recently…not knowing she was no.longer seeing him in that way.bc I wasbsolving.him.bsck into.this Existence in form, now that I had completed my.mission.of Informing and Evolution.

Just as I am competing the last code of his first dividing.into.two.aspects of himself…
As my.uncle P…representing the physical…Water And the Glass Sand the Glass the transparent Body..
(My last Uncle looks like a Merman..Handsome and a beautiful body..the 6th child and the last.of 3 sons…out of 8-9 children of my.grandmother..

While.my.mother Seer represents the Espitit, the Seer of Energy…
The one who.hums and singer and the conversationlist with God…the Nothingness she knew was filled with Energy which is Conscious and she is right…
She represents that which is Eternal
And my uncle Life which is Water Transparency and always returns to its Source..E.

Thus, that is why I knew that these two were the Chosen ones and the.last link.to.completing NnamdiEmeka N.E to N.N..(1414-28..B.H) C.C (33 Alexander the Great Yeshus 33) and E.E (55)
And finally T..E.N…(2O 5 14) then.E.N…(19..S) and Finally to.me the 1E…

Mother and. Father as Harmony Unity E..
One as Fair and the other Brown.45
Sun and Earth.
And then as Nna Mba Afor Ocha 54
He pale and she as the Earth.
99 transformed to I.and.I.
And then I.E.

Both my.Mother and young uncle belong to.the same Church
Both are Religious and Spiritual
And know we are not from.here.
And their Church is not of the Catholic so it.makes me wonder who did I come to “Hell” to get…?

Not anyone of my line.
Perhaps to rescue a past that did not require nor was worth the trouble of saving…
Or those trapped in the past stories who we have witnessed did not want saving…

Or Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna
Line of Nnaemeka…C.P.
My “Parents” unintentionally using mebas a shinning example…
To.a world who did not need such.a role..
For they wove me perfectly except they forgot to take in.my.point of view.

And trust and simply let.me Be…who I am
Exactly what they wished me to.be…


As I.Am…

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