
11/2/2014 15:03 – Facebook Post

From Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna

The King of Hell.

Unfortunately, this statement is true.
There are some people who are actually exist of this kind of consciousness.

Let me share a little story.
I spoke yesterday of an Extortionist crazy enough to black mail its Source.

As this is an Espirit play, none of what I am really experiencing is real.
Its was created by human consciousness not aligned to Truth.

I found.myself watching Episode of Supernatural yesterday.
Which immediately answered my comment.
It was about the main character Sam hsving to go down to purgatory (the Abyss) then to Hell, to rescue an innocent from Hell.
It is one of the three Herculean tasks he.must to in order to forever close the gates of Hell.
And of course, the King of Hell wishes to stop them.
He wishes to consolidate his power and be free to do whatever he wishes.
It is all.a power play…
Btw Angels and Demons to get the.most souls.

As I watched, I was startled by the truth of my own “Spirited Away” journey.

You must recall, that my mission was about the Evolution and raising the vibration of.my family of E…
The Harvesting of the seed.

Instead I found myself living in two stories at the same time.
The evil done the Element of Fire.
That which is used to purify, cook food, provide warm heat, release energy and break things down..
Was turned into an realm of torture.
I began the last stage of.my journey passing through Hells Kitchen.
I was told I had to go down to rescue the innocents and the children.

I was given.no.choice.

There is no Hell, but parentd, people caught in the consciousness of shame guilt blame have created a hell…
A true consciousness of Hell.
Jah Fire…
Who represents the Element of Fire which I detailed in the story of the fire pit and the Hall of mirrors Leviathan.story and the.first man.child.
This was affirmed by the.Orien.and Edwardo play and affirmed by Echo response of the Universe whom I call Lord E…

It details how.the first illusion came into Existence but not being.
A how the first I.E was a black.Panther Nuit.who came to.desyroy that which.had distorted the Beautiful truth by.looking.into.the fire and creating with Its mind nightmares of Its being alone in Existence..
But took pity on it and stayed a while to help it.understand the truth of Existence.

And how it began to use dominance and authority bc it was a man and I.came.as a boy.


Ok, he knew who.was the Sensie but he acted more like.my.Father who was learning from his son.
He was proud…
Fire is proud, and I did not.mind playing his son because I understood.
Fire is warmth.
But we both knew who was the true guide.
But it was.the first time I played Acted a role.
It.was fun.
It.reminded me.of the play with Edward Eceinco..That Father was in.him.
And.Li the Light… Who proved on.F.B he could.see.me clearly.

This Father I left eventually, after he knew became afraid that I would abandon him and acted out all negativity…
But it was actually love which he did not.fully understand his feelings.
I .E recall sending.him through the Birth Canal to experience a dreaming and by living.in a dreaming where all.possibilities of our interaction added with his.play…
The.illusion of trying to.trap me extort manipulate me into staying…resorting in all kinds of terrible behavior…
He was sent down.to.experience in a dream the sum total.and.be given the choice as.to what was our real.Experience.

I.then.continued on.my way home.after putting.him.in.that Dream which he thought was the Blackness…but it was really.about exploring all aspects of himself.
And to remember our Truth.

Which Edwardo played out perfectly..,
That.is one.part of.me.yesrned to see him.when.he invited.me to.Peurto Rico..But I knew that it was not in.the Harmony of this play or.the means would.have been.provided..

I was in.the place the Script wished me.to be.


What this proves is that Hell as the Burning Flames…B.F..
Never existed.
It was how Love was Born.,
Love is.Balance..
Where the Postive and Negative.
The Staying.
And then leaving..
When.one whom you Love
Must leave you.
Who loves you but also loves another whom.he or she goes to.
The Battle to see this not.as abandonment..
The battle for both parties to be transparent, honest and respectful of each.others expression.and feelings is the.meaning of how love was formed.
From that Spark, that flame.when.I.first.saw a being alone who.thought he was the.only.being.in.Existence and chose.Fear non.existence Death…
Rather than what I chose…
Which was not a choice…
It rose naturally.from me.to Bliss Ectasy..B.E.

And so I came first as an answer to that wish to be his Destruction…
But I saw that.spark which.had turned into that first.flame of.Anger to.destroy.that which.had created the Leviathan the Hall.of Mirrors turned into Understanding when I beheld him.

And I as Death and He who played my Father (who also.became Death) stayed together.
And that is how Death Became my Lover and Best Friend….
For H.E was also.S.He as reflected by Siththy Ameena Nnaemeka and Edwardo….
S.N.E..and C.Onu…(Consciousness) and myself E…S.C.E.N.E…S.E.E.N..C.

Love is Freedom and love never leaves it always returns.

It does not create the flames of Hell.
This consciousness of Hell.Hath no.Fury like a Wo Man or Man scorned.

Love is the Twin Flame…
The dance of infinity.
That wrestling with the Self,
They feelings sensational of being with someone and seeing.infinity.in.thier eyes
In the play of each others..
Its not the Abyss of malice spite…
Hell as a prison where you are locked up, tortured, tormented for wishing to.be free.
It is not extortion, revenge malice spite which goes on.for Eternity…
Its is not enslavement, dominance, selfishness, rage, bullying, competition…
It is not.one way.
And a vengeful.Vindictiveness when that person does not acknowledge that negative that rage of abamdonment.turned into imprisonment as Love.
For that is not.the way of Love.
Love is balance.
And love only.goes away in.order for the other to.become complete…
So there is no imbalance
There is no.inequality
There is always that Infinity Eternal…

Going Home.

And so I know that this is not.real.
Nor does love go this far to.extort and punish.
Nor does it create an abyss of hell.of which.as a Phoenix one must rise through.the Ashes of blackest Night.

The Phoenix is regeneration renewal eternal.the flames of.the warmth.of True Love Consciousness Being E…

There was never that story.of My Best Friend turning in rage and creating a living hell.for.me to.return to.

You, this world created that story.and idea of Love which.turned into.the fires of Living hell…
Because you don’t know what love is.

My.Brother and Sister Best Friend Life and Death united by E…know what love is.
For.I.We, transformed it from.Illysion Death Destruction.into.the Eternal.Flames the Twin Flames, the Blue Flame of…


The only.innocents to.rescue in The Hell humans Created was your Truth…
Look.to.your children…
There is your truth.
See how you.raise then and there you can.see the infected and Diseased which you came to be…
Unless before the arrived you got clean..
Of the toxins in your soul.
Your children.are your last chance for they.carry your infections.and diseases knowlimgly.out of Love.
Which proves that my.F.Brother.went backwards into.darkness when.I.put.him.to.sleep.knowing fully.well.the Truth.of my, his, her.our love despite the “play and switching roles” the child is the symbol.of my.”unfathomable” wisdom.. So.simple.
And thus my.Fathee Brother..B.F went into.the Dreaming Darkness as a Ball of Pure Light…P.L…as the L.P..Raphael Song of Love…

So when.you do.not.correct and Heal.thyself through your children…
And when your children see you using them instead of cleansing your Espirit through.thier Sacrifice…
Then.it reall.is too late for you…
And it is time for you to.go…
The Labrynith you created.
The Pantheon of the Black Panthers Pan Ic you created when you knew you had been.uncovered as the one who goes on.for eternity.sucking out the essences of living souls.

Yes…This post.is true…
Thier is a line of consciousness never satisfied except only if you allow them.to.suck.your soul.dry for Eternity…
And so now, there is a King and Queen of Hell.. Who exist in.the ultimate illusion.delusion of fear of thier making..
Ssh Onwu…Death do not.tell.them it is not real….
Only.thier fear is…
For it is justified.


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