
11/19/2019 0:32 – Facebook Post

6:19 p.m
Feelings Sensational

( K) A-A.R T S….
Arts Ressurection Rebirth.


I am not sure I can even begin to tell you what took place today..
So I dont think, I will try.

Instead, I will tell you something which soon enough you will see for yourselves.

The whole process of Evolution to completion involves being able to read Energy.
Once this was proven through a “Script” to conclusion, it manifests a quantum leap
” Jump Man ” to C as True Consciousness represented here as Speed Of Light.
S O L.
Which forms the 5th dimension note called “Sol”
Sol is represented in the Universal body as the passage from which we emit Sounds.
But not just Sound but also Silence ( Pause) Song ..Song need words.
Tongue ” Lang” and ” Lips”
Which forms Words.
Thus Breath as in and out
I O.
Silence has to be transformed to Sound.
-Phonotations Vocal Folds – Air Pressure from the Lungs.
Sound blend together to form words.

All Sound are Frequencies.
All Universe is made out of Harmonics.
All Harmonies are Symmetrical
Beauty is Symmetry.
And Harmonies merged together create Music.
Music is Creation and Expression and there fore only Expression Harmonious is real.

That is what Beautiful Expression is.

It creates Light.

Light then refracts into what we call Spectrum Rainbow.
By passing through a Prism which is a 3D object, Parrallel like an 11 and is Polyhedron
Expression is 5th Dimensional.
( Actually, all Is 5th Dimensional all from the Expressiin E=5.
Spoken in Existence
Expressed in Existence: Silence 6th Sense.
Reflections Reflected..
Thus 5 to 3D.)

Thus, The Prism refracts Light “Expression”
Clarity through a Prism of Two Parallel Universes ( P.U./ U.P)
Which are really are one.

Thus the Song of the Universal Light is an Expression of Voice Harmonics – Song.
And Prism breaks down the Universal Song
Of E Harmony into Colors R O Y-G G B…
Blue and Red make Indigo Purple.

7:04 p.m

D is 4. 11 11. 11. 1. Parallel Universes.
7 is the number of colors Humans can percieve with our naked eyes.
This 4 starts of as the base of the Prism
And 1-5 as the Steps, and 1-6..1-7 is the Added Expression of 1-5 full circle linked
5 O.
And yes, The Prisim is The Matrix and it is made up of Colors, and Colors are Frequencies Sound.
Feelings Sensational I have named it, which I have proven through this Universal Simulation is made up of Blisss..Joy and Ecstasy

And yes, Fill Circle Connecticut the 5th State.
5Oth State Hawaii Paradise H.P.
Connect @ Connecticut then Cut.

7:11 p.m.
7.11 years on Facebook.

The Prism is simply a containment Zone a Square Base
Triangular ..

A Matrix

8:16. H.P.

Helwett Packard

9:04 p.m

There was a break in the posting, Liberty just got back to the house, and the very moment I wrote Prism, she called out Blue Prism- about the light bulbs, the package I had just before picked up from the mail man.

I paused.

And went upstairs, knowing that I was being led and lured by the Perfect Timing of her expression.

The day had started by her expression.
Mine, the desire for detachment and her intel from a conversation with her brother Chance.
He had kept mention a venue call U.P.
Mentioning over and over again.
U.P. !
UP. C.. UP Chance.. Up Last Chance.


And then a scene took place with Liberty on the way to Two Coyotes.( T.C)
She spoke and explained the process of the Awakening by breaking down how it would logically manifest in this world.
It was like hearing an Echo of my own expression 7 years ago but in her own Individualized expression.

10:43 p.m

Silence moves through Silenve through a Transparent Prisim T P, to the Pt.
Perfect Timing.
It is the Mouth of God..
Go out
Come in.
I digest you, truth stays, adding to the fabric tissue of the Universal Body.
Others, toxic is shat out.

And The Crystal.. it is the Crystal Clarity of the Expression and its True Clarity which pierces through Everything making its point, purpose, reason for coming into Existence… crystal clear.
Forming a world, a paradise even as a Universal Simulation all made of frequencies, diversity, beauty, such wonderful things, tools of learning ..Air Waves, Light Passing through a prism of Water, Water Waves, covering everything, moving everything which comes from the mouth of E.G.O.. F. -A. C. .T.S
G O D 7 O 4. 76. 4.
There is no ground to walk on, as 4 there is only walking on Water, Air, Nothingness.. walking on your literal Words and Expression.

11:00 p.m

And so with the end of 4 5 7 7. 47. 57..
There is only 58
Walking on the words of the Song created by your experience in a play of walking on the Rainbow Flow of Words aligned yet broken down to living color..
Which covers everything..
The Tongue of The Creator is what Humanity and all Creation have been walking in, until they can walk alone..
Or vanish into the Void.. disintergrate back into Nothing because your expression is literally not worth Shit.

11:05 p.m

The Words are in that ” Matrix of Universal Nature.
You go down in Silence then in Quiet and come down into a Universal Simulation, to Name things, Blend words, see and experience Sensational Feelings broken down into facts which inspire your heart and being into song which accompany the Universal Harmonics.
And that is how “E ELite Beings” rise with Bodies of Sound Dna.. ?
Ah no, D N E ..

Kyle Murphy just told me he is not moving to South Dakota any more, S D
Santana Dharma.. 4-19.. Robert O Sullivan.
But to North Dakota where he has been given a home, car and job.
He wrote me when half way there.
E N D… .He wrote Me..E in Connecticut 5 State?
No E the Conscious State of Expression Be Quiet l.

Je Suis.


The Song is Sixth Sense.
And the Harmony is the Wave which moves the Expression of your Truth.

Until the Prism at E H Completes the point of the The Script..
Which in this particular case, stinks like shit.

Nauseating in its Selfishness… which is the meaning of Evil by the way, Selfishness gone way to far.

Mouth of E. G.O D..
Lips Pin Cott.

Jeron, Libertys peternaturally developed son is always grabbing my Lips..
I am told it is one of my best features, I use it to form words.

Lucchese Dalila

Luchesse means ” Leader Light Bringer..
Louca.. Light.

Dalila means ” Gentle, Model, Guide.. ” in Swahili and Tanzania.

11:28 ..11:29 p.m

Leader is Light, a Light Bringer, and is Gentle, a Model and Guide.”

Its me its talking about but.me either, its a confirmation of the First at Last One Forever Family of E.

11:32 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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