
11/18/2020 17:19 – Facebook Post

from Tree Sage ( Kim Arthur Hinds)

The only thing which I do not agree is that there are positive and negative frequencies…

there is only postive

P R .O T O N… E.

A proton is a subatomic particle, symbol p or p? , with a positive electric charge of +1e elementary charge and a mass slightly less than that of a neutron. Protons and neutrons, each with masses of approximately one atomic mass unit, are collectively referred to as “nucleons”. Wikipedia
Charge radius: 0.8414(19) fm
Electric charge: +1 e; 1.602176634×10?19 C
Composition: 2 up quarks (u), 1 down quark (d)
Mass: 1.67262192369(51)×10?27 kg; 938.27208816(29) MeV/c2; 1.007276466621(53) u
Symbol: p, p+, N+, 1; 1H+
Electric dipole moment: < 5.4×10?24 e?cm Electric polarizability: 1.20(6)×10?3 fm3" ?? Einstein called these energy packets photons, and these are now recognised as a fundamental particle. Visible light is carried by photons, and so are all the other kinds of electromagnetic radiation like X-rays, microwaves and radio waves. In other words, light is a particle. Atoms consist of three basic particles: protons, electrons, and neutrons. The nucleus (center) of the atom contains the protons (positively charged) and the neutrons (no charge). The outermost regions of the atom are called electron shells and contain the electrons (negatively charged)." P E N. O PEN... A P E N... E N= S. P.S. *Electrons are the negatively charged particles of atom. Together, all of the electrons of an atom create a negative charge that balances the positive charge of the protons in the atomic nucleus. ... The mass of an electron is almost 1,000 times smaller than the mass of a proton." E L ... E C T. R ON. That which Negates does not exist- its an illusion of there being Duality as Negatve which erodes and positive which adds. But that is a Human subjective point of view. P.R ..O T O N E.... Tone Note. N..E U.. T R... ON. E E L .. E C T/ Tom Chris Emeka. play of 900 South Road. P N E Perfections comes from Naturally Expression. 3:33 p.m. Ha... was just reflecting on Chiefy when i saw the time. You see, Scientist in the west created this idea of Postive Negative and Neutral ... I took that in but did not make it my truth- my truth was the experience of walking through a Blue print and script in which I allowed Natures Expression as Truth speak for itself and explain as Natural Law. N L / L N .. Chris Filgueira birthday. I do not follow the masses or the intel of others who exist in a perception and frequency of the lie... so how can their knowledge or science equate to the truth when they are themselves- scientist etc are all infected with PTSD. And since it has been proven that quantum mechanics is based on the Observer whose attention and Focus influences quantum mechanics. And that the human mind which thinks in the abstract- by using symbols and numbers which goes against my own exprience knowing as I did the unthinkable - known as the Empirical Methodology of the one who observes- proves that the Mind can not graps and the Mind does not exist in the absract - non existence but rather in the E M Frequency which is centered in he Heart- H E- A R T- that Human Beings are literally the Notes and representation of quantum mechanics and thus only by going out onto the field to experience and observe ( which I believe is the true scientific process) Hence my being brought to New York and the U.S A to walk through a playing field for 19.8 years and 64 homes portals all represented by people... Literally representing the true meaning of quantum application via observation action focus. A F. I stand outside of all these "Accepted Ideas" of reality which negates the very idea of the Scientific process of going out onto the field to observe the truth speak for itself. How can you seek to quantify and qualify reality or existence without using and observing the social science of the Energetic realm of Expression based on your own laws of Light is Nothingness? 4:03 p.m. How can those who have negated the literal scientific process call themselves scientists? how can people who have not cleaned up their own personal traumas and become Scientists be the Word of God?" How can you give such absolute trust. Of course, its a case of Bi Polarism- moving from Superstition to the other extreme of totally rational mind which is and just as irrational as the supertitions: but yet in these ancient understandings as well as in in Science there was and is truth.. but no Empirical Evidence supporting the ideas not yet completed in the investigation of the Truth. I did not go against the entire world- not was it my intention to enter an E M Field to prove the truth of my perception and that all his in Harmony - it was a natural consequence of my own perception memory and point of view. And to walk for 31 years, in the full awareness that I who had come to play was spirited away to Naturally Express Perfection by embodying the true Human play of Nature Naturalness Atom is Expression. My point of view and then its break down into Arts & Science was a natural outcome of seeing the truth, indifferent to this realities point of view. 4:18 p.m. D R R D... D A H. D I. M. Nothing in this realm makes sense. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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